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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I am a southern woman. All my life I, and most southerners I know pronounce Atlanta with the last "T" silent. It's pronounced "ATLANA" I can tell if you are from out of state by the way you pronounce our capital city. Lewis Gizzard, God rest his soul would agree.
  2. Surpip. I noticed the same thing when I came your house. The subdivision looks bad, tall grass as you said. I have to say the houses look like they were slapped together, and they just don't look attractive. You have a beautiful place.You have worked hard to make it a place that you should be able to enjoy because of politics. It's a shame the builders are allowed to get away not taking care of the lots that are an eye sore.
  3. I meant to give you a plus! sorry for the mix up.
  4. I am sorry for your losses. I prray for God to comfort you in your difficult time. Thank you for caring.
  5. You have my condolences. I will pray for you and your family. And yes, our parents are healed for eternity. I take great comfort knowing that. ((((hugs to you too))) You have my condolences. I will pray for you and your family. And yes, our parents are healed for eternity. I take great comfort knowing that. ((((hugs to you too)))
  6. I am so sorry. I will pray for your family and you dad.
  7. Thank you all for keeping my dad and family in your thoughts and prayers. I am so saddened to say my daddy passed away this morning.
  8. Thank you CM, I know what you are going through, my MIL passed after her long battle with multiple myeloma. I am so sorry for what you are dealing with. MM is such an awful cancer. You will be in my thoughts and prayers for the strength to endure.
  9. This makes my heart well up. There are so any great young people in the world, this proves that fact . I am so happy for the couple, they will always have such a wonderful memory to look back on. God bless them.
  10. Thank you Dana. Your words mean so much to me.
  11. I truly miss Rich's, and the Magnolia Tea room. Not to mention the great bakery and the coconut cakes,
  12. Absolutely heart breaking. Seeing the sweet face of that beautiful little boy is so heartbreaking . I have no other words to describe how I feel, except deep anger for the monsters that let this happen. How could mother leave here babies to an animal? I can't wrap my head around it. Rest in peace sweet boy.
  13. Thank you RM, we really need strength now.
  14. Please keep my dad in your thoughts and prayers. He is now in hospice care. It is a comfort to know my p.com friends are thinking of him in this difficult time . Thank you to all who take time to say a prayer.
  15. Thank God your son will be okay. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. I hope the father gets what he deserves. I have zero tolerance for that crap.
  17. Maybe it's the 12 year old boy found beaten to death, allegedly by his father.
  18. Just wanted to say congrats on the new job.
  19. Well what about the animal, and insect names of teams ? Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets motto is " Gooooooo Tech, sting em' . That could be bad if any people have an allergic reaction to bee stings. And not to mention , dogs bite and maul. Either could be deadly. As far as obammer goes, he needs to worry about the mess we are in, not the names of sports teams. Just the same old deflection of what his bad politics and dumb policies.
  20. Might I suggest all the BGEggers cet together and have a smoke-off? Then we can all share in the smokin' butts that are mouth watering. licking my lips as I type this.
  21. Something like that. The folks I' m talking about were, and are very rich.
  22. I was THERE when plans were being made to buy up land BEFORE deals were made public. What do you not understand? I have no big problem with honest and aboveboard developments going in.
  23. I wear the kind of perfume you have to have your nose to my skin to smell. I hated Opium perfume when it came out back in the day, every woman I worked with took a bath in it, and stank up the whole shop. You could smell them before they walked into the room.I use to wear Beautiful then, but just a touch. Now I wear perfume that is honey scented and very light.
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