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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I read somewhere that she was going to be in some new Tyler Perry movie. I could see him being her next victim!!! Only problem would be, he might have more money than her and she wouldn't like that!!!
  2. Just heard that Carl Couey passed away this morning. I know that he had been sick and in the hospital a while back. He can now go home and be with Reba and Brad.
  3. Just about every church I have gone by has a sign out front about a festival this weekend.
  4. And from reading the news article--why would you go out to CVS at 1:30 in the morning in that area??? FYI--I just heard from a pretty reliable source that they have just recently arrested a big guy in an identity theft ring and busted a prostitution ring in VININGS!!!
  5. My thoughts exactly. I drive straight down the EW connector everyday to Cumberland Blvd. And if I am not mistaken DGITW--you commented some time back that you lived in Barnes Mill--which is a good ways from what is considered Vinings. It is just a redlight or so from the ghetto Walmart??? So I would think that you live in Austell--but hey, Vinings sounds better--right???
  6. My bet is that half those folks had no clue as to what they were protesting--just had nothing better to do and thought they would make a name for themselves.
  7. Found this on the web. http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/229583-darren-wesley-huffs-motion-to-fire-his-court.html Hope it works. I thought that I reconized the name--and I was right!
  8. Great news LGM!! Sorry they were in the accident, but it sounds like they will be OK. It is a very scary thing to have your small one in an accident. Several years ago, my grandaughter was in an accident while with a family friend. It was in Carroll County and I will have to say that those folks were awesome. When you are 2-3 yrs old and something like that happens and Mama is not around--it can be very scary. The folks in the ambulance give her a stuffed animal and she was fine!! All she every said was they tore up Jessie's car!! WIll say a prayer for everybody involved.
  9. From what they were saying--it was more on Bill Carruth in front of the Wellstar Building. It was late, 10:00-11:00, I heard them call and say there was an entrapment. Wasn't paying a lot of attention but as I was getting ready for bed--I heard them say 2 ambulances left, 1 headed to Kennestone and the other headed to Childrens Healthcare. Bad enough hearing about an accident with injuries, but to me it is certainly worse when I hear a child is involved. Just hoping everybody is OK.
  10. Yes he is!!! And he is an all around nice guy.
  11. Brian is an great guy and he has been published several times (beginning at a very young age). I worked for him for a little over a year (about 7-8 years ago) and I will say that I respect all 3 partners in that firm.
  12. Although I do work in BK, I would recommend Brian Cahn of Perrotta, Cahn & Prieto. They have an office in Dallas and Cartersville. Brian has been doing BK for a good while and is an all around nice guy. When filing for BK--you want someone who has plenty of experience--not somebody who has just filed a case or two. Being in the business---I can say the Brian Cahn is very respected in the BK world. Since I am now working in Vinings---I know that folks around here don't want to drive that far!!! But I do work for a very good BK attorney.
  13. From pediatricians for my grandkids and kids. Would much rather have them drinking Gatorade than the sugary juices. Three kids, nieca and nephew and 4 grankids--all drank Gatorade all the time and have never had a problem. The youngest grandkids are 4 and 5--so this is a recent thing. All of my kids/grandkids were/are always very active--not ones to sit in front of a TV and play video games non stop. No fat, out of shape kids here--like alot now days.
  14. Nothing wrong with plain Gatorade--most Dr.'s would rather them drink that than juice. And there is no need to water down. You don't even have to water it down when you give it to an infant.
  15. I heard them chasing somebody down in front of Save A Lot, but they lost them. Wondered what it was cause I missed the first part--I just half listen to the scanner. But they just called somebody out to Victoria Circle off of Cochran Ridage Road and a bunch of blue lights went by the house. And then the officer asked if it was Victorias Secret!!! He corrected himself real quick!!
  16. Is that the same thing as racing fuel??? At one time, I think Buddy's sold it. My nephew has a 4 wheeler that runs on racing fuel and he got it there. I think.
  17. tbird

    Bomb Threat

    I thought Home Depot was behind Taco Mac in D'ville??? Unless they have moved???
  18. You can go down Davis Mill and make that really big circle and come out right there in front of Grands. But then you got to worry about turning left onto 61--makes me shudder!!
  19. OMG---just finished the last book and waiting on the next to come out in November!!! I love that series--they make me laugh out loud!!
  20. My best friends daughter was on there. She won a good bit of stuff(TV, fridge, etc) and paid a bundle in taxes on the stuff. At the end of the tax year--she got a letter from the state of California saying that she had overpaid them in taxes--but she would have to wait to get her refund--they didn't have any money!!!! Basically she got an IOU for her refund!! I don't know if she ever got the moeny or not.
  21. At least Dad/Granddad handled it!!! I can remember when my oldest had a broke arm from baseball, got his cast off and that same afternoon the youngest son broke his hand playing football outside. I knew it was broke, but I also knew not to waste the time and money with the ER. So we wrapped it up--and I made my Dad take him to the Dr. the next day!!! I was so scared that they were going to think I was abusing my kids!!! Dr. just laughed, he knew that all of my kids were very active and we had used him several times i the past. After all, I had 3 kids and each of them managed to have 2 brok
  22. Put a big pot of chili on this morning and I have a pan of apples stewing for desert.
  23. I think they did something with that child. Hopefully, it will all come out soon. Almost sound like another Casey Anthony story (in some ways).
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