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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Not freaking out here. I have plenty of groceries (I buy them every week--don't most folks??). The only thing that worries me is the question of getting to work. My boss is from Pittsburgh and Kentucky--and he thinks that everybody should make it in. Just last month when we had the ice storm--it took me 3 hours to get home from Marietta. I have been stranded in a storme before and it is not fun. In all instances--I was not having trouble--it was all the folks in front of me driving like idiots. Just make sure that there is no question as to whether or not we can get to work and I am fi
  2. They give me 3 months of Showtime free a couple of months ago--because I have been such a good customer??? I have found 1 movie to watch--nothing has intrested me at all. So glad that I don't pay for it!!!
  3. FYI---you won't find anything "cheap" for spring break. All the prioes go up those weeks. Your best bet is to go ahead and find somebody and possibly work out a deal and pay up front now. Good luck.
  4. Rotti ( I think) has a condo in Gulf Highlands. Try a search for Gulf Highlands and see if you can find her. That is a nice family friendly area.
  5. What are the costs on these?? I got some emails about them and the price seemed really really high????
  6. For the 3-4 months before the laws changed back in 2005--we were filing 10-12 cases a week (a big number for just 1 attorney and 1 paralegal). The day before the law changed (Saturday), we took new clients from 8:30 that morning and finished with the last one at 9:30 that night. We filed our last case at 3:30 Sunday morning and filed a total of 72 cases in 1 day. Then for the 3 months following that--we were really slow. The month of November, we only filed 3 cases and they were Cha pter 13's to stop foreclosures. The BK business has been a little slower for Nov and Dec, but it always
  7. Yep---job security for me. Just wish I could find another office to work in without going downtown.
  8. You better just keep what you have. Even though I am twice your age--I pay almost $600 a month for Blue Cross Blue Shield medical and dental--and it pretty much sucks.
  9. I have had DirecTV for about 7 or 8 years and I love it. The only time I have trouble is if we have a very hard rain and it will go out then, but as soon as the rain eases--it comes back on. Back when I had Comcast--seemed like it went out everytime we had the least little storm. My mother has Comcast and the grandkids like mine better because I have different channels than she does--and we have a comparable package.
  10. I have used Dr. Saddiq (sp) for years. He is very busy and you have a long wait, but I like him. I also like all the folks in his office. they are very helpful with insurance and billing. Because my insurance has a pretty hefty deductible--they change the billing on their side so I owe less out of pocket. Tell me insurance is not a racket!!! He is in the building beside Cobb Hospital.
  11. I know that a lot of people and their doctors don't think this way--but I am a frim believer in feeding a baby and not just keeping them on formula for the first 6 months or so. I started all of my kids on cereal at 1 month old (youngest at 2 wks--was big, had colic and could not be satisfied on formula only). They added a different food every month. I had a cousin that had a daughter around the same age and she did nothing but formula for 6 months and that baby was huge and flabby at 6 months old and still looks like a football player at 29 yrs old. None of my kids have been overweigh
  12. You can go to eppraisal.com. We use it at work and the Bankruptcy Courts and Trustees use that site to check values. At one time, it would give you the values from 3 different sites, but niw you usually get 2. There are some other websites---but I can't think of them now. I just have everything saved on my computer there.
  13. You have to remember that cheaper is not always better. If you are going to file--you want someone that primarily does Bankruptcy so you will not have ny problems. There are too many attorney out there now that are trying to make a quick buck at it and screw things up. We have several amonth call us to get them out of those messes. Once you are in a case with one attorney--it is hard to get another to take over--we won't unless it is a conversion case (meaning someone is in a Chapter 13 and want to convert to a Chapter 7).
  14. But just remember that if you settle any debts for less than the amount owed---they will turn the forgiven amount in to the IRS and it will eat yu alive. It is taxed much higher than normal income.
  15. All true except for the transfer of property--Trustees can actually reverse transfers made in the 2 yrs prior to filing--if there is any equity involved.
  16. That is correct--except you MUST BE CURRENT for them to send a reaff. It is not required to reaffirm on a home, you can continue to make payments and they are considered voluntary payments. You might not get the credit on your credit report without a reaff.
  17. Are you OK with the way kids act up there???? It has been a few years since I have been, but I have friends that still go. Some of the stuff you see these kids doing is unbelievable. And management cannot watch all of them all of the time and it depends greatly on who is manageing at the time. Some are usually stricter than others. Friday nights used to be the worst, but now when you go by it looks like a ghost town. Maybe it is crowded inside??? I will say that it is nothing like it was when I was growing up and went up there. Mr. Carter and Mildred wouldn't let you out that front do
  18. I have the Acer netbook and I love it. It is perfect for what I wanted in a laptop. I have my desktop to do other things on.
  19. Ummmm--that would be Ms. TBird!!!!! It's Ok--you didn't know!!!
  20. I am off work tomorrow anyway--don't have to worry about it!!!
  21. Dang--I missed all of that. Sorry--I know you were really liking that job. Hopefully things will work out. Will keep my fingers crossed for ya!!!
  22. You say "if only for another week"??? Am I reading this wrong??? You haven't had bad news--have you???
  23. I do believe you could make it home with no problem.
  24. I was always told that it was bad luck to take your tree down before New Years Day--but I am tired of it by Christmas and can't wait to get it down. When the kids were younger--we left it up.
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