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Everything posted by deedoodle

  1. Ha Ha, I've never been in the bar side but we eat in the wing side all the time. The wings are great.
  2. Update, I found out they were having a benefit for a guy with cancerand just ahd the parking lot roped off. Can someone put UPDATE in my topic for me? Thans
  3. Sunday morning there was crime scene tape in the parking lot of Mia's bar. Does anyone know what when down? I searched the net and couldn't find any info.
  4. Good info. I have wondered about them. Our system will get clogged if we use a real soft tissue like Charmin.
  5. Caped Crusader (Curtis) on here found me a policy for my 28 year old thru Blue Cross that runs $100.00 a month. Pretty good coverage. But I did get a letter saying everything would change when Obama care went into effect. I'm not sure if the coverage and price will change for the better or worse.
  6. I am shocked at some of the products listed. I thought for sure SUGAR would be listed. My husband read that refined sugar feeds cancer cells. We've tried to reduce our usage of sugar, gone to unsweet tea. It was a lot easier that I thought it would be. Thanks for posting this.
  7. LOL I know what you mean. I husband is the worst when he is sick, you'd think he was the only person in the world who has been sick. Big cry baby.
  8. You will have a blast, but I'd wait till it cools down a little, it is very hot there
  9. We went Sunday and had a nice time, seemed like they had a good turn out of vendors and customers. I got to meet Glassdogs and Mark David. They both had some really nice stuff. I hope you did well there. I love craft shows, I wish Paulding meadows was a little later in the year so it would be more fall like weather.
  10. We've been to both places, my son rides and he likes both. Durhamtown has some nice rustic cabins you can stay in, they also have or had a mess hall where you can get a hot meal. It'd be nice if some folks would take their kids to ride at these places instead of up and down the neighborhood streets.
  11. Thanks for the article. My husband and I were just discussing this weekend whether to refill ours. Now I will leave it up all winter. Also I loved the video of the baby hummers in the nest. So cute
  12. I read all of the series and it was just ok, the writing was not very good. I would probably go see the movie just to see the man from Sons of A. He is HOT
  13. We used Advanced fence and they did a great job and were very reasonable.
  14. He probably got scared with all the fireworks. I hope you find his family
  15. We used Crist for roof and gutters also and they did an excellent job.
  16. Mrs G what a handsome young man, love the baby deer also.
  17. Thanks for the info, I love a good Antique shop and real flea market.
  18. I love to read. I average 1 to 2 books a week. I'm like you, once I start one I see it thourgh till the end. One exception was Lord of the Rings. I had to put that one down. That was a long time ago. I enjoyed the movie.
  19. deedoodle

    Guard dad

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Guard Dad, where ya been? I hope you have a great one! Dee
  20. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Momof3 Hope you have a wonderful day!!
  21. Yep probably died of a broken heart
  22. I love the jacked up haircut one also, so cute
  23. That is WONDERFUL news, Blondie thanks for keeping us updated.
  24. No but my co-workers kids were sent home with notices in their book bags saying there was an incident in front of the school this morning at 8:30 but that it had been handled by the paulding Cty officers. That is all that it said.
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