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Everything posted by LaurBar

  1. Yeah...well, I also think that about half of all people would do better in a gym setting than working out from home. It just all depends on your personality. Are you the type to wake yourself up every morning to work out? Or do you need to go to a class a few times per week at a gym for the extra motivation? I have about 50 home DVDs, use them regularly, and prefer to work out at home. I think a lot of people, too, get discouraged when they don't see quick results... I just took a look at the Insanity diet plan. I don't plan on following it for a few reasons: 1. I'm breastfeeding and need
  2. I totally agree, Guard dad. Being active, whatever you are doing, is the most important thing. It could be tennis or Zumba or just walking around the neighborhood. My workout of choice for years was The Firm, and it was because I liked the style and enjoyed doing it. I'm moving on, though...need something more intense. I think that is why so many people do well with Zumba, though...because it is fun for most people. They enjoy doing it. I can't say I will enjoy doing Insanity........but I think I will enjoy the results, and that is what motivates me more now. Results vs. fun. This is
  3. Yeah, I totally KWYM. I started out doing The Firm, which I love, but I just listed it on Craigslist. I can't believe it...The Firm has been my thing for years. I have tons of vids for it and liked it so much that I would do it twice a day sometimes. But...it's just not enough anymore. I think I need something more hardcore and military style. Lol.
  4. My vein blew, too! That was no fun, and it burned like crazy. Good luck!!!
  5. I have a friend who does Zumba and loves it. I was thinking about trying it, but I don't know. It might be too "cheesy" for me. Some of the Youtube clips turned me off, but I don't know. My friend says it's not cheesy at all. I guess it just depends on the instructor you get!
  6. If any of you are thinking of dropping $150 on Insanity, think about it first...hard. Today is the first day that I did it, so it's not really a review of the program. On day 1, you are supposed to do the Fit Test. It is basically you trying to see how many repetitions of a certain move you can complete within 1 minute. These are high-impact moves for the most part. "Power jumping jacks," "Suicide jumps," (yeah, the name scared me with that one!), etc. I can't believe it, but my husband actually did it with me. Or...tried to. It was *very* hard, and as most of the reviews say, "
  7. Spraying with Kilz did not work for me. We had a stain in the kitchen. I laid plastic down and sprayed the stuff. Didn't cover the stain, and it left a huge mess in my kitchen. It flies everywhere! Plus, if your ceiling is discolored at all, you will still have to paint the rest of the ceiling to get it to look right. I got some flat white ceiling paint from WM to paint around the edges of a room where paint got on the ceiling. It worked great for that, and I plan on going over the ceiling in the kitchen with a roller.............one of these days. Lol.
  8. I don't know if ours has "big" wheels. We just got a new one with RWD, so we don't need ours anymore. It works great, only 2 years old, I believe. I was going to list it on CL for $40.
  9. 1. Drink - Coke 2. Adult Drink - Vodka 3. Fast Food - Chik-Fil-A 4. Chain Resturant - Ruby Tuesday's...love their steaks. 5. Non-Chain Resturant - Fat Buddies (South Carolina...best wings!!) 6. Things to Grill or BBQ - Steak and corn on the cob! 7. Homemade Meal - My mom's pot roast.
  10. I wish they made them in natural shades. Maybe they do, but I haven't seen any.
  11. Lol. Well, from what most of the reviews say, Insanity is way harder than P90. People say, "If you can't make it through P90X, run away." Lol. I'm a bit of a nazi, though, so I know I can do it...just worried about the wrist thing, but I'm glad to see jmea didn't have any issues.
  12. I just got the workout and was planning on starting it this week. I'm in pretty good shape, just want to tone up for summer after having the baby. But I was reading some reviews just now, and one person mentioned having to use a wrist brace for quite some time after starting the workout. I know that a lot of people have knee problems with the workout, but I absolutely cannot develop wrist issues. So, I was wondering if anyone has done the workout and what their experience has been, both regarding results and any injuries/discomfort. I am not new to working out...I worked out a lot be
  13. Uh oh! Hope it turns out the way you want it to
  14. I thought about coming to meet you, Shan, since I have to go to Target today anyway, but I didn't wake up in time to shower before dropping Gavin off at school. Glad you all had fun! Maybe next time.
  15. Yeah, I wouldn't think so, either. After all, hardly any recipe is "new."
  16. Well, if Tylenol is not helping, then she obviously needs something stronger. She is going to have to get a doctor to write a Rx for something...there's no other choice if Tylenol isn't working. She will have to talk with a doctor or chiropractor about the exercises. Since I'm not a doctor, I really can't say what she should do, but regular activity is important. I know Dr. Benge...I babysat for her several years ago. I'm sure she will be able to help your sister in finding good exercises to do.
  17. Well, I do transcription, and Tylenol is often recommended to the patients versus NSAIDs. Also, it is important that she work and exercise the affected areas to strengthen the supporting muscles and ligaments to minimize pain. Of course, this may be painful, but over time this can help the symptoms and minimize further damage.
  18. Not at all. And all the actors, except Ben, said they were satisfied with the ending. He said it wasn't what he expected. I think that was a nice way of saying he thought it was crap. I don't think the other actors really liked it, either. Of course they are going to say they liked it.
  19. FF did well the first few episodes. I think they lost viewers because of their few-month hiatus. People forgot about it or were already watching other shows. You can't watch show after show when you're a working adult or have kids. You have a few that you watch, and that's all you have time for. Most people, anyway! I agree...now that Lost is over, people are going to need something to watch, and FF has just as much bite as Lost had, but with a lot more answers!
  20. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! That was the only thing keeping me going. Gah! FF is a great show! I can't believe it has such low ratings (just Googled). And they are keeping V over FF!? I watch V, too, but V was more like dessert after Lost. I never think about the show until Lost goes off and V comes on. It's worth watching, but barely. FF is so original!
  21. Okay...I can understand the church thing. But were the sideways flashes real?? Even if they didn't happen at the same time, how could they have happened? I just really don't get that. I'm trying to understand...reality vs fantasy. Even though I'm still confused by it all, I'm way more disappointed that none of the island questions were answered. Jacob, Black Smoke, the light, etc...none of that was really any kind of answer. No answers on the D.I., that weird wheel that Ben used to leave the island, nothing... I knew not everything would be answered, but I just wish they had tried to
  22. CeeJay...I wondered about Jack's son, as well. Doesn't really make sense. Lol. I know a girl who has a Dharma tattoo on her arm. Bet she REALLY wishes she didn't have that now. Dang! On the bright side, Flash Forward is a great show IMO, and it seems to have some real scientific answers behind it.
  23. CRAP! That sucks...I thought they were going to show it during the finale. I thought that's what they said. Guess I'll never know if mine was up there now. Lol.
  24. Another thing...........they advertised you could text a farewell message in and that select messages would be shown during the finale. UMMMMMMM..........I wasted about $3 texting them and I didn't even see ANY messages.
  25. Well, I don't think anyone in the church was alive. Ben wouldn't come in the church and said he had some more things to take care of, so he wasn't ready to move on. Everyone else inside the church was dead and moving on...at least, that's how I see it. Because if they were just there to see Jack move on, then why couldn't Ben come in? I think he didn't want to go in because he knew he wouldn't be able to come back out. I don't know! I think they all died and their "good lives" were lives they created themselves...how they wished things had been. I don't know. Ugh.
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