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Over The Moon

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Everything posted by Over The Moon

  1. I don't know what's happening.
  2. Check with Super Gater Gamez in Hiram. I know they sell old dvd's. They've got to buy them from somewhere.
  3. I've bought the Dixon pencils in the past, and other brands, but I have to say, the Ticonderoga pencils are so much better. With other brands, the kids would sharpen them, and the graphite would break off up inside the hole. Then they'd have to sharpen them all over again. Never had that problem with the Ticonderogas. They're more expensive, but way more durable.
  4. I really don't get this whole "lazy parent" thing. It takes more effort to drive your child to school than it does to get up, put on a robe and stand on the front porch while they catch the bus. Then you can go back to bed, like I do. Now that's lazy.
  5. Y'all might find this interesting. http://www.pbs.org/about/news/archive/2013/genealogy-roadshow-natl/
  6. Charges were dropped. There was no actual evidence linking him to the murder. Yes, this link is about him. He is evidently a woman now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_Reich Edited to fix my link
  7. That sounds more reasonable. Maybe I'll give it a try.
  8. Just guesstimating here.... But... I don't know. Weird, my spell check corrected guesstimate. Is that confirmation of it being a word?
  9. $81 for two people????I guess if you liked it, that's what matters.
  10. What size pan do you cook that in? 9x13?
  11. Can't see it, but I googled a video... In the one I watched, they never showed the back of her suit. Perhaps it's a thong?
  12. Exactly. The story was written in a such a way as to maximize outrage. Truth be damned. Sounds to me like the blame for their death lies with animal control. NOT Dr. Lugar.
  13. Horrible mistake. Awful news. Doesn't negate many years of great service. I have and will continue to take my animals to Dr. Lugar.
  14. Horrible mistake. Awful news. Doesn't negate many years of great service. I have and will continue to take my animals to Dr. Lugar.
  15. The origin of the cursive method is associated with practical advantages of writing speed and infrequent pen lifting to accommodate the limitations of the quill. Quills are fragile, easily broken, and will spatter unless used properly. Steel dip pens followed quills; they were sturdier, but still had some limitations. The individuality of the provenance of a document was a factor also, as opposed to machinefont.[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cursive We no longer use quills. Feel free to take down your fence.
  16. I always thought going home was less about the changes to the area and yourself, and more about remembering your roots. No matter how much you change, it's good to keep in mind how you started.
  17. How about regular lions?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8gttC6P3bE
  18. I had a really bad ear infection once that wouldn't clear up after antibiotic drops, then amoxicillin. Finally they put me on Ciprofloxican and it cleared it right up. Doc said Cipro is the mac daddy of antibiotics.
  19. It's a shame we don't have a low cost resource for mental health. I know a few people who could use it.
  20. I've used and like Walmart brand and Kroger brand. I'm currently using Cottonelle.
  21. Hiram's theater is doing $4 movies this summer instead of free. http://www.carmike.com/Events/Category/8
  22. Or at least they'll be a turtle in their next life.
  23. Cool pictures. Crazy looking clouds. I don't see a face though. Maybe I'm blind.
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