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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. my parents are on the beach watching. They went to Fla. just to see it. I'm so glad it wasn't delayed.
  2. whats a jackwagon? sounds bad.
  3. he sure is! I also stopped watching when he left. I think I may have to start again.
  4. see, thats crap! even if she got in the van willingly, a 12 year old lacks the mental capacity to make rational & wise decisions. A child is a child is a child. if a 9 year old got in the van with a man claiming to have candy willingly that means there should be no alarm? There must be more to this.
  5. I think it's odd that a middle schooler carries a briefcase.
  6. Yea, I guess the fact that she called her mom is really no help to anyone but police. Idk. My first thought on this is why are we just now hearing about her? shes been missing since sunday.
  7. nutty bars were my favorite growing up. I liked to pull apart the layers. Now I hate em all.
  8. you got that right! It appears they are stalking me. Everywhere I go, there they are. Walgreens, rite aid, even the tanning bed! Thank god I don't carry cash. Don't these little girls understand that i'm trying to lose weight?
  9. all that over some thin mints? Now Tagalongs, that I could understand.
  10. I might be wrong. but I think the op is a teenager. My advice is to work out your quirks before the baby gets here. Respect eachother and COMMUNICATE!!!! Learn from my mistakes. I've been having issues in my marrige since our baby was born, he's 4 months now. Last week it came to a head, we actually sat down and talked about our frustrations with eachother and life in general. We were both being selfish and not acting as a team. Things are sooooo much better now. I'm telling you, if you don't learn to get along now, it's going to get MUCH worse once the baby arrives. Good luck. I wish you the
  11. this reminds me of one of my favorite SNL skits. John Goodman plays Wilfred Brimley. He's riding a horse while talking about diabetus. he gets off his horse on to a smaller horse, then on to an even smaller horse.
  12. Not 100% on this, but I think this is a facebook friend of mine. A guy I went to high school with:(
  13. I can't stand cornbread. So I don't eat it. why would I? Why would I do anything that caused me unhappiness? If you don't like PM's topics, why open them?
  14. Thanks PM. Bullies aren't worth my time. I choose to ingore them if at all possible. I think they hate that. It is a good feeling though to know I can hold my own against one if need be.
  15. I had mine at the club house in my MIL's neighborhood. Not sure if you have access to something like that...
  16. I have tendincies to put off or not address things out of fear. It's one of my faults. I'm working on it. The thing is, one of my greatest accomplishments was obtaining my black belt. That was one rare occurence when I put my fear aside & somehow found enough courage to join a martial arts class, it turned out I had a real talent for it. who knew? I worked my arse off for years to obtain my goal and I succeded. An awesome feeling and possibly life saving experience that I may have missed out on if I let my fear win. When I do become fearful I try to remind myself that I really can
  17. our landscape business could suffer. especially since its about to be busy season. If he has to raise prices he could lose clients.
  18. I was there the other day with the fam. We took the baby for a walk in his stroller. It has been years since I have been there but I was dissapointed. The entrance to the walking path was closed which seemed weird for a beautiful saturday afternoon. So we eneded up having to go down the dirt rocky hill with the stroller. Inconvienent, but not a huge deal. then we decide to walk down to the gazebo. well, much to my suprise there is no path leading to it other than an inpassable (for a stroller) uneven dirt hill. I don't understand having a gazebo with no reasonable access to it. There is no w
  19. I was diagnosed with adult a.d.d last year. I was taking aderall til I got pregnant. I definitely had it as a kid. I haven't started taking it again. yet.
  20. Love him! he was a gift to America. A truly thoughtful and wise human being. I cried like a baby when he died.
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