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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. Oh yeah...this family is a mess. I do admire Cissy. She is the only person in Whitneys life(that I have ever heard of)who actually called her out and took a stand against her lifestyle. I believe Cissy called the police on her once not that many years ago.
  2. I am pulling for you, too. I hope they get this guy..or girl or people!
  3. True. My ex husband had them 3 times during our 16 year marriage and they were HORRIBLE. Like you, we always went straight to the ER. He is a "man's man" but would be doubled over, tears in his eyes all while trying to focus and breathe as if he was pushing a danged baby out. The ONLY thing that even came CLOSE to masking the horrid pain was the REALLY hard stuff and only by IV. Thank goodness, my brother has worked at Kennestone for a hundred years as a P.A. and would always get us seen in a hurry(or faster than 3 hours or whatever it is....ridiculous!) but it was STILL so bad. REALLY bad.
  4. True. My ex husband had them 3 times during our 16 year marriage and they were HORRIBLE. Like you, we always went straight to the ER. He is a "man's man" but would be doubled over, tears in his eyes all while trying to focus and breathe as if he was pushing a danged baby out. The ONLY thing that even came CLOSE to masking the horrid pain was the REALLY hard stuff and only by IV. Thank goodness, my brother has worked at Kennestone for a hundred years as a P.A. and would always get us seen in a hurry(or faster than 3 hours or whatever it is....ridiculous!) but it was STILL so bad. REALLY bad.
  5. GREAT lowdown, Subby. I am sending Dad an email now. He lives in New Hope and is elderly. He doesnt want for a whole lot yet he lives a VERY, VERY simple life(he and Mom worked so hard for a lifetime to achieve) but he's bad these days to just say "okay" to a bill. REALLY bothers me so thank you so much.
  6. what have you found that you love the most about our Pcom family? That is my favorite thing about it...it is truly like family , complete with Crazies, pessimists no matter WHAT, whiners, bullies...but, MOST OF ALL, a whole bunch of REALLY good people who will go out of their way to help their neighbor they may not even know.... . I could go on for HOURS and hours with stories of wonderful Pcommers who have added to my life and my familys life.
  7. WOW! I am in LOVE with my crock pot!!! I actually have 2 of them...big ones....one has 2 differnt pots that are sectioned off. I cook with mine at LEAST once a week...usually 2 times. We have been having an illicit affair for 2 decades . This is a fantastic deal. I was hoping I could use it for a Christmas gift but I dont think I can. I am going to pass in on though. Thanks again, Mrs G....
  8. Hahahaaaa ! Pfft! Pahleeeeeze....I have "hook-ups" through a few of those firefighters you boss around( :ninja: ). I think I would be amiss if I didnt get this lil' video to Mrs Dis. As the Baptists would say, "I just feel 'led' to"...................................
  9. Thank you so much and I know the feeling. My son is 19 years old now and I can hardly believe it. It does help remind to to slow down and enjoy Mimi even more, though. My Mother's life revolved around my brother and me but she never hesitated to say that being a Grandmother was even BETTER... . I would tease her when she proclaimed that b/c I KNEW she felt a little guilty for saying it(not that we cared...we totally loved it)............but she didnt care when it came to her grandbabies... . I'm sure you are the very same way, Mrs G. I just wish so much that she was still here. She
  10. and YOU just made MY day. That is so sweet and makes me feel so good. I really hope your day turned out better than it started... .
  11. Well, Hells bells, TJB. ...good to know...GOOD to know. :p
  12. Praying for LR, her Mother and her family. You are never ready to lose your Mother.
  13. I'm all for individual liberty but smoking is just so nasty. I have NEVER understood the attraction. :bad:
  14. WOW!!! I hope you get your things back- especially the sentimental ones. I can sympathize. Our house was broken into and robbed last year. Thankfully, they werent interested in anything that was my Mothers- only things you can "plug into a wall". I sooooooooooooooo hope you bust these sorry a$$es. I'm sorry someone violated you this way. How much does Pcom rock?!?!?! Sending good thoughts your way... .
  15. If I could give you +1,000, I would!!! You had me laughing and I agree!!! Can you imagine rubbing a persons belly that you dont know or hardly know??? I'm a hugger and I'm not offended by a kiss on the cheek or whatever but don't rub my danged(formerly) pregnant belly.
  16. I love this one...."Well, I am the person for it. Mama was never any good at sums and she can hardly spell cat. I intend to see papa's killer hanged."
  17. Pubby! I didnt know you were a Granddaddy. I love it! It suits you! Beautiful little baby... . Congratulations and blessings to you and that precious bundle!!!
  18. I havent but I DO listen to George Noory everynight . Coast to Coast with George Noory ooooh! Shrooms... ............................................................................................................. .
  19. I would just like to personally give your post a standing ovation !!! From a recently pregnant woman- you speak the truth. I am normally fine with touchy feely. I'll hug an almost stranger but I do NOT want hands on my belly. Who thinks that is okay ?!?!?! And on the hiccups...my baby had them everyday from about 6 months til delivery. That poor little girl gets them everyday still! DGITW- Please bite the hand that lands on your belly . Do it for the rest of us!
  20. sticky fingers...will reply more latr....
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