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Everything posted by tbird

  1. If he has only been indicted and not had a trial and sentenced--he should still be in the county jail.
  2. ANYBODY can get the same information--it is just easier and quicker for those with passwords.
  3. If stating facts are considered "making fun"--whatever. All public knowledge and anybody can find it with a little work. All of this has been basically her own fault and should have been brought up way before now. Just putting yourself out there by running for office and not thinking that something like this will come out is unbelievable.
  4. Since Cobb County is such a wonderful place and they seem to do everything the way you like it--why are you living in Paulding????
  5. From what I could figure out on the docket--she paid very little into the case--hence the Dismissal. Creditors were objecting to the case, she was trying to supposedly sell the company and could not get approval quick enough--so they backed out. I just find it hard to believe that she listed herself as a creditor saying the company owed her $280K--and her husband at $15K. And yes, this is all public knowledge--just helps that I work in the profession and have all the passwords!!!
  6. Well--the BK was dismissed by the Debtor. Chapter 11's are really complicated and looks like she had some major issues with it. It is all public record and the docket can be looked at online (if you know where to look). What is funny---in the business BK--she lists herself as a creditor in the amount of $280k just for 1 yr??? And her husband is also listed as a creditor.
  7. Yep--sitting at a desk will put that weight back on in a hurry. About 6 yrs ago, I lost around 75 lbs. I was going to school and working mostly retail part time. As soon as I started another desk job--here comes the weight back and I can't seem to get it off again.
  8. I can only assume that most of you folks have never listened to a police scanner and heard the numerous "non-emergency" calls that Clark's has to go out on. Even sometimes you will hear the call go out on a car wreck and then 10 or 15 minutes later, you will hear them cancel the call. By that time, the ambulance is almost there. Those trucks are not cheap to run at all. Just think about cranking that truck up every 30 minutes to an hour, heading to a call and then being turned away--you just caused an expense and are not going to get paid for it. If I am not mistaken--that is what part of the
  9. One of my attorneys at work is from Korea. They moved here when she was 8 yrs old--she is 30 now. Her father was an engineer over there and sold his business and they moved over here. They have always been on their own--never any government assistance. To talk to her--you would think she was born here. I sometimes hear her speaking Korean to her mother and it is really strange. My boss bought her a Korean keyboard at work and now advertises that we have a Korean speaking attorney. She says that the Korean language is really weird and you basically talk 2 different ways. She said that they
  10. And on top of all of that---he can't spell (or talk correctly--don't know exactly which). I never grip about anything--how about you??? Since it was written that way twice--assuming it wasn't just a typo. Does Cobb County not pay something to Metro??? I bet I see their trucks at least 10 times a day between driving to Marietta and working right off the square. If this guy has such a problem--why doesn't he buy his own trucks (he will need at least 6), hire his people and get the work. Bet it wouldn't be 2 weeks before he was crying to the County that he needed money.
  11. And yet some folks still don't understand. I would much rather pay a few extra pennies now and then than cough up several hundred dollars at once!!!
  12. I sincerely hope that the folks that are voting against the renewal of the Splost don't go whining when their property taxes go up again. We are already paying it and it is the fairest tax--even folks that don't own property or live in the county pay it. But then again, some folks love to go to Cobb and Douglas County and pay their extra tax for them.
  13. I have been with TMobile for many, many years. I will say that the store in Hiram sucks. I prefer the one on Dallas Highway. I had to run to the one at the Marietta Trade center sa few weeks ago and pick my mom up a new phone and they were also nice. I have always been very pleased with their telephone customer service. I also have my home phone with T Mobile. It goes thru the internet and is only $10 a month. Now if I could just find somebody else to get internet with--AT&T would be history.
  14. Maybe because Clark's goes out on EVERY medical or emergency call that comes into 911. Whether it be a toothache, headache or heart attack. They do not transport everybody and thaqt is a huge expense to go out on all those calls and maybe transport 1 out of 8 or 10. I haven't even read this whole thread--but you cannot ask for a better person than Sam Clark. Try running a business like that and running those trucks (which are not cheap) and either half the folks you transport--have no insurance at all and no intentions of paying. Then you have folks in the county that have Sam take care of
  15. Yep--same here. They could not have been any nicer when we had to call them for my Daddy years ago.
  16. Nebo Elementary is having theirs tonight. Starts at 5:00. They have a huge fall festival. Don't understand why all of the other schools don't go all out---PTA does pretty good on this one.
  17. Hasn't knocked on my door and better not!!! This might just be the one and only thing that we disagree on!!!
  18. She has been on the Paula Deen show before and introduced as her cousin. The specialty deserts there are awesome and the home cooked food is great also. We do lunch there quite a bit.
  19. I don't know of any reasonable insurance. I have BCBS and just got a notice that mine is going up to a little over $600 per month. I have a $1500 deductible and and it has paid very little this year. I had to have thyroid scans, biopsies, etc and all of it went to my deductible and I am stuck making payments to all these folks. And forgot to add--this is just ME on the policy--no kids, no husband. THANK GOD!!!
  20. the parents are Mark and Barbara Jo (Panter) McCravy.Her father was Sam Panter---for teacher, coach and principal for many years here in Paulding. Is that Sammie Jo?? Haven't seen her and the kids in ages???
  21. This could not have happened to a nicer family!!! I just know that Mrs. Regina was dancing in heaven!!!!
  22. The cat switched for me--before I even read about it. And I saw yellow arrows first. The others pretty much just make my head hurt!!!
  23. Yes--but not for long. She was about to be evicted so now she will be OK. Sad thing is--she was in this same shape of getting evicted last year--when she had a full time job!!! That's where I don't understand quitting the full time job. I give her 2-3 months and she will be broke again.
  24. It was not a higher paying job. She left 40 hrs a week for 12-16 hrs a week. She was never promised a bartending job---only hostess or possibly waitress, but she was told it was only part time from the beginning. And yes---if folks had a full time job and then got cut because of the oil spill---they certainly should get the money. Common sense tells you not to quit a full time job for a paart time job---unless you have an awful big bank account to fall back on---which she did not.
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