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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I've never read any of Dorsey's work, and in fact just had to google the character you mentioned . I have no idea, but I do love Jeff Lindsay . Michael C. Hall is indeed a beautiful man , but moreso because I just love that character. I sincerely hope there are some 'Dexters' operating out there somewhere. He's kind of a super hero .
  2. Depends on if he was a 'Dexter' or an 'Ed Gein'... Dexter I would keep .
  3. I 'knew', not being told. I dreamed it the night it happened right after he graduated boot camp. I saw the girl to a tee in my dream. I woke in the early a.m and called my Mom to tell her, I remember being really upset. I'd never met the girl in my life before the dream, and only after that when he presented pictures of his graduating group. I pointed her out and confronted him and he confessed. We divorced 5 years (and many more women and drama later). So in my case I knew whether I wanted to or not. That kind of crap always happens to me. Long answer made short...yes I want to
  4. You would get along well with my husband...I hate them . On our first date we got into a discussion about music and he asked how I felt about SRV, I love me some Stevie Ray Vaughn. Oddly enough he never asked me about the Allman Brothers (his favorite band EVER). We laugh because he says we wouldn't have had a second date . I call them 'The Great Unwashed' JUST to get on his nerves, lol. 'Mountain Jam' makes me want to jam forks in my ears repeatedly .
  5. I had to do a divorce by publication 24 years ago...it did require an attorney but was not very expensive. I had to do it that way because the deadbeat asshole could not be located. That may be your best option. Good luck!
  6. Oh yes, that one too...especially the acoustic version! That's alright...I still you . I just thought of another one: Stray Cats 'Stray Cat Strut'
  7. Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody' Flogging Molly's ' Drunken Lullabies' CCR's 'Fortunate Son' Warren Zevon's 'Werewolves of London' Anything by REM or Green Day
  8. I think some do~ I also think that you can get 1,000 different dream interpretations from dream interpretation books. I figure that if the universe is trying to tell you something YOU know it. No one needs to tell you. I knew my son-in-law and stepdaughter were giving me a Chi (my first) for Christmas 3 years ago. I did not know the gender or the color. The puppy they were choosing for me was from several I had not seen of a litter newly weaned. I lost my Mama 9 years ago. I had been dealing with a little bit of depression, and my husband and family thought that giving me someone t
  9. I agree with all of the comments about shoveling and giving it right back to them. Some people are just assholes, and there is no curing that...so inconveniencing them may work much better. When we lived in Germany and took our Rottweiler out to do her business we (and every other dog owner) carried one of those shovel rake things with us to immediately scoop the poop, it's not that freaking hard to do, even the children did it. But there again, folks who get off on acting like idiots just won't care.
  10. RhondaW


    OMG...I would drive the crap out of that car!!!!
  11. That is just too freaking cool!!!
  12. I like both spellings as well~ I fly too, but only as high as the tallest thing I am flying to (tree or building). Usually when I fly it is to get away from something after me on the ground. I fly like you would swim, and I kick my legs to fly higher. I also tend to have more nightmares than good dreams, or at least disturbing dreams if they aren't outright nightmares. I always have. As a matter of fact I remarked to my husband today about a good dream I had last night (a new house) and he commented how rare it is for me to ever mention any 'good' dreams. My Mom used to tell me I shou
  13. Me too, being made into a zombie has long been on my bucket list! But I was a fan way before The Walking Dead...early 70's and Romero did it for me . My Mama was a MEGA horror fan and had me watching many years before it was probably appropriate, so I came by it honest . If you ever need a list I have a HUGE personal library of dystopia (zombies in particular) and can make some really good suggestions for you to pursue .
  14. You're welcome. He's a very good writer. The Dead series is my favorite, if you like dystopian fiction you will literally be on the edge of your seat .
  15. Thank YOU for thinking of my daughter .
  16. Oh, I'm so sorry I misunderstood. Britaini no longer owns the bookstore and we are in no way affiliated with it or anyone there . I'm fairly sure however that they would have a copy. There were always several on hand.
  17. This was a free ebook offered by the author .
  18. I'm honestly not familiar with that site at all. I get tons and tons of free books from Amazon, and today it just occurred to me that maybe I should start posting them here as well. The one I posted today is actually one I purchased several months ago . I have most of Joe's books in 'real' form as well as electronic. I'm actually like that with most everyone I read. I buy a physical and electronic copy.
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