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Everything posted by LaurBar

  1. But how does that explain this episode where they were all remembering each other? That all happened at the same time.... I don't know. I can't even word the questions I have correctly because it's all so confusing...I don't know how to put it into words!
  2. I just can't believe it. I've looked forward to this show every week for a long time, and now this crazy ending. I actually said I thought they were all dead during the first season. It would have made sense then. But after all the island crap and these flash sideways...makes no sense, whether all of them were dead or only some of them. I've been crying because it was just that terrible for me the way it ended. Yeah, it was a "sweet" ending, but the questions didn't come close to being answered, and that's all we have ever wanted as Lost fans. That is one of the things the producers said
  3. If none of the other people were dead...then what was all the new good lives about? I just don't get it. It would have to be 2 diff dimensions, and that really just does not make sense.....not the way they wrote it.
  4. Dead Claire has a baby? Penny was there but didn't die...she was not on the plane. WTH...none of it makes sense! So...did they die in the first plane crash in the first episode? Or did they all die later and "meet" at the church? It makes NO sense. And if they did die in the first plane crash...the island and everything about it was all fake? If they didn't die in the first plane crash...then what the heck was up with the island? NOTHING was answered. NOTHING. I am just livid with this ending. Anything would have been better!
  5. OMG.... OMG OMG OMG Wish I had never started watching it.
  6. Not quite over, but SO disappointed Anyone else???? Nothing has been answered
  7. Darn! Well...after a little searching around, I found that activated carbon/charcoal is effective against brown recluse bites, applied topically and taken internally. If applied to the bite, it is supposed to be effective at neutralizing the bite and drawing out the poison. I'm all freaked out now, especially since I have seen spiders in my house lately, so I will have to get some (supposedly you can get it at WM near the pet section) and keep it on hand in case any of us turn up with any bites. That way, I can apply it immediately until we get to the doctor to have it looked at.
  8. I may be wrong, but I believe I saw one a few weeks ago crawling on the floor near my baby! It could have been one (looked like one), but I researched a bit and found a website that said they are often confused with the southern house spider. So, I'm not certain that was it because I squished it when I saw it. I got some Ortho-Max for the house (I hate flies and can't stand when even one flies in...so it takes care of them quickly). Anyone know if regular house poison works for spiders? Spiders seem to really like my house.
  9. Whether it is true or not, it would probably save a great deal of money by eliminating many cafeteria workers (sad for them, though). And, it would probably be a healthier lunch so long as they include things like fresh fruit, veggies with dip, etc. versus cookies and other junk items. I don't know how the lunches are here, but when I was in HS, the cooked lunches were almost always near the level of scary regarding sodium levels, etc.
  10. I totally agree...to offset the cost. It's not fair. I also know that there are parents out there who TRULY cannot afford to pay for project materials, etc., and work as hard as they can, and their children absolutely should not suffer and do without because of that. However, many kids are on reduced lunch and getting free materials, etc., whose parents have plenty of luxuries they could eliminate. Just not fair, but until it gets bad enough to where schools and the government will start paying attention and putting measures in place to stop abuse, it will continue. And, it's bad eno
  11. So, so sorry. Said a prayer for your family.
  12. I probably would have collapsed too! The way the citizens are treated there is atrocious. He probably passed out from the sheer terror of what would be done to him and/or her.
  13. LaurBar


    I drank in high school. I started drinking and smoking marijuana at age 13. My friends that didn't know me then wouldn't believe that now, but it's true. But it never interfered with my grades. I maintained top 5%. I think each generation just gets worse because, although I started early, everyone else was doing it too. And the few "goody goodies" who were not are the ones drunk and high all of the time now (most of them). I'm not saying everyone who does not drink in HS will be a drunk later, but it's just been my observation. With that said, am I going to give my sons alcohol? They don't nee
  14. Well, a lot of my friends growing up weren't allowed to watch or do certain things, but they did them anyway when they got the chance. Not saying your kids do, but many parents are in denial about what their kids are doing when not under their direct supervision.
  15. This video is nothing worse than I have seen and/or done in cheer routines. But even if cheer routines were "clean," if you are okay with letting your teen wear micro cheer skirts with midriff showing, how can you criticize a dance? Like it or not, cheer uniforms look the way they do for a reason. I'm just bringing this up because so many parents let their kids cheerlead in sexy uniforms but then get up in arms over a dance. Yes, this dance is totally inappropriate for an 8 year old, and is risque for a teen. But, most teens have sex and see way worse than this dance just watching their favori
  16. I'd let my teenager do it, but not an 8 year old.
  17. http://www.ehow.com/about_5098046_stenosis-heart.html The doctor is probably talking about aortic stenosis.
  18. Cattlemen's Gold BBQ sauce is my FAVE! It is the yellow BBQ sauce, which most people seem to have never heard of. They don't have much of it at the store, but they always have it. Most people seem to have never tried it, but once they do they love it. I think the gold bbq sauce is much better than the red varieties.
  19. I guess if people want to have this on their license, whatever. But, I personally would not want it on there. In fact, I am now very careful about what I say or do whenever going to the doctor...any doctor. Most people really have no idea what is really going into their medical records. I am about to work in transcription, and what I hear in those reports honestly shocks me sometimes. It is obvious that many people don't really know the process of how their visits are documented. I didn't really know the process, either, but I watch what I say now. I don't think it's ever a good idea to be lab
  20. Subby, that was great what you wrote. I agree completely, but sadly those of us who do not pray around the table before a meal, etc. are made to feel like we are not Christians or aren't doing what we are supposed to do. I have never liked praying out loud before a meal...or out loud before anyone. I just feel like it is a private thing, and it honestly embarrasses me to pray out loud. Not because I don't want people to know that I am a believer, but because I just feel like there's something off about it. I just think it should be a personal relationship and not a public, on display relations
  21. I don't know you, either, but Will sounds like he was an amazing kid and a friend to many! I am so sorry for your loss, but I am glad that you are comforted knowing he is in heaven now. RIP, Will.
  22. I agree! I am so proud of that card...even though it makes me seem like a lazy mom who can't cook! LOL! His little face lit up when he gave it to me, and that last line in the card is the best of all.
  23. Wow, really? From Stockbridge??? My husband will get a kick out of that. And I was going to say my husband said he had to be going 100 mph, but I thought he was exaggerating. I guess not! Thank God he didn't hurt anyone.
  24. I got a rose. That was it. I was expecting more, but only because he has been talking about Mother's Day for weeks. "So, it's Mother's Day coming up." That was said over and over, but other than the rose, today was like normal. I really wish I could have at least slept in or something. But I am used to my husband not really putting effort into these types of things. Everyone else seems to have had a lovely day...I am glad that so many husbands, sons, daughters, etc show their appreciation for the moms in their lives. My son made me a card at preschool that I really enjoyed and will
  25. Well, I'm surprised no one knows what was going on. I told my husband FOR SURE we'd find out on Paulding...lol. He interrupted my sleep to tell me about it and kept going on about how it was like a scene out of a movie. Ha. I hope they caught whoever they were looking for. Oh, BTW, my husband said it was a silver Honda Civic.
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