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Over The Moon

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Everything posted by Over The Moon

  1. This is what we use. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Rubbermaid-2-ft-x-5-ft-Horizontal-Storage-Shed-FG3747SWOLVSS/100345353#.Ub0MLcu9KSM
  2. I cant decide if that's better or worse than the Florida Capitol building.
  3. Don't get too excited it's prononuced "poo kit"
  4. This is the best I could find online....http://www.paulding.gov/DocumentCenter/Home/View/525
  5. Guess you're feeling better? I was worried you might have contracted Ebola based on your previous posts. lol
  6. Check Super Gater Gamz by Cheeseburger Bobby's. I've gotten a lot of great deals from them.
  7. My kids LOVE Indiana Jones, and none of them were born before the 2000's.
  8. Turn on the hidden admin account and try from there. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/enable-the-hidden-administrator-account-on-windows-vista/
  9. A tale is a retelling of events. Sometimes true, sometimes fictional. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tale
  10. Congrats to them. Who cares if what they wore and ate didn't meet up to anyone else's lofty standards. If it made them happy, then it's great.
  11. For the lazy, link directly to the page about him. http://www.cobbsheriff.org/inmate/InmDetails.asp?soid=000297729%20%20%20&BOOKING_ID=272833910728706
  12. Our extradition treaty with Italy specifically states that we won't extradite in the case of double jeopardy. edit: nevermind... requested party would be the U.S. So she could be extradited to Italy if they find her guilty.
  13. That's what the internet tells me, and you know people can't just go on the internet and lie.
  14. Jean shorts. Apparently that's a big no-no. I also have gross feet and I shamelessly wear sandals. By gross I mean I don't get pedicures so I have dry/cracky heels, and my toenails are always way too short.
  15. Maybe it's yours and you're going crazy. So crazy that you forgot you wear bobby pins.
  16. So you're posting it again for what reason? Seems to me like you're just trying to be a pot stirrer. Everyone saw your opinion on the last thread. Let it go.
  17. I've watched a few states. It is a pretty neat show.
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