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Everything posted by tbird

  1. When I was unemployed about 7 years ago--I went to several of the classes and they were pretty much useless. It is really unfair to make you drive all the way to Cartersville, Kennesaw or Cedartown when you are on such a fixed income. I know that I was lucky to find a job so quick. I would not have survived very long on UE--I have bills to pay!!!
  2. I do know a person that drew UE for almost 3 years. He was a union plumber and jobs had dried up. He NEVER had to attend the first class.
  3. I got laid off May 12th, but have been lucky to find a job really quick--started back to work this week. Over the last 10 years or so--I have drawn unemployment about 3 times, but never more than 2 or 3 months at a time. Every single time that I have drawn unemployment I have been made to attend one or more of the classes at their office. Low and behold--I got my mail yesterday and they have put me in another one. Thank God I got the job and don't have to deal with it. I know lots of folks that have drawn UE for YEARS and never had to attend one single class--WHY??? It just seems odd t
  4. THEY (mortgage company) doesn't do it---it is count ordinances and such that are getting folks. The tax thing is really not a biggy--what they gonna do if you don't pay your property taxes??? Put a lien on the property and put it up for a tax sale---you don't care if you have already surrendered. It is just a hassle. The upkeep of the property is where the problems come in and more and more counties are gradually starting to enforce. All they can do is go on who's name is listed at the Courthouse--and BK stuff is not at the county Courthouse.
  5. This is something that a lot of folks don't understand. Just because the mortgage company forecloses on your house--does not mean that it is out of your name. Due to the amounts of foreclosures and the huge amounts of paperwork involved--most companies are not putting the properties in their names. As long as the property is still in your name at the Courthouse---you are responsible for the taxes, insurance, and upkeep. Is it fair--heck no--but it is the way the law is written. We have run into this numerous times with folks filing BK and surrendering the property. A year later, they will
  6. I see it a lot on HGTV---all the time!!
  7. Most teenagers are pretty trashy, if you aks me. My daughter was not a big girl when she was a teenager, but I would have never allowed her to dress like most of the bigger girls do now. Why in the world do they think they look good with their big ole stomachs hanging out and over their lowrider jeans??? And why do they wear all those skimpy tops with a nasty bra strap hanging out??? If it is a white bra--the straps should not be tan colored!!! I would have NEVER spent my hard earned money on something that looked that bad on my child. Just because they make all those skimpy clothes i
  8. Guess I have been one of the lucky ones. Because the firm I was working at wasn't bringing in enough money (Personal Injury settlements were down 80% since January) and I was the highest paid non-attorney staff--I got laid off on May 12th. All other paralegals are now partime only and my associate attorney is having to do my job along with hers--and she won't be around for long!!! Got my unemployment filed, sent out a bizillion resumes and headed to PCB the following Wednesday to stay with a friend. Got word of a job the following Monday, sent my resume, had a phone interview and got t
  9. I was there--twice. Had to take the grandaughter back and she bought more than I did--with my money of course!!! And I got one of the famous hugs from LPPT also. And I won a $25 gift card from Rodneys!!!
  10. I think it is still too early for folks to have a lot of stuff. I picked up some tomatoes last week in PCB and they are the best tasting I have had in !!! The guy grew them in Chipley and drove down to PCB and sold them out of the back of his truck. They had that good "acidity" taste to them. Still have a few left and will have a mater sammich for dinner!!!
  11. Secretary of State--corporations search. You can search by the name of the business or registered agent, etc.
  12. I traded cars back in February and when it was getting close to my 30 days--I called the dealership and was told to take the bill of sale or contract to the tag office--it worked.
  13. Just got back from PCB and gas is cheaper in Alabama. I paid 3.38 a gallon in Phoenix City--cheapest I saw all the way home. It is 3.73 at just about every station in Florida and there were several staions that were out of regular.
  14. My DIL just got a condo in Gulf Highlands in PCB for $75 a night this weekend. Older, clean family place.
  15. I know at least 4 or 5 folks that have had lipo, tummy tucks, etc--and they don't look any different than before--maybe even worse.
  16. tbird

    Gas prices

    I just drove down to PCB on Wednesday. Thought I did good filling up the car at $3.91 before I left. Once I hit Phoenix City---gas was $3.60 & $3.61 all the way to Eufala. Once you got past there--it started to go up again. PCB prices are about where ours were. So--I will make sure I have enough gas to get to Phoenix City--and then fill up there on my way home after Memorial Day!!!
  17. It looks bigger than the one my DIL has.
  18. If they towed your car to Pendleys--go get it now!!! They had my son's car for several months (long story--there was a fatality involved and Douglas would not release until investigation was completed--my son was NOT charged). We went to get the stereo stuff out (they would not allow us to remove it until investigation was complete)--and it was all gone. They claimed that we had already got it---could not prove any paperwork staating we got it--and Douglas did not do anythng after it was reported.
  19. Try Dr. McLendon in Powder Springs. My grandson just got the appliance in the roof of his mouth. It IS NOT the turnkey--it is a tension wire and his teeth have changed dramatically since March. My 27 yr old son had the very same appliance when Dr. Mclendon first opened his practice. He went to school where the appliance was created and studied. It also takes A LOT less time that the turnkey thing. My son wore his for 4.5 months and I had other Dr.'s wanting to put him in the turnkey for 18+ months. Seriously--give them a try. My DIl went to all of the above mentioned and Dr. McLendon w
  20. I thought the exact same thing when I saw it on the news this afternoon!!! Something about the story doesn't sound right to me???
  21. Ya'll be nice. He needs that money to keep that multi-million dollar house outside Panama City Beach going!!!! Have you googled his name???? It will pop up something about the house. And yes, I have seen the house (and the guest house) when it was under construction and have seen recent pictures of it. It is unbelieveably gaudy!!! And the wife has recently bought a couple of condos in PCB.
  22. They could have easily taken the patient to another location for a landing zone. Very rarely do they land a helicopter at the site of an accident. There is normally a shopping center, ballfield, open field or something close by that they use. If this is a dangerous spot in the road--I doubt if our rescue folks would even attempt to land a bird there.
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