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Everything posted by HiPlainsDrifter

  1. I'm just for being blunt and calling it what it is, "Rack Up the Tickets Because it's a Holiday Week" Let's drop the double speak. I hate when people dance around something and sugar coat it, say what you mean. The driver who is isn't buckled up is a doorway into more violations and we all know it, as is the unlicensed driver. I fully support getting those losers off the road, I just hate the charade that everyone plays of pretending to push the seat belt idea. I drive through those check points and see the people who get caught and think, "Hey, that's they're problem, they were stupid." The w
  2. A school board that runs the county finances like they run their own finances more than likely. Buy the biggest newest cars, newest flat screens, because by god we have to look better than the Jones's. Then they upgrade to a McMansion, never mind that the economy is unstable and their wages haven't increased, it will impress the relatives and friends. Hey we'll upgrade the upgrade and buy more stuff for the McMansion so when they come over they will be even more impressed. Now we have less money coming in and more money going out, gee what do we do? Priorities... Priorities...! It sounds like
  3. I made sure my voter registration was up date so I will be ready to go this year. Anyone who is complaining and wants a change in government should be salivating at the chance to register. They should jump at the chance to be registered. I for one will be one of the voters waiting on the ridge like a pack of wolves on election day, waiting to descend on the incumbents who are like deer that have been drinking at the water hole for too many years.
  4. It's good that someone helped you. I can't imagine seeing a woman stranded and not at least asking if she needs assistance. I know there are situations today where things can be suspicious , but we can all judge each one on it's on. I've been behind a woman and her kids at a light and watched people blow their horns and go around, but I've also seen people stop along with me and assist. I know I'm being judgemental here, but the part of town your in also plays a part in how open people are about helping. Sorry some folks just have more manners than others. My wife spent an hour in a grocery st
  5. I saw an article on this truck a year ago and immediately wanted one. I knew it would be way too high in price though. I spotted a white one on 120 two days ago, the only one I've ever seen on the road. It looked pretty d-- awesome to say the least.
  6. Trust me , he's thinking of you. There are so many soldiers that do not have the opportunity to call home on those special days due to assignment. Luckily our son had a few seconds to call, at which time I handed the phone to his mom. Ever since he joined the Army I keep the phone in my pocket at all times and we were hoping for that call. His mother was elated and it was one call that made her day. Like I said though there were a lot of guys that were unable to call from what I understand, Mother's Day is a huge day for those soldiers. Being a military parent can be hard sometimes, as I've le
  7. When I saw your husband I gave him my five dollars that I was aiming to buy mega million tickets with at the BP. I opened up my wallet and it was the only bill I had, but The Shriners hospitals were good to one of my sons when he was young and I have never forgotten it.
  8. It struck me because I had no clue that someone could be elected to the office of Sheriff even though they were a convicted killer. That's why I care. I mean what the hell,the guy couldn't get hired at Walmart or Home Depot but he can run for office where he carries a gun and upholds the law? Does anyone see anything wrong with this? I had no idea this was even possible. I know you can't be a deputy with a felony conviction, but a Sheriff?
  9. Two coyotes grabbed my ex wife's cat a few nights ago. Took him in the middle of a neighborhood in a populated area of Cobb County. I would strongly suggest keeping your small pets in at night especially.
  10. I wish the little girl the very best. I know a lot of people have a pocket full of answers sometimes, but they don't always fit as neatly to the situation as we think they do. I haven't walked a day in those parents shoes, but I know there is no end to what I wouldn't do for my kids. I'm fortunate that I have insurance that covers the health problems they have and a job that pays for the expenses.
  11. I've been seeing this family at the intersection of 92 and 120 for some time now collecting money. They have a sign that reads their daughter has a deadly disease and it has a picture of a little girl at the bottom. Today I came to the intersection and they were out there with who I am assuming is the daughter sitting on the roadside near the fruit stand in her wheel chair. I have a real soft spot for children with disabilities and I know it can put a huge drain on a family's finances. I've also been witness to someone who used their sick child to make financial gains, so I've seen both sides.
  12. How hypocritical can you be? You murder someone, serve time, then you're going to run for an office where you are charge with upholding the law? Only in America. He shouldn't be alive to even run for office in the first place in my opinion. Would you vote for him? Murderer for Sheriff
  13. I've had a taste for a plate of huevos rancheros with a side of beans and a glass of horchata for breakfast. Problem is I can't find a Mexican restaurant around that serves breakfast. Used to love this for breakfast every now and then when I was out west, but haven't had it in awhile. Any ideas?
