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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. My husband will be 51 this year. He's a big old bear . He is balding right at the top of his head, and I think his beard would like to grow out of his eyeballs. I swear it comes right up to under his eye, it's crazy . He gripes about it daily .
  2. Now lets not say 'These folks'. I completely disagree with your belief system and have no respect for 'it' (as in the belief system). Yet I totally respect that you have the right to believe whatever you choose without ridicule, as do I. Carry on.
  3. So very true, we both take after my Mama .
  4. Lol! I'm kind of a tree hugger myself.
  5. My daughter is a lesbian AND a tree hugger, lol.
  6. I disagree...I love me a good drag show . Outdoor drag shows would be fantastic...weather permitting, of course.
  7. That's awesome! I think they should open a gay club right across the street from their compound, and maybe have outdoor 'drag' shows .
  8. Beautiful baby and beautiful name . Congratulations!!!!
  9. 30 is old? My daughter is turning 27 this year and she is already mourning it...lol. Not in the sense that she thinks she's 'old' but in the "OMG Mom, I'm almost 30" sense, lol.
  10. At 29 I was Mom to two children, an army wife living in Germany with my soon to be ex. I thought I knew more than I actually did, and it's a place (not physically but in my head) that I would never want to be again. Aside from how I felt physically, I wouldn't ever want to go back to my 20's or 30's, come to think of it .
  11. Thanks Guys! I know there are dietary things I can do to (possibly) help avoid flare-ups. I've heard about the cherry juice, but I am going to research that one more. I hate cherries, so that's not going to be easy . I do not consume any drink with sugar, corn syrup or anything else. I haven't had a soda (diet or otherwise) since last year. I drink approximately 100 ounces of water every day, and aside from water I only drink tea, completely unsweetened~not even artificially. I do drink red wine, it has always helped me with my digestion (another issue) and I generally drink a
  12. I know it's going to kill me to eradicate red wine. I'm a die hard Merlot lover. I have to do it though, too much pain. I took my first dose of the prescription today so I will see how well I can tolerate it. I'll take any suggestions you have though, and I appreciate it very much .
  13. Thank you everyone! I called Dr. Weselman, and I had my dr. fax over my labs and a referral. The receptionist told me they will call Monday and schedule an appt so hopefully the wait won't be too super long. I just gave in and ordered a cane, btw. It will help with the flare-up and my zombie shuffle . I told my husband he had better be watching his mouth now, or I may be smacking him with it, lol.
  14. I just looked her up and have her number. I'm going to call her now . Thanks Guys!!!
  15. Thank you so much! That's the area I wanted to be in . I will check her out. I'm sorry for yours as well...I did test negative for RA. Arthritis is the suck.
  16. I just got my lab results back today and I do (as I suspected) have gout. My right ankle. My visit to the dr. to request the test was precipitated by a 5 month 'flare up' . At least now, I know what the problem is and can deal with it. I've been prescribed Allopurinol, but i would really like to find a good Rheumatologist to educate me on the management of this. Any suggestions, and thanks in advance!
  17. I'm happy for you and sad all at the same time. I never got to see my rubber chicken .
  18. You are absolutely right. I did not know any better with Brit or I would have refused the Pitocin...horrible. I was just trying so hard to have her naturally and they assured me that it would help. Total b.s. I had done my research by the time it came to have Mitchell so I flat out refused it. Pitocin is utterly horrible, for you and for the baby. Research first.
  19. I think they should tell every woman that gestation is 10 months, not nine so when you go over you aren't quite as miserable. Britiani was 3 weeks overdue, and there was absolutely no doubt as to when the due date should have been (no intercourse before or after the date of conception). I went into labor on my own, could not dilate past two cm, was induced for 3 days and then delivered c-section when she went into distress. They wanted to induce with my second, I arrived at the hospital at 2:00 am in labor and by 9:00 had not made much headway with dilation (again). I refused induction an
  20. Yes, my John Denver lovin' sistah . Edited to say I tear up at some point on any John Denver song. Tears for the loss of that beautiful, gentle man and tears for my Mama who loved him and inspired me to do the same .
  21. I thought of some more... 'These Boots Were Made for Walking'~ Nancy Sinatra 'Dust in the Wind' and 'Carry on Wayward Son' by Kansas 'Dancing Queen'~ Abba "Give Me One Reason'~Tracy Chapman 'Light my Fire'~ The Doors '99 Problems'~ Hugo 'Down with the Sickness'~ Disturbed
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