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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. So very sorry, but also hoping that the doctors are wrong .
  2. I doesn't even have to be fresh garlic. Garlic pills will also work. Growing up we had a 180lb blue Dane on our farm. The biting flies, and fleas were an issue. My Mom would give him a garlic oil pill with every meal. No more fleas, and no more biting flies (they only irritated the horses) If it worked for Silver, I am sure it would work for you!
  3. Awwwwwww. I loved that man . R.I.P
  4. Happy Mexican St. Patrick's Day !!!
  5. We must be the same age, I was around 10 when I saw it during it's release week with my uncle Joe on a vacation to Dallas Tx. Great memory, even though I am not a Star Wars fan . I'm a Treekie in a home FULL of Star Wars people, lol.
  6. Yep, totally...It's all my husband's fault. That's my story and I'm sticking to it .
  7. HAHAHAHAHA! Great minds and all that...I was thinking "Ummm, porno much?" lol
  8. 'Let's Pretend This Never Happened : (a Mostly True Memoir) '. By Jenny Lawson- The Blogess Utterly hilarious , as I would expect it to be. I love this woman . My two other most favorite female American humorists are Lauretta Hannon (The Cracker Queen) and Jen Lancaster (Bitter is the New Black). Can highly recommend them all!
  9. Yep. Way to live up to some male stereotypes there, girls. I say we all just hug it out... Or pillow fight .
  10. I like the blue ~Option A . Option B was a little rough on my eyes .
  11. Congratulations, AGAIN! She is so flipping beautiful. ~ Rhonda
  12. Ray and I have not taken an actual vacation in 12, almost 13 years (no I am not kidding). We keep saying we are going to the mountains sometime this year...but I kinda don't see that happening. I like reading the plans of every one else, though. I can live vicariously through your vacations, right? Britaini swears we are going to the SIBA convention in Louisiana in September, but it is for booksellers so it's more like a 'workcation'. At this point I'll take anything I can get, lol.
  13. Thanks Ann! I hope your event was fantastic as well .
  14. Britaini and I were discussing this commercial when we saw it last night. I actually disagree with the majority. I think it is unnecessary. I started sneaking cigarettes out of my father's truck (in the 70's) because I knew they were dangerous and I wanted to hurt myself. In the 70's is kind of key, because in that decade and those before cigarettes were glamorized in print and media. In other words, even as a child I knew they were dangerous, without PSA's in every medium. No one believes in this day and age that cigarettes are anything but deadly. I find these type of PSA's expl
  15. Just wanted to add...today was actually, seriously the most profitable day we have had in years. As far as monetarily. we were blown away. I realize we are a business, and we have to make money to stay in business. That being said, it means as much to us (Britaini and myself) to know that some people who have already commented above...drove 20 minutes to the store to drop in and say 'Hello" as it does the person who lives 5 minutes away and comes in to buy books. We want to engender a sense of community. We honestly do make friends with our customers. We hope to have what you are looki
  16. Thank you for the kind words, Ma'am !!!! We do hope to expand...one day . Maybe sometime you will get a chance to visit again, so many changes in the store. From the paint on down to the inventory . I also started opening on Sundays (12:00 to 5:00) to make it a little easier for folks to visit us. Funny thing, but our entire family lives in the Dallas/Buchannan area. We are the only Powder Springs residents among us (Walton/Blackmons) .
  17. You were beautiful before...just like someone else who posted above . You just have more confidence now, and it shows. Women are goddesses and realization of that power, and the confidence that comes with feeling good about yourself just adds a whole other level to the overall package. But, that is just my two cents .
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