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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. It's not possible for them to answer your question in any way that does not include circular reasoning. You cannot expect reasonable discourse with anyone that drew the parallels this person has drawn regarding the issue. Just as I find it kind of telling that some of those here who "answer to a higher power" are generally the first ones to scream "troll", and make ugly accusations to another poster that those of us who do not are able to easily just ignore and let live. He hasn't threatened violence, he just rambles. It's indicative of the need for religion to 'control' the lives (or
  2. Thank you. That was my point, and it was my point in sharing the actual complaint here in the other thread. It's not about the "N" word, as folks are screaming, there is just SO much more to it. Once you read the complaint, you understand the problem. Admittedly, I am not a fan of hers and never have been. I sincerely hope that this actually makes it to trial, that witnesses and corroboration are presented. Both sides have their stories, and everyone seems to already have their opinion. If evidence cannot be presented then I hope she regains everything she has lost. I think it would be
  3. Yes, but I graduated in 1984. My children can, but I homeschooled and my youngest graduated 9 years ago. We had a person working for us at the store, very bright, very gifted. Just graduated from a 4 year college this year. This person could not read cursive. It just was not taught. Needless to say, before heading back to school (worked summer break for us) we helped this person learn to read and write in cursive. We were utterly flabbergasted to find its not always taught anymore.
  4. Good luck with this, I hope it works out well for you .
  5. I love this whole quote so much I wish I could use it in my signature.
  6. Just to clarify. I said I was 'ready for my bullet', in the context that I was ready to be reprimanded because of what I chose to call you. From the board moderation, not you. I chose to call you that, not based on personal interaction or knowledge, but solely based on your asinine threat of bloodshed towards homosexuals. Which is still asinine, btw. I'm not even the least bit concerned in any way, shape form or fashion with any further threat you felt the need to toss out at my expressing an adjective that I felt described your character based on your own post. I thought you acted like ex
  7. Lol, You noticed how skeered I was. My big old Alabama redneck bear of a husband will stay uninformed of the rantings of the little whippersnapper. It's just best to keep the peace that way. My 24 year old son as well, for that matter. They wouldn't take to it it too kindly. I know, right? lol HAHAHA! Warning first please, I just spit tea on my keyboard.
  8. LOL. You're ridiculous, and apparently you have no idea what the ruling actually was. A Quick 30 Second To How the Gay Marriage Ruling Affects You Educate yourself.
  9. Stonewall, I can definitely make an assumption based on your post. And I did. Mine too, among others. Very disturbing.
  10. Wow. Asshole. I'll take my bullet now.
  11. Gotcha...and I ain't skeered. lol
  12. My former mother in law and children's grandmother (African American) thinks that they are both idiots...so, no .
  13. Just so you all know, if you read the filed document you would know that the woman suing Paula Deen is Caucasian. The lawsuit is being presented by a woman in the employ of her restaurants for 5 years. The things that Paula and her absolutely disgusting brother said and the way they behaved are part of the lawsuit. It's because of this that Paula was deposed and had to admit under oath what has been said since much if it (according to the lawsuit) was said (and the behavior exhibited) in front of many witnesses. This is not a 'mistake' or a one time faux pas. It was a pattern of abusive
  14. No. I haven't, nor did my parents or grandparents and I was born and raised here in Georgia.
  15. Lol, I voted pretty much everything too. Stupid 'anything' should have been added, and topics about bigotry. I'm over that one officially. Oh, and plastic packaging that is so dangerous and hard to open that you need stitches and/or a blood transfusion once you've managed to retrieve your product. That one has REALLY been bothering me this week.
  16. Best Buy uses this form of payment for payroll now. When I was there I had no problem with it. Pretty damn convenient.
  17. Girl, you know I love you. I really do. I think we are kindred spirits in SO many ways. I think on this one subject we will have to agree to disagree. I'd rather fry my keyboard than hurt your feelings in a disagreement over this so I'm gonna get off the issue on here. I think I've pretty much said everything I wanted to say . I'm being very honest when I say I have never liked her and listening to her speak is like nails down a chalkboard. She literally makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up and always has. That's it, cross my heart. Ps...don't look at my FB statu
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