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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. RIP. My husband does the best impression of her as Edith Bunker. Don't tell anyone.
  2. Never, but I'm prepared should the occassion ever present itself.
  3. See, I made you feel better...my gift to you.
  4. Happy birthday! Sorry about your car. I had a wisdom tooth removed on my birthday a few years ago. That sucked.
  5. The pool in my parents neighborhood requires the rubber/plastic diapers. As far as I can tell, the only purpose of the swimming diaper is that it doesn't bloat like a regular diaper when submerged in water. It doesn't offer protection from floaters or urine.
  6. I read earlier today that Vicks VapoRub will help dislodge a tick. Just FYI.
  7. I say we find em' and choot em! Seriously though, of all the things to lie about, why Whole Foods?
  8. Good for him. It's always nice to see politicians actually do something. John Kerry is weak, I have more faith in McCain for this type of thing.
  9. In the how many ever years I've been on Pcom as a lurker and a member, this post wins for douchebaggery at it finest.
  10. This is good news for my belly, bad news for my wallet.
  11. There have always been gays in the Boy Scouts, they've been supporting them all along. Now they're going to suddenly withdraw support instead of offering love, acceptance and understanding. Just one of many reasons I'm not a Christian. WWJD? I doubt he would turn his back to children because of the way god made them.
  12. How sad that a church would stop supporting children simply because the BSA has made choice to stop discriminating against children.
  13. The one on the left looks more like a pit. It actually looks exactly like my dog did when she was a puppy. The one on the right looks more like a boxer. They're both adorable. Awesome of you to help them out.
  14. Not if Rhett Butler has anything to say about it.
  15. His sister Cindy is my sons OT. She is a wonderful woman, my son and I both love her dearly. My heart is breaking for the family. So sad. My condolences and thoughts are with the family.
  16. Seriously, who the hell do you think you are? You make Christians look bad, congrats.
  17. Lets hope for the child/grandchilds sake that never happens.
  18. I saw it first thing this morning, I love it.
  19. It's cool. Just don't let it happen again. Or straight to jail you'll go!!
  20. Country fried steak, roasted brussel sprouts and baked beans.
  21. I covered all of that in my post. People who are inconsiderate and or oblivious habitually, go to jail.
  22. According to my husband, not soon enough. It depends on what I'm making. It might take a while, but it's always damn good.
  23. That is a reflection of the type of person she is, not the religion or lack of that she proclaims. We agree. In my opinion, religion doesn't equal morals. I thanked Stradial for pointing out that atheists are good people too. There will always be exceptions.
  24. Absolutely not, I cannot afford to go to jail.
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