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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I don't see Sago Palm's up here much. Mostly down in Florida.
  2. Out of your list--maybe Doctors and Dentists. Some Courts shut down completely for lunch--mainly Federal Courts. As far as law offices and Insurance agencies---NOT. Every law office I have worked in--we pretty much eat at our desk and work while we eat. I might venture out for lunch once every month or so to run an errand, but very rarely. Most all law offices are the same.
  3. tbird

    PCB Rentals

    My DIL got a place in Gulf Highlands for $75 a night for Memorial Day weekend. Across the street from the beach, but you have a redlight at the crossing for easy access. And it is a family place--not wild parties. lots of stuff for kids to do in the complex. She found it on VBRO.
  4. Try Paul at Wolf Tanning up off 278--on Cadillac Pkwy. He has used beds, but not sure if he has one that cheap????
  5. tbird

    PCB Rentals

    And you better hurry!!! Memorial Day weekend fills up early and fast!!! I will be there that weekend--but staying at a friends house. Can't wait!!!
  6. tbird


    I do the coupon thing, but not as much as I used to do. When my daughter and her 2 little ones were living with me--we needed it more. Now, not so much. I have always been very "coupon friendly" in not over buying on items. If I wanted more than the norm on something at Publix--I just stopped there several days in a row and got a few each time. Back when everybody was getting the free Cottenelle toilet paper at Kroger--it was ridiculous. Folks were going in there getting 10-20 packs at a time--no wonder they stopped us!!!! I never got over 4 packs at a time, which when you are buying t
  7. Always wanted to come by--but the hours never worked. Several shops around Cobb stay open late at least one night a week--do you think that would have helped the business???
  8. We just had a huge burst of wind here on Hiram Sudie--shook my whole house. Just starting to rain--I can hear it on my tin roof. They have power lines down at 278 and 120--towards Rockmart. They are on top of a tanker filled with 8500 gallons of fuel. Deputies are on the scene checking to see what kind of lines they are.
  9. Think it was an armed robbery. Not really paying a lot of attention to the scanner--just picking up bits and pieces.
  10. There is a young girl from Paulding County that is stationed in Washington State with the Navy. She likes it OK.
  11. A friend of mine bought one of those several years ago for her condo in FL. She wanted to use it for the beach---WRONG. That is the heaviest dang thing I have ever seen---and unless your on something completely smooth (like pavement or concrete) it does not move easily at all.
  12. I met Dusty in my office a few years ago. He just walked in looking for an attorney, but we did not have anybody for the particular area of law that he wanted. He stayed there for over an hour talking to us. Said he picked our firm becuase my bosses name sounded like a wrestler!! Funny thing is--my boss was state champion several times in high school in Kentucky and went to Kentucky on a full wrestling scholarship!!! He was a very nice guy.
  13. If we all had her money--we could have a personal trainer at our disposal too!!! ANd I am sure that she has an in home gym--since her husband is an athelete. I just wish I had some time to work out!!!
  14. My son and grandson are there. They just posted a pic on FB. The grandson was SOOOO excited. He got his tickets for Christmas, along with a wrestling T shirt (which he wore tonight). He left my house this morning grinning from ear to ear!!!
  15. I like to catch them in the holes and spray bug killer in there--or I have been known to hold one of those big utility lighters over the hole. Burn their butts and they can't fly or get out!!! Years ago--we caught them in the holes and filled them with spray adhesive--they only buzzed for a few minutes afterwards!!! I do hate them about as bad as I do squirrels!!!
  16. STRONG!!! No colored water fo me!!! Sometimes black, but mostly with vanilla creamer.
  17. I want one of those Twirl A Squirrels too!!! I use spray my shephard hooks with Pam and it keeps the squirrels and ants away--until it rains!! It works great for ants and the hummingbird feeders!! And I have been know to sit out a "special blend" of seeds and rat poison--I HATE SQUIRRELS!!!
  18. My son (who is now 29) wore glasses from 3 1/2 to about 14 yrs old. He was cross eyed and waering bifocals straightened his eyes. We used Dr. Pollard at Scottish Rite. I don't remember exactly, but I knwo that we got his first pair of glasses thru Dr. Pollard and then we started going to Marietta Eye Clininc to get them. Never had a problem with the fit of the glasses, he just broke them all the time. For a while--I was buying at least 3 sets of frames a year. And I would not allow him to have wire frames until he was much older. And then of course, he would take them off and lay them
  19. And crossing over 278 on the Parkway--headed to Hiram Sudie.
  20. Yes--in Cobb. Had there been turning lanes that they could use--I am sure that it would have happened all the way into Paulding!!
  21. It was a Paulding County tag and it began with 246.
  22. TURNING LANES ARE NOT "YOUR PASSING LANES"!!!!! It is a 1000 wonders that you did not cause a wreck. You used the turning lanes going thru the Marietta Square, at Marietta High School and at the Kroger at the Avenues to go around folks. HOW RUDE. I was sooooo hoping that I would see you pulled over for speeding on down Dallas Hwy--and I was going to stop and fill the cops in on what an agressive driver you had been the whole way. I never could tell if it was a male or female driving because they were practically "laying down in their seat". You might have gotten home 3 or 4 min
  23. If they filed BK and you are an employee--you should receive notice from the Bankruptcy Court with a proof of cliam attached. If they owe you $$$, you need to file a proof of claim, otherwise The Court and Trustee will never know that they owe you money. And they will not pay without the claim filed.
  24. We held my grandson back--we just knew that he wasn't ready. He was with an in-home sitter, who does pre-K stuff with her kids. He is now in the second grade and out does everybody in his class. His teacher has talked about seeing if he can skip a grade--but we aren't really interested in that. He is already in the Venture program and has scored some of the highest scores in the second grade. His teacher gives him a lot of different and extra work, compared to what the rest of the class gets.
  25. Only if that 50K is in a second mortgage. The first does not go after you now, but a second will immediately because they know they are getting nothing.
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