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Over The Moon

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Everything posted by Over The Moon

  1. Tanning/nail place. And Freds.
  2. Home Depot has some that are 22" tall and 64" wide. Oops 69" long. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Cal-Designs-69-in-Redwood-Planter-WOOD851-RWR-H-WOOD-PLANTER-BOX/203441730
  3. <br /><br /><br />That date is Universal Time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Time
  4. <br /><br /><br />I've noticed the school's facebook page is usually updated before the website. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Paulding-County-School-District/181210968578755 direct link to post about Friday... https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=722576954442151&id=181210968578755&stream_ref=10
  5. We've got gas so I'm not worried about heat or cooking.
  6. <br /><br /><br />I wonder how warm Blondie's basement is.
  7. <br /><br /><br />Found this article about Alabama, maybe the same applies for Georgia. http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2014/01/students_wont_have_to_make_up.html
  8. I'm thinking probably not. I told my kids, "This IS your winter break. Enjoy it."
  9. <br /><br /><br /> Roll that bad boy in some bacon crumbles and we'll talk.
  10. Sounds to me like the principal had a personal problem with this Mother and is using the gun argument as a way to get rid of her.
  11. <br /><br /><br /> Yeah, 5 whole posts is long enough. Settle down you heathens!
  12. <br /><br /><br />The underarm stains might be from the way he reacts to that particular deodorant. I've had that problem, and using something different helped.
  13. Pretty sure the one just past Depot Drive is the one being referred to. Also from Googel Maps...
  14. http://lifeprint.com/asl101/lessons/lessons.htm I bookmarked this a while back, but I haven't actually tried learning anything yet so I can't vouch for how good it is.
  15. Salon Rouge. https://www.facebook.com/SalonRougeGa
  16. 10 months is a growth spurt age. How long has she been waking every 2 hours. I'd try a little more food or a little more in her bottle (or let her nurse a little longer) and see if that helps.
  17. Agreed. I'd like to amend that with this... If you don't know the person well, it's perfectly fine to say "I'm good, how are you?" Even if it's a lie. Your cashier at the grocery store doesn't really care about your hemorrhoids, health problems or family drama.
  18. Maybe the owners of the funeral home are Pagan.
  19. I personally don't care how many adult human spouses a person has, or what gender they are, or what they do in their bedrooms. Nor do I think it's anybody's business. I'm not really worried about humans marrying animals. Animals can't sign legal contracts. When an animal can buy it's own home and sign for it with a paw print, then I might consider worrying about an animal marrying a human.
  20. The 2013 Georgia Driver's Manual still says to use headlights in the rain. http://www.eregulati...DM-Final-LR.pdf
  21. I've been known to eat some disgusting crap in my time, but that is vile.
  22. If the ANIMAL is not being properly taking care of, then it should be removed from its owner. However that doesn't mean it's granted freedom in the same way as a human. This reminds me of when Donna Reed got a credit card in a monkey's name.
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