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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Yep--that's it. Didn't know if she was still there or not. Been years since I was there.
  2. There used to be a lady in Dallas that did prints of stuff like that. She also did a lot of civil war prints. I cannot remember her name, but I am sure somebody on here does. I have bought a lot of prints from her for my mother.
  3. We rode by the Best Buy in D'ville Thursday night and there were numerous tents on the sidewalk. They didn't have anything that special on sale to warrent that!!! I forgot to ride by the one in Hiram to see what it looked like.
  4. Yea, the ownership thing makes it even more fishy.
  5. Oh--I am sure that PC was fun. My friend, that now lives down there, was at the beach-in the water up to her knees the day before Thanksgiving. She said the shells were unbelievable down at her end of the beach. They then had dinner at her house on Thursday--outside on the patio. Then she said they went to the movies last night and walked out and it felt like the temp had dropped about 20 degrees!!! Today she says it's cold as crap down there. Of course her idea of cold is anything below 70!!!
  6. Dang--where was this??? I guess that is why they say if you have to take stuff to your car--move to another spot then???
  7. We also went to Garden Ridge last night and got a new Christmas tree. Regular $149 and I got it for $59. Picked up a few picks and stuff also, that I use to fill up the tree. Now I have to get in a mood to put it up!!!
  8. Said I wasn't going to go--but my 11 yr old grandaughter decided that she wanted to go for her first time--so I took her. We only hit Hiram. Walmart was a joke, walked in and found nothing that we wanted--and we weren't looking for any of the big ticket items either. Went to Target and found just about everything we wanted. It was very crowded, no carts available, but still very organized. Checkout lines were long but moved very quick. We even went back in after the first checkout and bought some of the dvd's that we had forgot to look at the first time. Then we hit K Mart--another joke. T
  9. My son and his wife were at K Mart at 6:00 this morning???? Called me at 7:00 telling me what they got. They are taking advantage of the fact that their son is at his other grandmothers and they can do some Santa shopping.
  10. Cranberry sauce made (thanks to EllenofDallas' recipe), super easy chocolate pie msde, pig in the blankets made(for breakfast). Making deviled eggs and rolls in the morning. Don't like cold eggs. My mother is making the ham and some veggies, daughter and neice helping out for the first time. Just finally had to tell them that it was time they helped and borought stuff--this younger generation!!! And I have to fry my grandaughter some pork chops in the morning--she doesn't eat ham or turkey!!
  11. If you aren't getting up until 4:30-5;00 on Black Friday, then you pretty much wasting your time. Most stores are opening at 4:00 this year. And even if they are opening at 5:00 or 6:00--if you wan one of he hot items--you need to be in line several hours before that. I usually go, sometimes not first thing, but this year I have not seen anything at all that will draw me out. The prices don't look that good to me at all so far.
  12. Now it's Bon Jovi!!! I always wanted his hair--instead of this straight, flat stuff I got!!
  13. tbird

    what to do

    I could totally see this happening to me!!!
  14. Sandra Brown has been one of my favorites for many years. I have read all of Jackie Collins books and just about everything that Janet Evanovich has written (her Plum series was great. Mystery+funny+little bit of love story) I have been just picking up the $6 or less at Barnes & Nobles and Borders--trying some new folks and haven't been disappointed with any of them. Has anybody tried any of the used book stores in Marietta for trading books???
  15. If you are getting a multi car discount and you only have 2 cars---you might not save much. My 97 Tbird finally died (thanks to my son) a few months back. When I dropped it from my insurance--the difference went back to the Mustang since I lost the multi car discount. In other words--I am paying the very same amount every month but only insuring 1 car now. So now I am saving $60 a year not having to do inspection and tag on that one--but I also don't have a spare car anymore.
  16. I was there!!! And I have been around (pretty much) since day 1!!! I just won't mention day 1!!!!! Married once, divorced in 1985. Don't think I could ever live with anybody again!!! Too set in my ways. Heck, I don't even like it when the kids have to move back home for a short period of time. Got used to having the house to myself. However--I would like to have somebody to pay the bills for a while!!!
  17. Small Hijack.... Does anybody know a salon that will do the haircut and send the hair to St. Jude's??? My grandaughter (who will be 5 in December) has let her hair grow to her waist and has decided that she wants to donate to St. Jude's??? I guess she heard something on TV about it.
  18. I got mine at Big Lots several years ago. Only problem is that the rubber lid does not seal well and it leaks in the insulated case ( I had candied sweet potatoes in mine--and that juice made a mess!!). Mine is a Pyrex brand--I think.
  19. Oyster Cafe is NASTY. All you taste is old grease. The Marietta Fish Market on Canton Highway is the . I have never had anything bad there. They are owned by the same folks as Marietta Diner and several others. I don't do raw oysters, but several folks that I have been with have had them and they say they are really good and fresh. Other than that, head on down I 85 to Columbus, 431 to 231 and you will be in PCB around 9:00 tonight--just in time for dinner at Dusty's!!!!
  20. Very true. I deal with them almost on a daily basis. When you are dealing with a lona that was one of their takeovers--it is a nightmare. I actually had one of their attorneys tell me that they had no payment histories on the loans that they took over from Taylor, Bean & Whitaker--but yet they were trying to say that my client had not made the payments--and I had cancelled checks???? We finally told them that we would just take it before the Bankruptcy Judge and let them decide--they suddenly changed their mind and went with what I had proof of. And the sad thing is that they s
  21. I had trouble with this about 10 yrs ago. The first thing my Dr. told me was to never wear flat shoes. So now everything I buy has at least a small heel on it. Yes, I do have some sandals that have a lower heel (almost flat), but I can only wear then for a very limited time. I still wear heels from time to time--I just can't constantly walk in them for a long time. Even at work, I will keep a pair of flats at my desk and if I need to be on my feet for any length of time--I will slip them on. I do find that Clarks are very comfortable and they hold up very well.
  22. My grandson is getting tickets for Christmas. His mom got them yesterday with the pre-sale and she said that the tickets were already limited. Good luck.
  23. And my grandaughters clogging team will be dancing on Sunday--not sure what time. Look for Country Classic Cloggers from Powder Springs. I have 3 grandaughters dancing, 10, 3 and 4 yrs old.
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