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Everything posted by taz13

  1. I'm sorry, but I just heard one of the best renditions of the Star Spangled Banner. At 11:18 pm on FX1 a Met Life commercial had Schroder from the Peanuts play it like it was meant to be, in reverence. Fuss if you want, but NO ONE does it correctly any more.
  2. Don't ask me. The best, and newest TV in my house is a 30" I bought from the Hiram Curtis Mathis in 1984. Heck, the one in our living room is still a console with a turn table and 8-track.
  3. <br /><br /><br />10th year on animal planet. Usually better than any other bowl.
  4. Keep a pocket full of rocks. When you see some one throw tings in your yard, throw rocks back. If you've got a good enough arm, they usually get the message. That or you get a visit from PSO.
  5. Don't forget that those screaming "Global Warming" now, were screaming "New Ice Age" in the 80's, and we had to get rid of styrofoam cups and big hair. I guess they are just a "LITTLE" mixed up.
  6. Just one more reason that an I.Q. test should be required to breed.
  7. PM sent, I hope you get it.
  8. Mine was on Sept.12,2001.After packing for an emergency re-call and deployment.Sitting on my parents front porch with my young nephew looking onto the sky that used to stay full of planes coming in to the Atlanta air port,and not seeing a single one.I sat there just wondering what kind of world was he going to have to grow up in.For good or bad I'm sure that day was one of those moments for for a lot of us.
  9. Not to mention the 200-500 thousand dollars of tax payer money it cost PER YEAR to keep each one of them on death row or on a life sentence. You can pick up the tab for one of them if you want to, but as far as I'm concerned, they are just a waste of oxygen ans water.
  10. After quite a few "Home Comings", I agree with simple and quiet. Close friends and family, and a few nights in his own bed, then see what He wants to do. When you've been months on months in a war zone, the last thing you want is a lot of hand to hand combat the first days at home. Simper Fi Devil Dog! And Thanks!
  11. I agree with one year to plea, but once they have lost three trials ( as in three strikes and your OUT ), I say bring back public hanging on the court steps. Take them straight from the court room to the gallows, put it on all t.v. channels and make everyone watch it, especially teenagers to show them just what's going to happen if they take a life.
  12. I guess that every one got tired of "Weathertainment". I'll admit that I will miss Cantorie running at storms, but the new channel is supposed to be like TWC used to be "All weather,All the time. Gotta say that the guys on there are a little cardboardish, but at least there aren't any 1 hr. shows about the coast guard, yet.
  13. I don't know of any classes around, but there are several good books on A.S.L. that are very easy to learn from.I.E. "If I can learn from them, I'm quite sure most any one can". I just loaned the one that I've had for years to my friend's son so it would be easier for him to talk with a new friend of his, or I'd let you have it. Sorry to hear about your problem, but it's good that you are thinking ahead. Make sure those that are close to you put a little time in also, or it'll look like they're just flapping their arms around to you.Good Luck.
  14. I've been going almost every Jan. since '84 when I got certified as a diver. I love it down there. A few years ago when my niece was 10 years old, we had a cow and calf come up to us. The cow made a noise of some kind and the calf went right by all of the adults and straight up to my niece. The adults petted the cow while the calf just played with the 10 year old. After about 20 mins. the cow made another noise and calf swam back to her, and they both swam away. I really wish that my deep water camera hadn't been in the shop that month.
  15. You going down there to play with the manatees? The water is fairly warm this year, there should be quite a few up in there about now.
  16. Yeah Dee, All's well now. They just left with Caped Crusader's next door neighbor. I thank paulding.com and family for all of the help. I just hope that this doesn't become a yearly thing with me having to find a home for cats, but if it does, at least I've got paulding.com for help.
  17. Hey Dee, Yeah I was hoping that Nusence had made you a good pet. I've got some one coming over right now to get them, I HOPE.
  18. Well, that was quick. The kittens now have a home thanks to Curt and Paulding.com. I knew that there was more to this site than just a bunch of arguing. Thanks again Curt. I started moving a brush pile in my yard today ( glad I didn't just burn it ), and found three kittens at the bottom. They are a few weeks old I guess, maybe a little older. I haven't seen an adult stray around since mid summer, so she must be real sneaky. If any one knows who it was that was looking for free kittens on here a few weeks ago or a
  19. Just more of the "Nanny State" telling us that we're too stupid to breath, and can't live without their TLC.
  20. Whoa there guys, I said nothing about women's suffrage. The only problem I have with it is that if you stand at the voting booths with pad in your hands and tell every one in line that you want their signature to END women's suffrage, 90-95 percent will sign it because they don't have a clue what it is. That being said, as long as they own property in this country I have no problem with it.
  21. For some reason, every time that I'm ask to answer a survey, they take one look at the grin on my face and in my eyes and say "Err, ahh, sorry there, we, err, don't really, err, need to know what you think after all", and then they run far and fast. I don't know why, must be that I actually look like I have a mind a intend on speaking it. We all know good and well that those folks asking the questions don't want you to say what you think, only what they want you to think.
  22. That's what I thought that I said. Put the vote back into the hands of persons proven ( by land ownership ) to be responsible adults, and take it out of the hands of the "Gimmies" who have proven themselves to not be responsible with their own lives or belongings. Most of the people voting today still believe in the tooth fairy.
  23. Simple, just go back to the way it was to begin with, only "land owners" allowed to vote. Take it back out of the hands of those that don't have a pig in the poke and give them some reason to better them selves.
  24. Some body check the weather channel and see if Hell has frozen over, me and Eddie ACTUALLY agree on something.
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