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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. Looks like they just closed registration for the one this month.
  2. Capt D's (Merchant's Sq.) is hiring Wendy's is hiring (couple locations) Sonic (Lithia Springs) is hiring Marshall's (Austell Rd.) is hiring Papa John's ("Greater Marietta Area") is hiring Domino's (on 92) is hiring AT&T ("Austell and surrounding areas") is hiring
  3. Check into Parents Without Partners.
  4. Yep, flurries off and on here, too. But we're in a hot pocket ... 18 degrees here.
  5. No question. I'm so glad that yesterday and today were hubby's days off. Not looking forward to him having to go in before dawn tomorrow. For those that do have to be out ... slow, slow, slow down and be very careful.
  6. Yep ... it's ice out there folks and everybody slides on ice. 2 wheel drive or 20 ... they all slide. I see a lot of comments from folks saying they're from up north and used to this. I'm from up north too and I know better. It's different here.
  7. I can't go ... that's why I'm pouting. Nobody to watch the kiddies.
  8. I hope those of you going have a wonderful time. I sure wish I was camping this weekend.
  9. We always used cream, vanilla, and sugar. Maybe that's the "northern" recipe.
  10. And many mistakenly believe you can have all of the meat and cheese that you want. And just because a food item is ok to have doesn't mean you should eat it every day.
  11. Sleet falls as little pellets of ice. Freezing rain falls as liquid and freezes on the ground. Freezing rain is generally worse than sleet.
  12. Are you getting sleet or freezing rain?
  13. Certainly can't see anything here that would cause schools to be closed.
  14. The biggest problem with Atkins is the people who do it wrong.
  15. Anybody who uses any weight loss plan without adding exercise is not doing themselves any favors.
  16. This one is better (except for the sirens) (click on the picture)
  17. (It's a video ... click on it.)
  18. Atkins allows all healthy carbs back into your diet. It is only harsh in the beginning. And it does bring about a lifestyle change. Learning what you are putting in your body and making healthy choices. Good carbs, not bad ones.
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