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Everything posted by LaurBar

  1. I wear pajama pants and a tank top when I grocery shop sometimes, if it's early in the morning. I don't see what the big deal is. At least I'm not wearing shorts so short my butt is hanging out. People actually compliment me on them sometimes. My kids are always dressed, though.
  2. I hate it when people spell words incorrectly and have a college education, or even a high school education. I know it does not necessarily mean the person is not intelligent (I consider my husband a genius, but he can't spell very well), but it really bothers me when someone doesn't even know how to spell the most basic words of our language. Unless there is some disability, I just really do not see why everyone can't learn and remember how to spell basic English words. What bothers me more is that the school my child will be going to has countless grammatical errors on their website, some of
  3. Oh, okay. Well, that makes sense, because it really is beyond your control if your roof gets destroyed. I just thought for sure it was going to go up since we had such widespread damage in the area. My mortgage company raised the money required for the escrow account, so it looks like I'm going to be getting a refund.
  4. Waxing or plucking or shaving the eyebrows. They all serve the same purpose. I don't see anything wrong with it. I started plucking mine when I was about 9, and if I ever have a daughter she will be allowed to get them waxed if she wants.
  5. I just got our notice to renew. Got a $60 discount for being claim free. That shocked me a little since we had a claim last April for the roof. And that was our second claim in 3 years. Not sure if they give everyone that discount who doesn't have a claim for the year, but it was a nice change because it is the first time it has ever gone down since we moved here.
  6. No, I don't think you told me that. I think I'm going to like it too.
  7. Where does your water come from? City of Dallas increased their rate for those who use over a certain amount. Our bill jumped to $60, and it is always $30-40. It went back down, though to $40, so I don't know. That just started in April.
  8. No, that was me...by accident. I'm holding the baby. I meant to click the quote button, and Grayson started fussing and moving around. Sorry...lol.
  9. I don't know what kind of mathematician you are, but I can't figure out how much I am paying per kilowatt if I do not know how exactly many kilowatts I used. I can't get that figure because my BILL IS NOT LOADING. If you have special, magical powers to get that figure for me, let me know. And perhaps you need to read my post again. I said I *could* figure it out, but since the page won't load, I can't do that. Glasses, much? And, statements don't end with question marks.
  10. Yeah, I know...tons of scams. My mom has a friend who is with a co in SC that paid out for their A/C, but they only insure SC residents, so...
  11. Well, I turned it up to 76 and so far so good as far as being able to tolerate it. I just bumped it to 77, and we'll see how it feels tomorrow. I may have to bump it back down. Well, I guess the lady lied to me then? She told me the price per kilowatt was the same as it was last summer. ????? When I look at my bill online it doesn't show me the price. I could figure it out, but my account is not loading so I don't remember the exact usage.
  12. Does anyone have insurance coverage for their appliances? We were offered the opportunity to enroll after we moved in 5 years ago, but I never paid attention to the notices. They came directly from our mortgage company, and now we don't get them anymore. I'm just terrified of our AC going out one day. My mom's went out twice in the past 2 years. $1,600 the first time, and $5k+ just a month ago. Anyone have a company they recommend? I know there are a ton of scams out there. I was hoping to find another company like the one my bank sent information about several times.
  13. This bill did include 2 more days than last year, but still. She tried to tell me they are very accurate and can't be wrong. She told me that if my usage yesterday equaled X amount and then jumped to X amount the next day, they would be alerted through their system and would come out and check the meter. Well, uh...what if it's just malfunctioning ALL the time and is causing my overall usage each day to seem more than what it is? There are sources out there who say having it face the sun can cause it to malfunction, so if that is true it explains why the readings were normal through the w
