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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I love all of these stories!!!! It's nice to hear that great things can happen, and not just the horror stories of too much 'connectivity'. For those of you seeking to connect with children/parents I wish you the very best in your endeavors. I hope that the reunion is all that you wish it to be.
  2. Do share! I'm not kidding you, I was in tears this morning... I have searched for Seana every way you can possibly search for a person outside of hiring a private detective. Again, my heart is full . I was SO happy to see she was doing well, and she looks to me as she did then .
  3. A customer walked into the Book Worm last week and thought Britaini was there because he heard the 'giggle'. It was me . He said "You sound just like Britaini"...I said, "No, she sounds just like me" lol. Voice wise, not in appearance. Mitchell is my clone . I think family pictures, and tracing of 'resemblances' is awesome. I can see a slight one in Mitchell and Britaini when they were younger. Most people just notice skin pigmentation,. but I see a resemblance in the features. Brit and I have the same lips and forehead. Funny how you can pick those things out, isn't it?
  4. I know there are a lot of people here who shy away from FB for whatever reason, and I respect that. But I have a praise for it today. I made a VERY good friend 27 years or so ago when I worked for a OTC penny stock firm, The Stuart James Company. She lived in Colorado, and me here in Ga (of course). Our corporate offices were in Colorado and Boca Raton fl. We spoke on the phone daily, and nightly from home. We became fast, and very close friends. She flew down here when we were 19 and we went to NYC together for a week, where we met up with some our brokers in Manhattan, and just
  5. + 1,000,000 ...I think that takes care of your -5000.
  6. Those pics are awesome, and you are right!!!! Great looking 'kids'.
  7. I'm sorry, but if a group of rambling teens come in and start trashing our store...I'm gonna be kicking somebody's ass. Don't piss off the hobbit sized redhead...
  8. I actually hope he is really sick... he is such a p.o.s . Yes, I know that makes me a jerk, yet somehow I don't care. I sincerely hope there is a hell, so he can rot in it.
  9. My daughter does not favor me too much, our voices are extremely similar, and our giggles (so people tell me) my son is my spitting image (minus the facial hair) lol. Me, 1975 My son, I think around 14 years ago. My son and daughter, 22 years ago
  10. So very sorry. This will be an especially rough time for you right now.
  11. I was sad tonight because my 'kids' are too old to play the dreidel game anymore. Laughing at the memories of my nephew trying to tilt the table to receive more "chocolate dreidel coins" (gelt). Why it was easier to say that phrase than 'gelt' is beyond me . Happy Hanukkah!!!!
  12. Congrats! April is a good month . My 'almost' 23 year old baby boy ( ) was born on April 28th. Great month!
  13. I finished almost two weeks ago. Literally the first year in MY LIFE that I have finished before Christmas eve, and I ain't no spring chicken . *Patting myself on the back* lol
  14. It has nothing to do with the season, and I really couldn't tell you exactly why, but this song and the one phrase in bold in particular: 'Until the Day is Done' REM The battle's been lost, the war is not won An addled republic, a bitter refund The business first flat earthers licking their wounds The verdict is dire, the country's in ruins [Chorus] Providence blinked, facing the sun Where are we left to carry on Until the day is done Until the day is done As we've written our stories to entertain These notions of glory and bull market gain The tele-prompt flutters, t
  15. I was the night manager for the Video Wonderland on Brownsville Rd when I met my (now) husband. He was a customer... December of 1997. He began to come by and visit me pretty much nightly. I worked 6 nights per week. By the middle of 1998 we knew we wanted to be together permanently . He came to see me one night and took me from the store to the Chik-Fil-A in Hiram to pick up dinner for everyone. He proposed in the parking lot . I didn't need frills, we had both been through the wringer with previous spouses and were just so happy to have found one another . It's funny and we st
  16. Gun accessories, a Joe Bonamassa dvd (my husband is a blues nut, and plays blues guitar). We are on the Medifast program and he's lost 100lbs since June, so I am getting him some special chocolates because the only thing he loves as much as women, music and guns is chocolate . Probably a bottle of Knob Creek as well. I'm not sure what our children got for him, but I am sure it will be awesome. My husband is like a big kid at Christmas .
  17. I hate Walmart. I don't shop there, period. It's a bone of contention in my house because my husband still does. My grown children and I call it Voldemart .
  18. Once again (and I may just be the most paranoid person in the world), I wonder why anyone opens the door nowadays to someone you don't know. Just because a person is knocking on your door/ringing your bell does NOT make you obligated to answer it. There are waaaaaaaay too many psychos out there, casing houses, looking for women alone, etc. I know I read and watch way too much horror . But, seriously. Be smart. If I don't know you, you aren't getting an answer, period. If you try to force your way in, I'll open the door to the authorities when they come to pick up your (excessively inju
  19. Wild Turkey 101 has a 'Flask set' boxed set for sale right now. I know because my husband has 6 of them . They come with the Turkey 101 and a leather wrapped stainless steel flask set. Pretty awesome actually, which is why Ray is collecting the hell put of them . Call your local package store and see if they have any available. They run around 22.00 if I'm not mistaken.
  20. Lol. My husband is 49...my son is almost 23. Boys, are boys are boys. To pretend otherwise is futility . The sooner women realize this, the sooner they realize their power.
  21. HA! *snort* No, they are just being guys .
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