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Everything posted by adam&jessica

  1. http://www.filteryourlife.com/ Try those.
  2. The girlfriend should be charged. She would feed him in the chair. I don't really feel bad for the guy, I feel bad for the landlord. She's got a wrecked up rental with a huge hole in the wall. Hope she has good insurance.
  3. I think White Oak is catch and release, but I see plenty of people keep fish from there. I personally only catch and release, so it doesn't matter to me either way. I never had great luck there, outside of bream.
  4. I've noticed that in Cobb and Paulding, especially the stretches you are talking about, there do seem to be several places where the speed limit is far too low, or where they turn lane is artificially shortened, etc, and the police seem to be voracious about handing out tickets for the littlest things. I'm glad I'm back in Bartow county again. I'd experienced/heard about too many stories in paulding where someone supposedly ran a red light/didn't come to a stop at the stop sign, and the dash cam for the cop magically wasn't working, or the 4 people in the car plus the people in the parking lot
  5. Go watch some divorce proceedings. Mine happened a few years ago, and despite the fact that my ex had two family violence charges against her at that moment, one of which was cruelty to children, I could not get custody. In fact, it wasn't even considered. When my lawyer tried to bring it up, the judge said, and I'm quoting here, "Children should be with their mothers". I had two witnesses at court that day who were prepared to testify about what a bad parent she was, including her landlord and a relative of hers, and I wasn't even able to call them as a witness. I also had coworkers of hers w
  6. That's not stealing. To steal is "to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force". The creditors are doing all right as far as I can tell. The collection agency that tried to screw me over on a debt that wasn't even mine posted a 44 million dollar profit last year...
  7. Sounds to me like the mother was brainwashing the daughter, and the father was trying for years to fix the situation. I hate how many states favor the mother over the father, especially the great state of GA.
  8. Spoken like someone who hasn't had it rough in a long, long time, if ever. And many of them do invent info. It's personally happened to me, with one of the companies listed in the article that was linked in the original post. I only ever found out because I called to make a payment, and they wanted me to verify my address, and they had one listed for Missouri, where I've never even been before. I also know of two other people this has happened to before, though not with the same company. No one deserves jail for debt, unless they never had any intention of paying the debt. If you are curr
  9. If you avoid service, or if the company owed the debt has lost your information, and makes up a random address and phone number and claims they attempted to contact you. The fact of that matter is that if they can't locate you, they shouldn't be able to put out and arrest warrant for you. Most people don't think to update the creditor of an old debt when they move or have phone numbers changed. Especially not if they are in the middle of a layoff, and are having a ton of other issues as a result of that. This is an evil practice, where people are taking advantage of the legal system. It ne
  10. I had a creditor try to do this to me, and I ended up having to take out another loan to pay off the debt. People don't understand the way the law works, and how insane it is that someone can call a number a few times, that probably isn't even yours, to try to collect a debt, and you could get thrown in jail over the debt that you could have forgotten that you had, or been unable to pay, but hadn't actually received any notices about. The other huge issue I have with debt collectors is incorrect info on credit files. I've got triplicates of certain accounts on my credit file, and despite
  11. LOL reading this makes me want to give church a second chance. Unless they enforce that whole tithing thing, that would make the adult entertainment center more practicable.
  12. I don't think we are speaking about the same bug. The red wasps, or Mahogany wasps as some people call them, are vicious and aggressive. My mom was randomly attacked by them last year, and actually had to jump in a nearby pond to get them to leave off of her. She was stung 14 times in total, and each sting swelled up to a bit larger than a golf ball. We tried to get her to go to the hospital, but she refused. She basically was bed ridden for several days before they started to go go away. I was at her house today, after having had them exterminated last year, where we destroyed 3 nests, and th
  13. CBS and the production company pulled the show, not Sheen. They can't really counter sue. And they can't really ask him to go to rehab when they fired him for entering home based rehab... I knew this would happen eventually. Sheen is the funny part of the show, and CBS has determined that it can't realistically go on without him. The show makes them a ton of money, so of course they want him back.
  14. I knew of 4 people who graduated from my HS, Woodland in Cartersville, in 2005, who could not read or write adequately enough to read a children's book. I suspect one of them could not read at all, he just memorized what signs looked like. And they did get a diploma, one even got a college prep diploma. The teachers fudged the graduation test for them (IE, took it for them). The fact of the matter is that kids are getting less educated every year. It's depressing to think how little kids actually learn with all those years of school. I was surprised to learn they aren't teaching cursive an
  15. Not really. Go to any christian family run business, and say you are an atheist, and see how much discrimination there is. Better yet, get a job at a church, then wear a shirt with an atheist symbol on it, or a shirt that simply says "There is no god" and see if there is discrimination. If I did that, I would expect to be called in, and either be fired, asked to resign, or at least have someone say something very strongly worded to me, to let me know that I cannot work there while wearing that item. Frankly, I don't have a problem with that. I keep my beliefs to myself, do my job, and don'
  16. It is a cult. And I exercise my right not to participate in religion, so that I can actually think for myself, rather than be brainwashed into thinking that a hat is evil.
  17. It's a national holiday. A santa hat is not a religious symbol. Santa does not appear in the bible. The government shuts down for Christmas, it's a government recognized holiday. I never said it was a government instituted religious holiday, where people must worship the baby jesus while wearing santa hats... Not bothering to respond to crazy4boys... I think the boy fever has gotten to their reading comprehension skills.
  18. I had heard a few times that they might just bury the plant... If that would work, I don't understand yet why they haven't done it, considering that if the plant doesn't get cooled down properly very soon, the whole country, and parts of other countries, could get swamped by massive radiation.
  19. Frankly, I am much more concerned about the victim than the perpetrator. Besides, watching a bully get his butt kicked may discourage some other bullies in the future.
  20. The situation isn't parellel because it isn't parallel, saying that it is does not make it so. Your scenario was about wearing a patriotic bikini. If you worked at an office building, and never agreed to expose your body, then it would not be appropriate to require you to do so. If you worked at Hooters, then it's not a big deal, because you aren't exposing much more than you normally do. What you are describing, and the situation in question are not at all the same. Your scenario deals with something that would make the vast majority of people uncomfortable, whereas the real situation is abou
  21. +1. Bullying in most cases causes depression, which makes the child either act out, or draw inward, and can cause the victim to act violently, like in Columbine, or commit suicide, like that 15 year old Irish girl a few years ago in Massachuesetts... The administrations at schools have to be more proactive about stopping it, because I've known teachers who knew about the bullying of many students, and did nothing. Mainly the coaches, especially when it's athletes doing the bullying.
  22. What the hell ever happened to self defense? This happens all the time, at every school, and when kids defend themselves, they get punished just like the bullies. It happened to me three times in high school, and luckily two times teachers were close enough to stop it before I snapped, and the third time a bunch of trailer park kids I didn't even know grabbed the jocks and kicked the crap out of them before I knew what was happening. I admire the kids restraint. He should have kicked the kid a few times for good measure.
  23. I worked at a mental hospital for 6 months, and trust me, the patients aren't as entertaining as sheen.
  24. If I worked at a place that showed skin anyhow, I'd have no issue with it. That's not really a parallel to this situation though. I need to go invent a cult that's against any sort of work that requires actual effort, then go get a job, and make them fire me for not working, so I can sue the employer. That's basically what's happening here.
  25. That's retarted. I've hated the uniform places I worked, but I never refused to wear it. It's called personal responsibility. If you don't want to do what you are hired to do, the way your employer wants you to do it, then go find a new job. I'm not even going to get into what I think of russellites...
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