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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. Thank you...Ya'll are sweet. I DO hope you all got a little giggle out of it at the very least . She is a little doll and we are so crazy about her.
  2. I KNOW! We always say we are thankful she is so healthy and growing but.......................... . I know YOU know, too.
  3. and YOU are too sweet but I do appreciate that. She is our little, living baby doll. We are old enough and have lived enough to count every minute as a blessing. She is such a precious gift. I KNOW you understand this, Momof3......... .
  4. I know this wont help you and I WISH it would but I AM very impressed with this. A car dealership here in Valdosta, with a few locations, are giving any military memeber, in uniform or not...ID only...a Thanksgiving turkey. Not just a frozen one either. It is actually a gift cert to the best BBQ restaurant in town for a full size turkey on the day of THEIR choosing. Did my heart good!
  5. awwwww NO! They cant hang YOU, Postman! What would I DO?!?!
  6. It's probably 'cause I'm her Mama but this makes my face hurt its so cute...
  7. OMG! I LOOOOVE him!!! and have for YEARS. I think I might be in love with you now...? . Here is one of my VERY favorites of his....
  8. post a YouTube here? C'mon! I've only been here upteen years. Help a pollock out?
  9. More than even a lil bit, they are. Sweet fancy Moses.
  10. I am so sorry this happened to you, LR. I know people often steal the copper vases that some graves chained to the marker itself. I always check my family's graves for that and it would make me so angry if something happened to them or to the flowers.
  11. Yes, it is far from perfect but we do have a lot of strong reasons behind it.
  12. If Obama pulls this off, it's official- America is as good as dead and me and my family are moving ahead with our plan to move to the UK. Not kidding.
  13. You're right. Yes, it wasnt wise and really wreckless but what a price to pay. Half of me wants to slap her and the other half wants to console her.
  14. I read on the interweb that Pubby is a french model.
  15. I love to make twice baked squash and its really easy. I just throw the squash(after washing it)into the microwave for a couple mins to soften it. Cut each squash in half longwise. Scoop out the insides of each squash and put them in a large bowl with italian bread crumbs and 1-2 eggs. Stir til mixed well and fill each squash half with mixture and top with a little cheddar cheese. Bake at 375 for 20-25 mins or until golden brown.
  16. He has such a sweet, supportive Wife to help him. He should be very grateful for that . I had gestational diabetes and after giving birth this last April, I am considered "borderline" diabetic. I have never had a problem like this, I've never been overweight, etc. so this has been a REAL learning experience. I did go to the counseling and it helped so much. They made it much less overwhelming and taught me some really easy ways to plan my meals.I think you will feel much better after going. I wish you both all the health and luck in the world. You both have done GREAT with you
  17. I hope he will run before it's too late.I was married almost 2 decades to a VERY insecure man. He came across to me and everyone else as arrogant which was his cover for being so insecure. He was afraid/jealous, whatever you wanna call it, for me to do SOOOOOOOOOOOO many things that you and most everyone else would see as "normal", "harmless" and even just shocked that he could find evil in it. Take it from me, IT GETS OLD having to be another persons cheerleader while you just try to raise your kids, work, keep a nice home, help with elderly parents, etc... You eventually start to seperate yo
  18. When my son was a teen and OBVIOUSLY was "too cool" for all the Santa, etc stuff, I would tell him, "Lookit! If you want gifts then play along for your sweet Mama...or you wont get jack SQUAT!". LOL We always laughed everytime I would go all "jack squat" on him. He would really lay the drama on thick like he still believed and we thought it was hilarious.
  19. Subby, I am sooooo glad to see this! God IS truly good and He is never late. I am so happy for her and for you, my Friend. Ya'll are both on my daily list and I will continue to pray for her FULL recovery and that you are able to be with her soon. Love you.
  20. I absolutely agree with every one of you. It IS validating b/c after the conversation with our friends who DO "snoop", I felt like maybe I was coming across like I didnt care or something. Believe me, I DO CARE. Just b/c I dont go through his phone, emails, etc does not mean that I do not want and demand(if he wants to be with me)to be Number 1, THE Princess, The One and ONLY, etc...you get it... . I have yet to meet a woman who loved a man with all her heart that would stand to be less than Number 1 to him. Dru&StarrsNana- I do understand what youre saying. My parents had what I co
  21. This came up in conversation with friends yesterday. I just do NOT snoop. Maybe if a man gave me a reason to, I would feel differently, but I don't want to go searching for it. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a wife who would turn her head and live in denial. NO WAY. I just think you have to trust to have a really healthy relationship. If I feel the need to ask, I ask but I just think that to go looking would only cause your imagination to run wild, possibly ruining something that was good and nothing shady was going on at all. Our friends felt a little differently. They both admitted to
  22. BEAUTIFUL. Really breathtaking. I know that historic homes and structures take a REAL professional to re-build/ re-model them. He does a great job.
  23. hee hee! SORRY! I just read this. I do color my hair although it IS auburn...just not as FIERY red as I like it unless I get some help from a bowl and brush!
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