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Everything posted by tbird

  1. tbird

    Power bill

    Last month mine was $148 and this month it is $131. Hoping to go down even more since my son moved out. I keep that room closed off now and I am closing my room off while I am at work. I have a window unit in my room and I only turn it on when I get home at night and run it all night. With 1 less shower every day and less washing since he moved out--I hope to see a pretty good drop!!!
  2. A tad off subject--but I got an email today that had a cookbook attached that has all kinds of recipes from restaurants and candies (york peppermint patties caught my attention). It was very interesting and I printed out all 400+ pages!!!
  3. Used to work with him---he is a sweetie, but very hard in court.
  4. FUNNY!!! Give Madea a call--they do good work over there!!!
  5. One of my friends had the veneers (sp) put on about a year and a half ago. She had nothing but problems. They kept popping off!! The dentist finally just replaced them with crowns and she did not have to pay any extra money. I don't know who did them, but he was in Marietta.
  6. Teresa and Joe on Housewives are about to loose everything!!! And they should. Their Bankruptcy petition is public knowledge (I looked it up on the Court's website!!) and the Chapter 7 Trustee up there is having an auction at their house this month--selling furniture, jewelry, etc.. Guess that big ring she got for her anniversary is history!!!! She is so stupid---she gets on TV and tells everything. You think the Trustees aren't looking at all the back episodes???? Yes--I watch it---just because it is so darned funny!!!
  7. Been making those for 20+ years!!! Only thing is I have never put the pepper in mine--gues that long ago people didn't think of it.
  8. Minute steak (cubed steak, battered and fried and then simmered in gravy) Mac & Cheese Green beans Need to go to grocery store but I just didn't want to go today, so I just put something quick together.
  9. PCB???? My friend that now lives down there says the water is AWFUL. All the thick slimey seaweed is in and she said it was thicker than she has ever seen before. Says it is just piling up on the beach everywhere. They have not been to the beach the last 2 days because of it--had to go to a firends house with a pool. But--the beach is the beach!!! Have fun!!
  10. Then he is a true biker!!! One of the ones you don't mind riding with. Most are that, but you always have the few that give a bad name. An given that this happened in the Hiram City Limits and knowing who they use for a wrecker service---don't blame him at all. I would not have let them tow my vehicle at all--would have to call somebody else.
  11. Sorry--but the key word here is ILLEGAL. If a person is in this country illegally--they know it. And they know that they are taking a risk. Yes--I think they should be deported, especially if they break the law.
  12. As stated before---if you work, this is not the place for you. I tried.
  13. I called to get an appointment with them and they are not open weekends and do not take appointments late in the afternoon, so I can't go to them. I sure hope that the stay at home moms can keep them in business!!!
  14. Very few people succeed. From what my clients tell me, where they mess up is not following the process. When they tell you that you have to make X number of payments on time--they mean it. If your payment is due on the 1st of the month--they mean it. If they receive the payment on the 2nd--you are automatically out of the program.
  15. It is mostly in SOUTH Florida. I rarely see mosquitos in FL--it is those biting flies that you hae to worry about.
  16. tbird

    PC or Mac

    We switched to MAC's at work and I HATE them. They are not for "office" type work, but my young computer geek bosses just had to have them. We have the Windows system (or like) in them and it is horrible. All of my documents must be converted to pdf before filing electronically and that is a joke on MAC. Adobe does not work and the other programs are crap. Literally everything that I do at work takes me 2 to 3 times longer to do it. Yes--I have griped, pitched temper tantrums, etc--but to no avail. Even my main software program (Bankruptcy software for typing Bankruptcy petitions) is not compa
  17. Cobb County had several guys run from them and they called Paulding in to help. When I went to bed around 11:00--they had 2 or 3 in custody and were still searching for another. Paulding and Cobb had their dogs out walking the RR tracks.
  18. If anybody has been on a losing side of a court case--they would normally say that the opposing counsel was a bully. See it all the time. It is their job to prove their client to be not guilty or right in the situation. In most cases, they do come across very strong. I certainly know that if they were my attorney--I would want that. Yes, I do work in a law firm. I handle Bankruptcies, which is a lot different that criminal, civil and domestic cases. As far as WFAL case with Mr. Donavan--if I remember correctly right after she had the baby--it was very ugly with the father. Having been
  19. Save your bread bags and slip one over his hand and seal it with a rubber band. Between my 3 kids--we had 6 broken arms and I got to be a pro at that!!! My oldest has had 2 broken wrists (at the same time) and a fractured thumb in the last 3 yrs (and he is an adult). Yes--he has always been accident prone!!!
  20. tbird

    Hwy 61

    I hear deputies on the scanner all the time requesting DOT to come out and pick up dead animals and debris in the road (or on the side of the road).
  21. Try using on a daily basis in a law office!!! My smart young partners decided to switch over to MAC--I hate it. I have to have a windows parallel because some of my programs are not even compatible with MAC. Every document that I prepare has to be converted to Adobe and I have to combine several documents into one for electronics filing with the federal court. I takes at least 3 or 4 times longer to do everything. I have a meltdown cussing fit at least once a day!!!
  22. I tried the Acuvue Oasis and HATED THEM. I never could get a good fit--they seemed like they were moving around on my eye and I lost several that way. I am now in a contact made by Cooper vision and I love them. They are the most comfortable contacts that I have had in about 3 years. I just go to Americas Best and they are only around $13 a box.
  23. I have seen the seaweed A LOT worse than it was the last few days. A few years back on 4th of July--it was so bad it was like swimming in pea soup. This was nothing compared to that!!! And yes--we laugh and say that you will find that stuff in places that you could never imagine!!!
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