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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I know Carol! Me too, Spunkywoman...and I still looked like hell. That was actually the second thing I said: 1. Awwwwww, look at the baby. 2. Omg, Laura looks amazing. Lol Thanks y'all!! They've been trying for so many years. I'm so very happy for both of them .
  2. Thanks y'all! I thought the same thing, Jenilyn! She looks pretty fricking fantastic to have just given birth. I looked like I had been hit by a semi, lol.
  3. Lila Dru, born early this morning with a head full of dark hair. My stepson and his lovely wife had their firstborn health baby girl weighing in at 8lbs 1oz and is 21.5 inches long . YAY for healthy babies!!!
  4. Oh god...that was hilarious. I actually think it was funnier than the one I posted. I'd never seen it because I quit watching SNL when Chevy Chase left, lol.
  5. I just read this response and I can say I agree with this. IF hard labor could be imposed~chain gang style life, for the rest of their natural life. Not 25 years. Child rapists and serial killers should be executed, however.
  6. I'm both for and against I guess? I think there are cases that definitely merit it...but I think that if there is any doubt whatsoever, it should not be carried out. I do think child rapists should receive it. There is no cure for that...so in that sense I think it should be broadened. I think the idea of executions as entertainment is reprehensible to the point that I don't even want to comment on it.
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHA! THAT was awesome . I thought so too! Wasn't that woman scary though? I mean when she broke the pencil, that passive aggressive look on her face was funny and frightening all at the same time . lol
  8. Lol . I did post a link to a video of a farting woman yesterday. So, there's that .
  9. Awwwww. I really just teared up a little bit. Thank you, Beach Bum. Seriously, thank you. I was a little blue this morning and this made me smile. YOU are a class act.
  10. I thought it was hilarious. Apparently...we are in the minority .
  11. Or do they... Maxipad responds.
  12. I totally feel the same way. Nice to see other Anglophiles .
  13. Awww. It is part of the natural cycle but SO sad. I wouldn't be able to watch that either .
  14. P.S...You're welcome . The Bloggess on the news of the royal birth~
  15. Agreed. It was a tragic situation for everyone involved even though I'm sure she considered it worthwhile because that journey gave her the sons that she adored. Charles could have handled it better, she was led on from the start. That was the tragedy of it all, and for that he was a douche. But, back to your topic... YAY FOR HEALTHY BABIES!!!!
  16. They are both very handsome, William smiles like his mother and she was breathtaking. I just think that Harry has grown into the better looking young man. I also have a soft spot for gingers, so there's that . William is only 4 years older than my daughter, but I was in love with Prince Charles (big ears and all) when I was a little girl. Before he turned into a giant douche (I'll never forgive him for Diana) he was a funny guy. I remember a story of him filling the royal fountain with bubble bath. I stayed home from school to watch his wedding to Diana.
  17. Isn't it funny that Harry turned out to be the handsome one? William was such a beautiful boy . Gotta love those gingers! I love the royal family, always have. I'm such a huge anglophile .
  18. I refuse to google 'botfly'. Ever. Never in my life will I google 'botfly'.
  19. I'm picturing the Ear Wig episode from 'The Night Gallery'....YAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH Scariest episode ever, and I slept with a pillow on my head for MONTHS after it. :o And that would TOTALLY keep me out of Peru. Just like Funnel Web Spiders will keep me out of Australia.
  20. You are absolutely right, Jen. If not dog fighting I've heard of medical research facilities taking the dogs with larger heads to experiment on and torture. Thank you for putting the info out there <3. Jlewi, 'reading is a skill'. Really? I'm glad I'm not the only person who sometimes reads posts too fast and misses some information. I actually do it more often than I care to admit. Sometimers happens to me more and more often...
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