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Everything posted by deedoodle

  1. WOW, that is awsome, I love the red bandana (sp)
  2. we love Cafe Wing Max in the Kmart shopping ctr in Hiram, they also have a great house salad
  3. Dana, I'm wishing your dad a speedy recovery. Hang in there.
  4. Isn't this book written by p.com's own Jack Reacher? I cannot wait to read it. Good reviews
  5. The only one I know of locally is Dr. Kelly Wesselman. She is in Cobb county on the East West connector at Cooper lake road. This is who I go to. She's good. Her number is 770-333-2035 Dee
  6. So sorry for your loss, you and your family are in my thoughts. Dee
  7. My thoughts are with your family, so sorry for your loss.
  8. I have a question for those of you that use these steam mops on your hardwood floors. Does it leave streaks? I've tried every cleaning solution out there and once you walk across the floor you see footprints. The best thing I've found is vinegar and water. If these steam mops do not leave streaks, I'll probably order this Euroflex EZ2 off of Amazon. TIA
  9. I have heard that Iris Johanson, the writer also lives in Paulding county, Has anyone ever ran across her when out and about?
  10. I have tried all of the above on our floors and my problem is within a day you see foot prints everywhere. Is there anything out there that will not show them?
  11. That is what I was told, sounded kinda weird to me also
  12. I heard from a guy who knows the owner of the land and he was told the owner needed to do some development to the property for tax purposes. There are no plans for what will go in there.
  13. That was a good number, thanks
  14. Can someone give me his phone number, he refers people to a friend who is a mechanic and I need to call him? Thanks Dee
  15. Happy Birthday! what a beautiful baby
  16. These guys ROCK. We had out Corvette and Tahoe detailed by them and they did a great job, both cars are black and they are shinning like glass. Thanks for the great job. Dee
  17. Nitro, I have to agree with you totally. 2 years ago my company gave everyone a 6% decrease in salary, we did not have a choice but if we had I would have choose the 6% vs someone losing their job. Less than a year later, when things picked up my company gave everyone the 6% back and gave us the back pay also. But, I work for a GREAT company and have been here for 33 years. Dee
  18. Joann, I am so very sorry for your loss, I cannot even begin to imagine. I can only hope that time will lessen your pain. Dee
  19. I just ordered all three from Amazon, I cannot wait to start reading.
  20. Very nice, love your dress
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