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Everything posted by tbird

  1. They never said what kind of vehicles over the scanner. They have gotten to the point where they don't tell them on there most of the time. And most of the time, they don't announce and driver info either. I think that most (or all) cars now have computers in them and they are notified that way.
  2. tbird

    Food Stamps

    Look at that Social Security statement you get every year around your birthday. I would be MUCH better off if I could go out on disability than just work and retire and then draw my social security. My disability amount is almost double what my retirement amount will be?????? And the sad part is, I have seen many many folks that draw Social Security Disability that are just as able to work as I am. Heck, my body hurts every day, but I get up and go to work. And then don't get me started on the ones that draw it and still work--whether it be keeping kids or what.
  3. They are very neat looking bags, but I don't think I would pay $250 for one!!!
  4. See---I have been in this situation. My son was in a wreck several years ago(not his fault) and a man was killed. It was not in this county, but it did make this site(because of I20 being shut down) and the news channels. My son was not injured badly and was able to call us and tell us what had happened. It certainly is not something that I would have wanted to read on a public site. So, unless you have actually been there--you have no idea.
  5. I never even heard them give anything about what kind of cars it was. I think they were a little too busy taking care of 5 injured people. They have cleared the scene and transported all patients a few minutes ago.
  6. They are setting up a landing zone and have at least 5 patients. Lots going on and not catching it all. Make of vehicles will not be posted because I think it is rather morbid. If I had a family member in a bad accident--I sure would not want to read it on Pcom. Anyway--I have not heard them give any and lots of times they don't in this situation. Probably for the very same reason that I refuse to post on here.
  7. tbird

    Good Grief!

    WE DON'T NEED PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OUT HERE. You are just asking for trouble when it comes out here. Look at Cobb County. The major areas of public transportation are the worst areas in the county. Downtown Marietta has pretty much turned into the ghetto because of it.
  8. tbird

    Food Stamps

    Yes--it is very sad and maddening--but it is the truth. I was in Cobb yesterday renewing my DL and to say that I was a minority in that place is putting it mildly. On either side of me, were mexican couples trying to get their DL---both walked out without. The lady kept asking for their passport or a utility bill--at that point they acted like they could not understand!! Thank god they never attempted to get somebody in the office to translate for them--I would have blown a fuse!!!
  9. Yeah, it's funny(not the fact about your mother's neighborhood of course). Back when I was growing up---we thought that those neighborhoods were the "rich neighborhoods". It is really depressing to ride down Windy Hill Road--just from Austell Road--and look at how much it has gone down. Many years ago, it was such a nice area. I am now traveling down the EW Connector to work everyday--but I dare to stop anywhere. Just don't feel safe. And it boggles my mind to look at all the subdivisions and townhomes built on the EW Connector, with $200k+ price tags--and they are literally just right
  10. tbird

    Good Grief!

    Oh--I know. I traded a Mustang for the Escape. I really miss my Mustang!!! But being a single, working person--I need a good dependable car that I know I won't be sinking more money into it. The grandkids were getting too big to ride in the Mustang and the Escape gets better gas mileage and the insurance is a little cheaper.
  11. tbird

    Good Grief!

    I know when my friend moved to Florida, she said that they go by the weight of your vehicle for your tag and taxes--and the amount never goes down like ours does. She has a Tahoe (about 3 yrs old), a 300Z (with only 80K) and an older Tahoe (one of the first 4 drs that her son drives) and she said her tags run her a little over $1000 a year and will always be that much.
  12. tbird

    Good Grief!

    Ha--I have been wondering what the folks that drive those big SUV's pay for their tags!! I traded for a 2011 Ford Escape back in February--pretty much a base model--nothing fancy. My tag is $286. And I figure your Tahoe was close to double the cost of my little Escape!! So glad that I can't afford any more car than what I have!!! But sorry about yours--it does stink. I can't imagine.
  13. Forget pills--my stupid cat pretty much does the same thing when you try to put the flea stuff on her neck!!!
  14. This address is not at the intersection. It is up close to the first church on the right from Hiram--the one with all the play ground equipment to the side.
  15. We need an update!!!!! Is the crazy lady still out there???? Is she still driving crazy????
  16. Yep--I find myself stopping on Dallas Highway at the Publix and Kroger to do most of my shopping since the Kroger closed. Even though I live in Hiram, nothing is easy to get to. I am right down the road from Food Lion, but I don't buy ALL of my groceries there.
  17. If you bought a new car amonth ago and having to replace a tire--you should have some kind of warrany (unless you bought a "new used car"!!!).
  18. If you have never done any sports, chances are you won't now.(not meaning to be harsh--just truthful) These kids on these feeder teams have been watched and played for years. They have to have made a name for themselves to be on these feeder teams.
  19. Probably cereal--or nothing!! Don't do much cooking during the week for just me!!
  20. I think you are correct. Don't know of one here in PC.
  21. Thought about it, but then I git to thinking that if they weren't going to make them anymore--maybe that should be a red flag??? So I decided to pass and continue using my little Acer mini that was $200 on black friday!!
  22. I thought Cowboys shut down some time ago????
  23. Consultant = somebody that likes to hear themselves talk. Mainly bull crap. He and several others in this county got rich off of all they did. Between the new courthouse and the Hiram Parkway--there are several families living very high on the hog!!! One family in particular is making a mint off the Hiram Parkway for at least the third time????
  24. I feel the exact same way. Never intend to go at all.
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