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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. We (3girls) grew up with guns in the house. We lived on a farm. There were (1 or 2) shotguns over my parents dresser and a handgun in the top drawer. We never had BB guns because my parents didn't want us to think of guns as toys. We had a healthy fear of the guns, knew what they could do and never touched them.
  2. You're welcome . No problem annoys me a teensy bit too, and I find that more young people respond in that way. It doesn't make me ill or anything, I just notice it more I guess? I think the important thing is there is any response at all, because it's just polite to respond .
  3. It looks absolutely awesome, yall did a fantastic job! I cannot wait to hear her reaction .
  4. My Mama's birthday was December 15th, and we lost her 9 Christmases ago. It gets easier, by degrees (as in acuity of pain)...but it will never be the same again. I still meet (with all of our adult children) at my sister's house on Christmas Eve...a gathering tradition as long as I can remember because my Mema's birthday was December 24th...Mema has been gone 23 years now. December in general is a painful month, as it is for so many others. I try to think of all of the positives. I have healthy children, husband, grandson, sister, niece and nephew~not dwell on those who are not here
  5. If all else fails, the Geek Squad at Best Buy takes them to recycle.
  6. I laughed my ass off...did you watch his other 'food' videos? Geez, oh man. He's a piece of work .
  7. Lol, no you goober...you are certainly not an asshole.
  8. I'm very friendly, and very chatty with everyone...but a sensitive person can tell when the attention is unwanted. I can anyway. I'm in sales, and NOT conservative btw...but I love talking to people, and I actually really do give a sh*t how you are doing. 'Cause, I just like people...most people, unless they are assholes .
  9. Surgery, you know I didn't even think about that? I know I had much more of the holiday/Christmas spirit last year. After having a full hysterectomy at the end of August, and the sudden, explosive onset of accompanying menopause...maybe that's part of my problem as well? I know the last few months have sucked.
  10. Not even a teensy bit. Maybe when I clock out sometime Christmas Eve, and brave the panic inducing traffic to arrive safely (crossing fingers) at my sister's house.
  11. Wrapping them more. We still find empty wrappers (even the difficult ones) around the retail store where I work. It's a theft deterrent, and for the most part it does help...it just sucks for the person purchasing the product. Another example of 'one bad apple', we all have to pay for the wrongdoing of the shoplifters.. I hate thieves.
  12. F**k CC ...Wait, did I say that out loud? Post away, Darlin' . Crossroads, your shelves are beautimus!!
  13. I don't understand why it would set off 'red flags' for you that someone legally owns multiple weapons. My husband is one of the most peaceable big bears on the planet. I'm not even going to tell you how many guns he has. Of all types. He has them because he likes to collect them. Those and guitars, expensive guitars...and he has 7 of those. This had nothing to do with the fact that the boy's mother legally owned guns. He was very obviously an evil nutcase. If he had been unable to get the guns from his mother he would have found another way. Anyone who wants a weapon can g
  14. Resident Evil (all of them EXCEPT 4, 5 &6 because they really aren't even worthy be called RE). The best of the series are 1&2. Castlevania ~Symphony of the Night Tomba 1&2 Spyro the Dragon, Ripto's Rage, Year of the Dragon Clocktower Silent Hill~2, 3, and 4:The Room Ratchet and Clank all of them, so far. Sly Cooper, all of them. Jak and Daxter (only the 1st one) Klonoa Legend of Mana Final Fantasy IX and X Legends of Dragoon Just my all time favorites off of the top of my head .
  15. Yep, Kitchen sink...and I agree on the Dawn . I do use rollers, but I use them once and throw them away. My sink sees waaaaaaay more paint than the average ever does. I'm an artist, and deal mostly with acrylics so paintbrushes are cleaned en masse on a regular basis throughout the week...always in the kitchen sink. Water based paints won't hurt anything . I recently repainted my studio (last two weeks) and all of those brushes were washed in the sink as well. The only thing I don't do is let the rubbery remnants (if you have any) go down the drain. Those you wet, peel and thro
  16. I was wondering the exact same thing, I actually said it out loud as I read...
  17. I just find it amusing how CC pops in and out of threads posting about 'gossiping women', then proceeds to be a troll him/herself. Keep it up, you are very entertaining... Good luck with the supper club Surepip, it sounds delicious!
  18. Thank you, THANK YOU!!! I LOVE my new chair...and it's RED. Thank you, Arleigh for holding it for me .
  19. If Ray is home tomorrow we are going to head out to see you. I need a new comfy chair for my studio .
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