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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I smoked all total for probably close to 25 years (I had a 7 year quit stretch in there somewhere). I quit for the last time, in June of last year. I won't start back. I just don't think of myself as a smoker anymore and have ZERO desire to smoke again. All of that said, I was a smoker when I got pregnant with both of mine. The day the pregnancies were confirmed both times, I stopped immediately. I started back each time after they were born because essentially I considered the pregnancy period only a hiatus from smoking. I looked forward to that cigarette the whole time I carried. It
  2. I realized I said Happy TUESDAY. I meant Happy WEDNESDAY . I swear I really do know what day it is...usually.
  3. RhondaW


    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!! She is really good with directions so she won't have any problem finding this. Again, thanks to both of you .
  4. RhondaW


    Britaini is looking to pick up a few things for the store and would like to check her out. She has been doing some thrift shops and all but we are here in Powder Springs, she is not as familiar with what the Dallas area has to offer. TIA!!!
  5. Yes, I saw that one this morning, and I swear to gawd...it sounded just like her freaky brother speaking .
  6. LOL...My 4 year old grandson used to repeat that commercial over and over and over. The original one, I hated the commercial but he cracked me up with it every time . I don't mind the Flo commercials, I actually kind of like her. I did not notice the baby bump but I did notice that her face seemed to be filling out more. The commercial that annoys me to no end is that WW commercial with Jennifer Hudson, singing to herself as she was on American Idol. The whole song (ESPECIALLY the end) is so off key it makes my ears bleed. Oh YES he is . He could mayhem me, any day of
  7. I just got it in the mail today...I am hoping to dive into it by the end of the week .
  8. I don't hate him by any means, seems like a nice young man and I hope he does well. I pretty much DO hate all sports in general, however . I just get sick of hearing about him in the media. Over, and over and over and OVER. Not his fault. I just wish they would shut-up. If I WAS a sports person, and a follower of his team (and for the life of me I don't even know what it is)...I would be pretty pissed that for all intents and purposes everyone wants to make like he carries the team. But that is just me. 2 cents, and that is all it is worth...
  9. My friend, Levi made these tonight and posted a pic for me on FB (he is in Augusta) . His came out a little flat, but the colors were still great. I hope my niece will attempt a batch .
  10. I just sent the link to my niece and told her she needed to make some for me. I am still snickering.... Unicorn Poop
  11. Buffalo Wild Wings in Hiram. Britaini and I met a friend for dinner and drinks there one night a couple of months ago. He has SEVERE food allergies. Our server brought him and ingredient list, and even made a copy for him to take with him in case he wanted to call in an order some other time. She was very attentive, while at the same time allowing us to visit with one another. A perfect balance. I only wish I could remember her name. I did contact the company the next morning while I had her name and the number on our ticket to let corporate know what an outstanding server she was, and
  12. Yep, another great article. I just posted that one FB as well!
  13. Thank you Mei Lan. I have heard him speak several times (on tv) and thought "I need to get that book"... just never did till now. I'll have it by Monday and I am going to pass it on. Headed to read that article now...
  14. A friend of mine just posted this on FB. Even though I have no young children, I do have two awesome daughters (birth and step) that may one day have girl's themselves. The advice in this article is just plain awesome particularly for daughters, but for sons as well. People I want to punch in the throat... I have heard of this books quite often, and just kind of forgotten about it right afterwards . This time I felt compelled to order it, so I did. I will read it, pass it on to my Britaini, and then on to Taylor. I love my girls, and I want them to be informed. 'The Gift of Fea
  15. I did not realize we were both Libertarians, how cool is that? Of course, I knew you were full AWESOME already...but now you are even 'awesomer', lol. Yes, I make up my own words as I go along...
  16. YEAH! I know Britaini will be excited to meet you.!!! I wish I could be there today, as I had intended to be there every day this week. BUT in relation to 'physical' labor at work, I seem to have done something to make my hip pop . So it is an Advil kinda day for me. I told Brit, I was just too old to be rolling around in that floor for hours at a time, lol.
  17. Those are awesome!!! Thank you I needed that this morning!
  18. I am for a little 'less' round in my shape, lol.
  19. Yep, and here's to hoping he gets plenty of 'it' behind bars.
  20. Positive thoughts and well wishes for your sister-in-law and family.
  21. This weather is MURDER on my hands. The arthritis in my thumbs is killing me today. Who stole my winter? Have a great day!
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