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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I know you all will think this is crazy but at 45, I have NEVER in my life had a Twinkie . I really don't feel like I am missing anything, but I find it funny. We did not eat pre-packaged sweets as a general rule when I was a child, every ONCE in awhile our Mom would drop by a convenience store and let us have one of those pink snowball thingees or the chocolate creme filled cupcake. I LOVED those snowballs . I know, I was deprived...lol. Helps as an adult that I don't crave that stuff, though. I never fed it to my kids either .
  2. Oops...I forgot I was signed in as The Bookworm ... lol
  3. I'm the freak that used to leave my window open in hopes he would come in the room (or Dracula) and get me. I was in elementary school, and no I am not kidding . I was a dark child, lol.
  4. On the issue of offensive or not... My husband, who is my daughter's stepfather does not get as easily offended at things as I do. Honestly, think it is a matter of perspective. I am SO protective of my child (not really a child at 25, but you get the idea) that I tend to even get 'offended' for lack of a better word, at things that just roll off of her back. I fully accept that I may just be overly sensitive on matters of race, etc...but I cannot apologize for that. She is my child. I hope any parent would understand. I am most certainly a Mama Bear.
  5. First I have heard of this. Obviously I am woefully unobservant. My only thought. What.The. Hell???
  6. OMG! I LOVED this show! I would watch it after school with my Mom and she loved it as much as I did. It's funny that I don't remember any bloopers or inconsistencies . I was in LURV with Barnabus Collins. I know, I was a weird one. I also had a crush on Peter Falk, Leonard Nimoy, Roddy McDowell (still kinda do, lol) and Vincent Price .
  7. YEAH!!!!!!! Thank you, Ann !
  8. You know why . You are the BOMB ...
  9. My husband won't be 50 until October and I think he started getting the crap in our mail last month? The look on his face when he saw the envelope was priceless . I love my 'old' man . Mine will be here in 5 years, lol.
  10. I just realized I missed your second question on Gardening...that would fit in fine with the 'Health and Wellness' day as far as I am concerned, I apologize for missing that earlier . Mark~~~ EVERY day is Elmo Pajama Pants Day !!!!!
  11. Happy New Year, Girlfriend .
  12. I was born in 66 s this would have ben in the early to mid 70's. When the Cobb Centre mall was 'born' do you remember that? They used to do a HUGE fireworks show there.
  13. Fireworks scare the CRAP outta me. Seriously. I am phobic about them. I remember my Mom taking used to take us to see them at Cobb Center when I was young, and looking forward to them. Something must have happened that I cannot remember, and she is not around for me to ask. I HATE them. I wish I could remember why.
  14. You know, I think we do not often agree on much...but on this we certainly do . Happy New Years, to you and yours!
  15. My only thought...shame on a 13 year old's 'parent 'who does not know where their child is. Seriously.
  16. My husband said "Don't you know clouds stop bullets" ??? lol People-Alcohol-Firearms= STUPID.
  17. I don't have any teenagers... *thankgod* I am however, wondering about my 23 year old.
  18. I have a sneaking suspicion we will be ordering 'hangover food' from the Waffle House .
  19. Lol... I have bitching about this for hours, seriously. My husband works all night, every night pretty much. He FINALLY went to sleep around 5:00pm, I told him I would wake him up around 11:00 so we could toast the New Year. Then the dumbasses with the fireworks and guns started. My Chi's went crazy. Ray woke up 2 1/2 hours ago . They could at LEAST wait until freaking midnight... Bastids...
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