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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I used to go early on purpose, It was my reading time. Now that I have a baby, I'm one of the last to arrive.
  2. I think there may have been an accident there just last night. I saw a bunch of emergency vehicles, I couldn't see anything else though.
  3. I missed it! I've never been a fan of her voice. Too throaty or something, idk. She is one of my pet peeves. so far i'm not impressed with the commercials.
  4. chillin. Bought some frozen salmon to make for dinner from publix, turns out it expired already. That's what I get for being lazy and buying frozen. so i'm gonna sit here a pout about it all night. And watch the commercials.
  5. no wonder i'm so dang healthy. I come from a long line of messy people. My daughter is extremely healthy as well. I haven't taken her to the dr. for a sick appointment since 2003. :knockingonwood: I have clean freak friends and come to think of it their kids do seem to get sick often. I totally buy into this theory.
  6. agreed, he must have never been to that location. Nothing clean goin on there.
  7. what sporting goods store? We already have one across the street?
  8. Ruffles has a new chili cheese fries flavor. I'm in love. I'm not a Cheetos gal.
  9. that has been my experience since having the 4 month old. although i'm pretty sure he feels the same way about me. A child can easily and quickly make a strained relationship worse.
  10. I crave sushi. All the time. I keep a sushi take out menu in my car for emergencies. As a matter of fact on the way home from taking my DD to school I was thinking how I should take all my change to a coin star and use the money for sushi. Clearly I have a problem.
  11. Wow! Thank you everyone for the suggestions! You are all wonderful!
  12. I Modern Family Teen Mom Real Housewives The Nanny Pawn Stars Antiques Roadshow House Hunters
  13. i'm the opposite, my face was as clear as a bell while I was pregnant. As soon as I gave birth, it started right up again.
  14. Thanks, We will try that! oh, I didn't know you could buy it at the mall. Do you know how much? I didn't like the automatic deliveries.
  15. we have insurance. The co-pay is crazy and I know how expensive some of the meds can get (limited perscription coverage as well). I have used Proactiv and it worked for me but it dried my skin out horribly. She is so young I don't want her to hurt her face! I just thought I would check here first, just in case someone knows something I don't.
  16. my 13 year old has started to get acne. I bought her the proactiv copycat called "ance free" at walgreens. It dosen't seem to be working that well. Anyone have suggestions on something OTC that might work? Of course I will take her to a dermatologist if need be, but I want to avoid it if possible. TIA. I never had acne as a teenager and I hate it for her. I have some mild adult acne though which also sucks. I think it's stress related. I would welcome any suggestions for that as well.
  17. Happy Birthday cmorg! And happy un-birthday to you NC! and me!
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