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Everything posted by taz13

  1. What would The Duke say about the world today ? My guess would be " Sure wish I'd gonna head died in '79."
  2. Sounds like some one has met my EX-wife. All I can say is that the guy that got her, got just what he deserved. Since the divorce, I've seen her a half-dozen times hugged up on some guy other than her new pay check. Like Eddie said, "If they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you." I'm just glad that I was lucky enough not to have any kids with her, unlike the new guy, he's stuck with her no matter what.
  3. From what I've been told, there are no traffic cameras in PC. What you see above the traffic lights are the new form of sensor to tell the light controller that a vehicle is waiting at the intersection. They are supposedly cheaper and work better than the ones under the road.
  4. Just one of the fed. employees that are not laid off just to p*** us off. The big problem here is that a U.S.P.S carrier has total right of way and this home owner can't sue the pants off of them or have them fired for trespassing or destruction of private property or any thing else. Too bad there was not a big dog there, then the carrier could sue the home owner.
  5. Because those on welfare are the ones that keep voting the liars back into office!
  6. Ray Camp DDS in Dville. 7-949-4400. He's very, very good. And if you follow his instructions you wont feel or remember a thing. With all of prescriptions and all it cost me under $300.00 with no ins. Just take some one with you that can drive and is big enough to help you walk to the car. I generally despise dentist, but he's great.
  7. Yeah, from those same low lifes that toss their trash out, tossing their "BUTTS" out.
  8. And just how do you think the gov. is funding that little fight over there? Same as in Laos in the 60's. Besides, if you were to get rid of that stuff, you would ruin any and all friendships with the tribal leaders, it belongs to them.
  9. I've had them for years, since I got a "mask squeeze" during a rescue dive. Once you "pop" a vessel in your eye, it becomes weaker and weaker every time. If you bend over and pick something up that is a strain, then you can make them pop again, so get used to them. Usually they take from 3-5 days to go away, some times a little longer, but it does get worse every time. And being on blood thinners just makes them worse. Be careful bending over from now on,and try keeping your head up when you have to. Sorry the news isn't any better.
  10. Find a "Bee Person" / Harvester, that will come over and find the hive that is close to you and gather it, provided that it's not a tame hive that someone else has. If they are tame then all you can do is to stop feeding them until they find an easier food source. Bout time to stop feeding "Hummers" any way.
  11. Just one more example that an I.Q. test should be passed before someone is allowed to breed. In the 70's I had a run in with some folks like these. It was my first opening day of deer season and with much anticipation I sat just as quite as my nerves would allow. All of a sudden a group of around 20 came into the woods ( private property ) and began making all sorts of noise trying to scare the deer. What they got was a terrified 12 year old with a shot gun and a pocket full of shells, those tambourines and tom-toms were no match! I guess they did succeed tho, with all of the racket that I mad
  12. Yeah, saw one for Wally World lay-away three days ago. Oh, and back to the song, I have yet to find any mil. recruiters that don't just totally hate it. Can you imagine sitting there with some SA teen going through the "I want eat" part? And hope you do have fun this year, nothing comes close to the first year that a child is old enough to actually have fun playing with the toys instead of the boxes they come in. Except their first fish, maybe.
  13. It might as well be, the first x-mas commercials have already started.
  14. Got the movie on VHS and DVD, it's a Thanksgiving tradition at my house. "You can get any thing you want."
  15. According to Bill Engvall, that's a "Dorkfish" and they can be caught only on corndogs.
  16. I've helped out on a lot hunts for folks with disabilities, and I can say for a fact, a visually impaired person can shoot nearly as accurately as any one on here. I just hope that the rest of the states follow suit.
  17. Rainwater HVAC on hwy. #92 between #360 & #120.
  18. As well they and all of us should. Looks like they did a pretty good job to me.
  19. If your intent is just to carry in the woods, the go with a revolver. It's against the law to carry any firearm into the woods that does not meet the local regulations for a "hunting firearm", even if you're not hunting. Most semi- autos don't have muzzle velocity to meet these regs., where as most medium to heavy revolvers do. And the part about snake shot is dead on, as 75% of your encounters with wild life that could do you harm will be with snakes. Just remember that the effective range of snake shot is only a few feet, but the report will be loud enough to spook most mammals. Good luck, h
  20. I don't think it's easy at all, specially when you go across a swamp the way that they did. I just think that some of the stuff that they do is a little suspect, like crossing that swamp the way they did. And building a tunnel, yes I said it, a tunnel for all of those fitness folks.
  21. Just wait, they still have to destroy Poplar Springs Rd. next and then # 360 from the county line to #120. Projected completion date is 2030, if you can believe that. Look up the Paulding Co. comprehensive road plan, it'll scare the **** out of you.
  22. So sorry about this, but the commish wont help. We had the same problem after the big floods a few years back. FIMA said it was the county's problem, the county said it was FIMA's, and all our commish wanted was for us to PAY his company to fix it. Luckily, I still have a few friends left from my construction days and, with a little help, fixed it myself. Our drive is concrete, so it cost a little more than your's will, but it'll be an uphill battle just the same. Once again, sorry this happened to you, but at least no one was hurt.
  23. Let me go through some old boxes out in the shed. If I find something that I think he'll find special, I'll give you a PM. Got'a love 3rd & 4th gen SW fans.
  24. Secrit tunnel expansion?
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