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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. We may or may not see our grandson~not sure of their plans yet. My son and his girlfriend are coming to visit, and my daughter will be here for awhile hanging out . I'm sure I'll be working on another painting, and then relaxing with the husband, and a glass of white wine. All in all, should be a nice day .
  2. LOL I think this wins 'Best Thread of the Day'.
  3. I LOVE FB! I just recently reconnected with two 2nd cousins that I have not seen or heard from in over 35 years. The reason for the disconnect being that my Mom is no longer with us, and most of the people on that side of the family are gone, no way for me to trace through old numbers or anything. Blew my mind, and Debbie (one of the cousins) was actually with my Mom in the car the first night they met my father at a drive-in theatre. My Mom and Papa were married a couple of weeks later . Debbie is the spitting image of my Mama, and seeing pictures of her has been beyond comforting. Did
  4. Agree with most everyone. We've been in this situation a few times. Suffice it to say if you are in there and you deserve to be in there, don't call. Period. We will visit you if that is the case, and we hurt for you but we will NOT bail you out.
  5. It wholly depends on whether the person who has passed away is a member of the church or not. In my mother's case it was standing room only. The entire choir assembled (of which she had been part for years) to sing her favorite hymns. The pastor eulogized her. He was her pastor, it was her church...everyone volunteered. This all took place on a Monday and no one was paid.
  6. That's one of the criteria for being diagnosed as an epileptic, and the main reason I'm not diagnosed as such, despite the grand mal seizures.
  8. Bless your heart. I've often thought how scary it must be to NOT know. Mine started when I was 2, I'll be 47 this year and I remember the first one with extremely vivid detail, I guess because it was so traumatic. I feel nauseas and I can't catch my breath...then I hear this really high pitched buzz, and it sounds like people are talking to me through a tunnel...if it gets to that point I'm gone. If I can stop it at the hyperventilation stage I'm usually alright. I had one in the hospital the night I went to have the blood test to determine conclusively if I was pregnant. They had to st
  9. Lol . For the record, I'm not a huge fan of buffets, or eating out in general. I'd rather prepare my own food at home...just offering my two cents since the question was asked .
  10. I hope your sister is doing well. I actually have a small 'tear' (that's how they described it to a child) in my brain over my right ear. I was born with it from what they were able to determine and it's assumed that it is the cause of my seizures. As a child I had them often. The difference between myself and an epileptic is that I know when they are coming and can sometimes head them off if I am able to calm down. I also do not sleep after a seizure, just lots of awesome bruising depending on what I banged into when I hit the floor.
  11. The same reason I never touch a salt shaker without a napkin wrapped around it, trough or not. Makes no difference. Use napkins, and keep your hand sanitizer nearby., Problem solved.
  12. I'm still seizure prone but was never diagnosed epileptic. My reason is a physiological birth defect...I've never been on meds for the seizures after the Dilantin. We would both have been drowned or burned at the stake. Geez.
  13. I am seizure prone and was on Dilantin until my mid-teens. Grand Mal seizures. I remember my Mama telling me about this, and me thinking how thankful I was born in the 20th century. Religion is a kick, ain't it?
  14. To go with the family/grandson the salad bar is pretty good, and carved meats. We don't eat fried or processed food /sweets. So for the price it's alright. Jason's Deli is better, though . If you dig the fried stuff, southern cooking, you will be in heaven. It's clean, the one in Douglasville seems to be, anyway .
  15. Just go. I skipped country, and came back here from Germany. Loved Germany~hated the asshole I left there. Just go.
  16. Congratulations! So sweet .
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