  14. I stand my ground pretty much when it comes to parking spaces, and even give them up sometimes if I see an elderly person or mother with kids trying to pull in. But I'll only go so far due to the idiots we have out there. A parking space is not worth my life. I did have a woman steal a parking space from me one time at Old Navy. It was Christmas time and I had been driving up and down the parking lot just trying to get any space. Finally I find a car back out, sit there with my signal on right up on the car. A woman whips in the space and gets out walking. I lost it and rolled my window down a
  15. I'm sorry if I didn't rise when the announcement was made that court was in session and the judge walked in. Hey the way I see it, he'll be putting more money back into the economy via spending and taxes than any of us. He definitely won't be on government support and he'll provide for his family. My God, people wanna get on a man when he doesn't provide for his family, now they wanna get on this man cause he has hundreds of millions of dollars to provide for his family, what does everyone want? Also I can't say that because a man has tattoos and a few missing teeth that he can't manage money.
  16. I used to think that it was just normal not to sell alcohol on Sunday, until I traveled around the US and experienced how it's viewed elsewhere. Granted even the fact that in a lot of states you can't buy it until after 12PM on Sunday upsets some folks in those parts. Now please you can't tell me that isn't religious based. I have no problem with religion at all, I even look up to God all mighty, believe in him,pray to him, but it's pretty obvious that the laws are at least influenced by religion. To say that the church did not influence the Sunday alcohol sales laws is like saying that the NR
  17. My wife and I were out picking up ingredients for dinner and mainly wanted to get out of the house for a few hours on Saturday. I've been telling her about the Bumblebee Bakery that I've read about and we decided to take a ride over and check it out. They were extremely polite and patient, taking the time to tell us what they had and answered questions. Understand that my wife and I always get baked goods from the local grocery store, so this place beats it hands down. The atmosphere is great and the pie and cookies we had were awesome. We ate the bread with our chicken marsala that my wife co
  18. My wife and I visited the bakery for the first time yesterday after reading about it online. The politeness,atmosphere and of course the taste of the baked foods we bought were great. We will have found us a local bakery and will be going back.
  19. This weekend will be one of those many many times when we can all say , "Thank the Good Lord we live in Paulding County!"
  20. Our government sat back while Major Nidal Hassan made speeches on our own bases condoning Islamic Jihad missions on Americans. He spoke to our own military men and women and made his views well known and what did our PC government do? They walked on eggshells until the day he murdered innocent people all because they wanted to be politically correct. The Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was a terrorist that we were warned of several times, even by his family. What did our PC government do? They didn't want to step on toes and not look PC so they went after little grandmothers at the airports
  21. I don't think most of the residents or even the poster were thinking of guest like your son. The people that the residents have the biggest problem with, from what I gather, have no connection to the subdivision. I know if you are someone that a resident invited to my subdivision and you are behaving, then I have no problem with you being here. Invited is the key word, not just walk into a subdivision and take over amenities because you see opportunity, those are thieves, and degenerates, no matter how much their house cost.
  22. Training works for the most part but there are sometimes those bad behaviors that are hard to break. Dogs can turn you from the dog whisperer to the dog yeller. Who would call animal control? Vindictive people that's who, if you're following the law and treating your dog good. They see someone with a pet and it's a way into harassment. Hat's off to you for taking care of your dog the way you do. We have a small breed dog that runs freely from time to time in the neighborhood. He belongs to a neighbor and for the most part stays inside. They decide a few times a week that it's ok for him to co
  23. I was saying basically the same thing in that as long it's not with Public Funds. Trouble is if you're a politician and messin around during work hours, which are pretty long, then guess what it's my money and my business. If you're like the Gov of SC or any other public official using public funds, either via transportation, communication and during the working hours to fund your affair, then you're so called private life is my business. Why? Because you're working for us on our tax money. Sports stars like Tiger, I could care less about. If I don't like their personal life then I don't
  24. I thought it was strange when he made a public apology. I love sports and yes over the years some of the guys I've liked have had some less desirable private lives, but that was their personal life. I saw Tiger give this apology and even still today he seems to be asking for forgiveness. I keep seeing this and thinking, " Hey Tiger, I don't care, this is your problem, it's between you and your wife." He doesn't hold a public office so he doesn't work for me, so what is he? He's a Gooooolllllffffeeeerrrrr. So go Golf! I don't care about your problems, that's for you and your wife to deal with.
  25. I'd say the teenager I saw the other day driving down 120 texting and playing her music loud while driving her big Chevy Tahoe that ran the light would be more dangerous to me and my kids than the guy that was next to me on the awesome Road King. It's hard to put on make up, talk on the phone, text and talk to your passenger while riding a bike, so in some sense the biker is more focused on the road. I love bikes and respect the road. Some of the most respectful drivers I have met have been bikers and some of the rudest were the -- holes in hunks of steel on 4 wheels. We all need to be defensi
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