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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. One of my favorite authors, and super awesome nice guy... this is free today for you to download today. If you like this one, please consider buying his other novels. He even has a fantastic zombie series. I own all of his books, and this is a good introduction to his writing. Some info about the author: Joe McKinney has been a patrol officer for the San Antonio Police Department, a homicide detective, a disaster mitigation specialist, a patrol commander, and a successful novelist. His books include the four part Dead World series, Quarantined, Inheritance, Lost Girl of the Lake,
  2. First (or second) date fail stories are funny. My husband stuck his lit cigarette in his mouth, lit end first . Apparently I made him nervous, lol. Aside from the obvious pain, he was really embarrassed...I thought it was sweet that he was so flustered .
  3. I lost my favorite uncle Mike to AIDS in 1981. This is indeed fantastic news, words fail me.
  4. Were you a bell tower kid?? LOL I graduated from McEachern before there was a 'bell tower', . 1984
  5. The 1980s look is the most frightening one you posted. My friends didn't look like that in the 80s, however. They had Mohawks and safety pins in their cheeks . Think 'The Clash', lol.
  6. Nope. Snopes The 'style' is utterly ridiculous but this is an urban legend that keeps circulating.
  7. Wow. I can honestly say I have never experienced this. My first husband was African American, and my 26 year old daughter is bi-racial. The only negative incident we've ever experienced was with a group of really dirty (I mean literally dirty, as in mud streaked) white trash types cornering me at an Ingles and looking at my baby (less than 2 at the time) and using the 'n' word. Brit herself has never experienced any discrimination that she was aware of. I guess we have been the lucky ones. I'm sorry you've had to deal with that crap.
  8. Me too!!!! We are lushes .
  9. I haven't watched past the second season with the exception of one episode to see Stephen Tyler when he first arrived. I've never seen a single episode of the dancing show. I always feel as though I am missing out on something really important...but probably not .
  10. Dick Tracy (anyone remember that one from the 60's?), Scooby~Doo, The Jetsons, The Flintstones and Rocky and Bullwinkle, Casper . I watched TMNT with my daughter when she was small and I liked that one as well.
  11. Right. I do get that and honestly that is the point where I become annoyed as well.
  12. Keep in mind that in most retail stores, especially those that sell appliances or televisions the sales staff is required to at least make contact with you within a few moments of your entering their section. Just let them know politely, that you would like some time to peruse on your own, and you will let them know when you have questions. Most will comply, but they are required to at least make that first contact. I speak from experience.
  13. She has a job, and is a full time student...if you had bothered to know anything about her, or read the other posts.
  14. Ewwwww. Really not wowed, I think it is horribly gaudy. I'm not a lover of gold ever, so that may be why it strikes me so. If you have the money, and that's how you want to spend it more power to you. I'd be much more wowed by a 2,000 sq ft Craftsman Cottage on it's own private wooded mountain w/ lake .
  15. I agree with Chester. I love my Kindle Fire, and am not planing on upgrading as long as it is working well . If I was setting out to buy a new one or needed to replace the one I have I would pay the extra 40.00...but not for all the bells and whistles. The larger screen and the storage space is the thing that would sway me .
  16. Oh Helz Yeah! I have a DEAR friend (so dear my daughter is named for her) who lives part of the year right outside of Christchuch, New Zealand. She works for Raytheon Polar Services. Fascinating place, and I would go there in a heartbeat .
  17. I agree, I am most certainly heathen...Kim K's ass worship, notsomuch . It reminds me of a live version of Jessica Rabbit, yet not quite as attractive, lol. We should make an 'awesome ass' thread, for the pccom ass worshippers .
  18. Oh yes, I concur with all of the above...and I have dear friends (and family) in Scotland .
  19. Back to Germany...or Great Britain. Here in the states, Tennessee~ or maybe Maine.
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