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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I just checked my phone to see if I got a call and I did. I have never signed up for anything of the sort and I had no clue Paulding did that. I think it's great. Glad the boy was found safe.
  2. oh my lawd no! I can't even imagine. I say give Charlie his job back. I enjoy the show. What he does in his private life is nobodys business. He's paid to entertain.
  3. I've been doing that lately. I chop everything in the morning that i'll need for dinner. It saves me time in the evening when i'm super tired. I love planning ahead.
  4. OH MY! is right. You are a better woman than I.
  5. I say it's better to be a twin then a parent of twins!!! This 1 baby of mine wears me out, I have much respect for parents of mulitples. Not sure I would survive. I can understand how you feel though. Happy Birthday tomorrow! Being a twin is cool. Are you Identical?
  6. I look foward to going back without childrens so I can try stuff on!! I want to get a "I drink til I puke" onesie for the baby. My MIL woulde LOVE that.
  7. Tonight i'm trying a new chili recipe. I have searched high and low for the perfect chili recipe to no avail. We shall see... What's everyone else having?
  8. You brought it up, what did ya do? I gotta know.
  9. Whoa!!! (in my Joey Lawrence voice)
  10. Seems fair to me. I'm curious, whats the student-teacher ratio? I'm guessing one teacher dosen't look after 22 four year olds for 6 hours a day.
  11. I had never seen it either. You know how Marshalls has that little section of food & condiments ect. Thats where I found it. It's not vinegary. which I like. It's has a really deep peppery flavor. Thanks for the link!
  12. I just finished this bottle of hot sauce. Lasted me about 2 months. I have an addiction to all things spicy. I've built up quite a tolerance and YES, this hot sauce was HOT. I need more. I bought it at Marshalls.
  13. That's because the Bert Show hasn't been brought up. Totally kidding. Really. I think you are a smart guy and I agree with your posts 89.4% of the time. I'm totally with you on sunday sales. :extendingolivebranch::
  14. I finally made it over to the wearhouse today! I took my daughter to have some her drawings printed on shirts. They will be ready Wednesday & I can't wait! This is one of the many reasons I love p.com. I learn about great places like this. Extremely friendly service too. We left with 5 shirts, a pair of sunglasses and a ring and only paid $30. I love their rings!!
  15. I'm so mad I forgot to record it. I'll bet it was good with all the charlie sheen stuff going on. Maybe it will be on demand.
  16. oops! sorry. I cleared some space. Try again.
  17. I was pregnant at your age, and I can so see myself in your shoes. I made it through and so will you. I have a 5 month old boy but I might be able to come up with some things you could use. I do have a Boppy pillow with 2 covers you can have. Pm me if you want them. I would be happy to meet you somewhere.
  18. Happy birthday to your hubby LR. Today I went to West Metro for my weeks supply of meat, tanned, then went to kroger. Came home, made a buffalo chicken lasagna. Now i'm pcomming while eating the chicken lasagna. It's just ok. I have a hard time eating chicken with spaghetti sauce. Tommorow is my morning to sleep in so i'm all pumped up! btw, I'm more than happy to report that my baby is sleeping through the night lately. Usually about 8-4. 4 hurts a little but it sure beats waking up 3 times a night!!
  19. The Allstate guy? I love him!
  20. I'm watching him now on Access Hollywood. He's certifiable. I heard this morning that one of the goddesses has left the building. The porn star. Too bad.
  21. Wow. ok, I stand by my original thought. The things people will do for ratings.
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