  14. Supposedly we used 216 more, according to her.
  15. My neighbor had the same thing happen. Her bill has never gone over $150, and all of a sudden it's $212. They use hardly any power. I've read they can malfunction if they are on the side of your home that faces the sun. Ours is! I called GA Power, and the lady was trying to troubleshoot with me and figure out what we are suddenly doing wrong. Well, I've had my temp on 74 in the summer for the past 5 years, and we actually used LESS lights, etc. this past month than we normally do. I barely washed clothes the past couple of weeks due to being very busy, and didn't use the dishwasher m
  16. I really don't trust these new meters we all have. My bill was $224 for this past month, and it has NEVER been over like $160 something. People can say, "Oh, well maybe they work better than the old meters and now the reading is accurate." I just don't buy that! I seriously cannot believe my bill was that high. I keep it on 74, which is what I have kept it on in the summer for YEARS, we have the new bulbs now, and we don't run the lights all the time. I have barely run my washer and dishwasher the past month, too. I'm just in shock at this stupid bill...surely I did not use $60 more than
  17. I haven't seen you standing on the side of the road, but I just wanted to say that I understand your situation. I don't have a child disabled like your daughter, but I just found out that my son probably has a hearing loss and, if that is confirmed by test under anesthesia in August, we will need to purchase a hearing aid for his left ear, and later possibly his right. That may seem like nothing, but we don't have $2,000 to just go out and buy a hearing aid, especially not every few years, or all of the maintenance that goes with them. I made a joke the other day that I would stand on the side
  18. Um...it posted it twice. Lol.
  19. Really? Thanks for chiming in. That is good to know! I trust him anyway already, but it is good to hear some more stories about him. When I called Children's to have Grayson's records faxed over to Dr. White's office, the lady said, "Oooooooh, you are in GOOD hands." And she kept giggling about him. Lol. She said he is a great doctor. I'm so excited that my baby's NP referred us to him. He's extremely laid back and just seems like such a caring, patient doctor. And he took his time w/ us, which is something you just don't find these days.
  20. It's either 20 or 25 thousand. I wrote the show about my mom (she has eBay and hoarding issues, lol), and they wanted her to do the show, but unfortunately my mom would not fly, and that was a requirement. My mom has never flown, so...it didn't end up happening.
  21. Oh, and I highly recommend this doctor for anyone who needs a pediatric ENT. His name is Benjamin White, and he's right near Northside Hospital. VERY nice doctor. He was so good with the kids yesterday, and he even called me last night at 9 to ask if I had any questions and just make sure I was doing okay and understood everything. What doctor does that?? I've never had one do that. Seems like he really cares. My baby's nurse practitioner told me that I would love him.
  22. Gonna be a bit long. Well, Grayson saw another doctor yesterday. It was kind of weird. My aunt has been telling me I need to try to take him to MUSC in Charleston because she and my mom both have had things done there, and they really are great. Well, oddly enough, this doctor used to be the head pediatric ENT there. AND he started the other practice that Grayson just went to the other day where they told me he has a mild loss in the right and moderate in the left. The doctor asked me questions like if I think he has trouble hearing etc. He looked in his ears and didn't see fluid. He went
  23. It is tomorrow, but thanks! I don't think they are doing any tests tomorrow, just talking with me. I hope he thinks it is worth doing another test. I have read that ABR's are usually repeated. That really makes me question why they did not suggest repeating the test at the Children's ENT.
  24. Thank you... I'm going to apply for help from United Health Care. They have a fund for children. They used to cover hearing aids for families who couldn't afford, but I see Listening in their exclusion list, so I'm not sure if they are still covering it. The audiologist emailed me the link to their application, so maybe they still do. They award a lifetime maximum of $7,500 per individual. I'm still in denial, though, and I'm still getting the other opinion and more testing. I'm not just going to accept that he has hearing loss from one person. He passed the OAE yesterday, and that is
  25. Thanks for sharing your story!! I am going to send you a PM. He's 2 months. We are going tomorrow to another doctor, but they aren't doing any tests tomorrow...I don't think. I believe it is just a consultation, but we're on the road to another opinion, at least. But I really don't have the money for all these copays! Ugh. Taylor's PALS, I will reply to your PM in a bit when I get a chance. Thanks!!
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