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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. SO sorry Laurie. My heart goes out to you. But your baby will leave this mortal plane knowing she was SO loved, and cared for. She will be waiting for you on the other side. I really believe that.
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA yeah, for the win!!!! I think I can pretty much get anything out of my Hubby with a quick 'flash', lol.
  3. Owwwwwwwwwwww, ME TOO!!!!! One of my favorite scenes in any movie on the face of the planet is the moment when you are first introduced to Audrey Hepburn in the movie 'Funny Face' working the bookstore in Greenwich Village. It is SUCH an image of beauty. ALL of those books. I think seeing that movie made me want to work in a bookstore when I was grown. I have of course. I worked for Borders for a couple of years and now again I work for Susan at The Bookworm. All in all I have learned it is counter-productive for a bibliophile to work in a bookstore, but I really don't care . I'm not
  4. LOL, see I am there. I have a Sony Reader with over 300 books on it. My personal library is numbered at well over 1,000 (physical books) and I am a book reviewer for The Monster Librarian (where I am paid in books). I NEED a larger house .
  5. I'm Rhonda, 44 years old and I am a book hoarder. Good thing I work for a bookstore . I could literally fill every inch of wall space in my home with bookshelves, and be perfectly happy with that. I also collect anything having to so with zombies, books, movies, shirts, odds-and-ends. I too, am addicted to FB.
  6. Oh yeah! Pong was the only video game around when I was younger. I was 7 when it was released. We were all fascinated by it, and could not afford a system. Remember the old Sears/Roebuck near the Big Chicken in Marietta? We used to go there to catalog order our school/summer clothes. My sister and I would rush to the Pong display in the back near appliances (funny how well I remember it) and play for as long as we could get away with it .
  7. I think wearing a logo t-shirt and jeans is more appropriate anywhere than a skirt with half your ass hanging out and blouses showing your canyon cleavage . I remember when we lived in Germany I took the kids to a 'Bavarian Bible Baptist' schurch. The women, and men looked at me like I was some kind of alien because I wore a pantsuit and vest. YET the Pastor's daughter was up front playing violin wearing a skirt that flashed her panties . But hey, as long as she wasn't wearing pants. I befriended one of those poor women from that church, who would sneak to my house to visit. She and a
  8. Thank you. I was thinking the same thing. The school bus driver that ran a red light and killed my Mom 7 years ago... We were at ALL of the hearings before the actual 'sentencing' by the Judge, the only hearing she showed for. Also the first and ONLY time I ever laid eyes on her and heard her lame apology. 10 days in jail. She ran the red light. She then got on her radio and said 'a woman just ran the red light and I hit her'. If it hadn't been for the 5 other cars at the intersection who stayed to talk to police (Mom died at the scene, from massive trauma) she may have gotten away w
  9. *Whew* Those family stickers just worry me.
  10. I hate to be so paranoid but...those stickers have always disturbed me. There are so many freaks in this world, it concerns me that those stickers are advertising to any one of them how many children (and whether they are babies, toddlers, etc) you have in your family. When they first started becoming popular I thought they were cute, and then I saw a program on serial killers and their method of choosing victims. Vanity plates are an easy identifier, etc. Hate to be a wet blanket, but it kind of freaks me out.
  11. Swollen glands and fever sound 'flu'ish. Ick.
  12. I KNEW it!!!! I could hear it yesterday on the phone . Feel better, Susan. I'll try to make a million dollars at the store for you today. ((Hugs)) and no sharing cooties.
  13. Exactly how much money I spend per month on books...he doesn't know and he doesn't need to know. I don't lie, I just do not offer the information, lol.
  14. Hey Sister, I have been working my BOOTAY off today .
  15. I will slap you...twice
  16. Yeah, that's all on the parenting. Sounds as though she were looking for a way to excuse her son's behavior. Epilepsy is NOT a behavioral disorder. I have been plagued with Epileptic grand mal seizures for 42 years. They do not make children misbehave, seriously. Abdication of responsibility .
  17. Yeah, you need to get on it...SLACKER!
  18. We also have them at The Bookworm . *Duh* I saw your post after I posted mine .
  19. OMG, How could I forget David Cassidy? I think he was the only young guy I liked . Also James Garner in Rockford Files and Paul Michael Glasier (sp) in Starsky and Hutch. Wait...Davey Jones from The Monkees, make that two younger guys.
  20. Leonard Nimoy as Spock Kolchak: The Night Stalker Barnabus Collins Rod Serling Columbo (weird I know) Andy Griffith...not a 'crush' so much, I just wanted him to be my Dad . Clearly, I liked the 'older' dudes, too.
  21. I'm not the Mom of a pre-schooler, but I am the Grandma of one . I personally do like the v-tech products. But like Teatime mentioned, it depends on what else they have around to occupy their time. My children had v-tech products purchased for them by their grandparents when they were younger (elementary school age) and they used them like crazy. BUT we lived in Germany for close to 4 years and during that time they did not have a lot else to occupy their time during say, the winter months. Too cold to play outside, not a lot on the television they could watch as far as english speaking
  22. I like it too! Guilty here also...my 24 year old daughter is named Britaini. Pronounced 'Brittany'. I'm such an anglophile, I almost named her 'Britain', my Mom suggested I add the 'i' on the end. I'm glad I did, it separates her from all of the other 'Brittany's' out there . She loves hers as well!
  23. How funny. To my ear, and in my experience both Taylor and Morgan are girl names . My lovely stepdaughter is Taylor Nicole.
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