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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. This is one of the few times I've disagreed with you . I don't believe for a second it has anything to do with the environment she was raised in. I said this on the other thread... After you reach adulthood you know right from wrong. If she thinks it's a 'right' use of language, she really does have a problem. She knew it was a wrong, she just thought she could get away with it. Food Network did the right thing in getting rid of her, it's all about perception~and advertising dollars. She made herself a liability, and she should have thought about that before she opened her mouth.
  2. I agree "a product of how you are raised"...maybe until you hit teenage years. After you reach adulthood you know right from wrong. If she thinks it's a 'right' use of language, she really does have a problem. She knew it was a wrong, she just thought she could get away with it. Food Network did the right thing in getting rid of her, it's all about perception~and advertising dollars. She made herself a liability, and she should have thought about that before she opened her mouth. Totally agree with you on the Zimmerman case.
  3. Yeah, that's not alright either. The only time I think I've ever agreed with Bill, btw...is when he comments on religulous issues. I detest both sides of the political fence. How do two wrongs make a right? Lol. I actually thought that at first .
  4. I use the "c" word. I have no problem with it. I liberally use foul language, and don't have a problem with that either. I could make a sailor blush. Bigoted language I don't use, never have and never will. Different thing entirely.
  5. I cannot stand that woman, and never have been able to stomach her or her 'affected' accent. I have a friend who writes for a living, and was writing a short story for an anthology, he lives in California and growing up in the west has not been regularly surround by southerners. His main character had a southern accent and he based some of her dialogue on the way that Paula Deen speaks. When he emailed me copy before editing with some paragraphs of her dialogue (in particular) I almost had a heart attack. It shamed me to think that he (and many others) think we speak that way. Oh, and
  6. You go girl, same here . Ditto my current husband's ex-wife. I have a friend I reconnected with from HS. I care a great deal about him but if he told me it was raining I would check outside first. I hate that in a person. It's hard to deal with in a 'friend' I absolutely will not tolerate it at all in a spouse.
  7. Yes, I'd rather find out on FB than not at all. My Papaw Charles passed away 3 weeks ago. He was married to my sweet Mema before I was even born, he was always just Papaw, not blood relation but we couldn't have loved him any more had he been. He drifted away from us in the years since Mema died, but was always dear to our hearts. He died from a massive heart attack 3 weeks ago, and the b*tch he was living with didn't bother to call ANY of us, not my father or my cousin (whom he raised) or anyone else. He was dead an buried and we never knew. We aren't even mentioned in the obituary.
  8. RIP, Jeff. My entire family was saddened by this horrible news. He was a fine man, and will always hold a very special and dear place in my heart. His wife and girls are in my thoughts.
  9. That was beautiful, both her response and his apology~thank you for sharing!
  10. Do you have a litter box? A little bit of kitty litter that has been tinkled on at your mailbox post should do it.
  11. Val is alright, again. Just one HUGE heartbreaking mess.
  12. My friend Val works about a thirty minute drive from her home. She has normal work hours and did not make it home last night till around 11:40 due to all of the damage. She, her home and family were safe thank goodness, but this morning she posted this on FB... "Just woke up to huge hail pounding my house and had to immediately turn on the news. I've lived in Oklahoma all of my life. After what happened yesterday this is the first time I have ever been afraid of the weather".
  13. Val says she's okay, it didn't hit as far north as her work. I hope there is no loss of life from the places it did rip through. I fricking hate tornadoes.
  14. Thank you, Dana. I'm glued to her FB right now . Val just said it hit an elementary school and kids are trapped .
  15. My friend Val is in the path of it. Bloody hell .
  16. I was born in October of 1966. and my younger sister was born in November of 1968. I was standing by the side of the bed and my Mom was reclining in the bed drawing me a picture of what a baby looks like in your stomach...I must have wanted to know. She was VERY pregnant so I would put this in October of '68. As she was tearing the sketchpaper, she cut herself and started to bleed. That's all I remember until I woke in the back of an ambulance. Nothing past that, the sound and sight of the ambulance, the pregnant belly, the sketch and the cut. That was my first grand mal seizure. To th
  17. I work really hard...and most of the time very successfully to avoid drama. I'm definitely not one of those women. I see it all of the time, and I honestly don't understand how people live like that, and 99% of my female friends are the same (non-drama). I think I'm fairly fortunate in that respect.
  18. Absolutely. I guess the fact that I've never found mine to be anything more than a nuisance would help with my decision. I haven't been able to run since third grade, and have been in the high DD's since my teens. My husband would be sad too, but he says the same. I totally get it.
  19. Yep. I completely understand what she did and why she did it. I've said for years that if I even have the hint of it, they are both going. It would just make a larger canvas for more tattoos, and I am not even kidding. I've seen some freaking gorgeous work covering a double masectomy area.
  20. RhondaW


    A girl after my own heart .
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