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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Yep. Jeff Kelley is a BK attorney.
  2. I am sure that you are recieving advertisement latters from Bankruptcy attorneys and such. They pick up (or purchase information) weekly from the courts and send these letters out. Normally, if you are getting this type of letter--you do have a lwasuit filed against you. Give it a few days (or maybe a few weeks) and you will be served by a sheriffs deputy. At that point--you have 30 days to answer the complaint. If you do not answer--they automatically get their judgement. If you do answer, they will file requesting interogatories and then the fun begins!!
  3. The Statute only applies if there has been absolutely no collection activity or contact at all by anybody attemping to collect for this company. If they have passed it ti 10 different collection companies over the years and they attempted to contact you in any way--then the statute would not apply. That is the way that I have had attorneys explain it to clients in the past. It is very hard to prove. Sorry.
  4. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, great northerns and cole slaw and some green onions to go with the potatoes.
  5. Trixie posted this earlier. Even if it is seasonal---better than nothing!!!
  6. You were going to let your brother stay there????? That place was a dump back in the 70's---can't imagine how bad it is now. Just riding by it all these years--you know that it is a place that you NEVER want to go to!!! And that whole neighborhood behind it is awful. Some years ago, I had a coworker that rented a house back there--for only a few months!!! Once they found out the truth about the neighborhood--they moved real quick!!
  7. Most of the time--that is better than nothing!! And lots of those seasonal jobs turn into full time positions--if you do a good job. Good company, decent pay and benefits (at a later date)--would be worth a try for somebody without a job.
  8. I don't see a damned green eyed monster anywhere. As I said--the truth is the truth. Sorry that you can't admit that. Anybody in this county that knows how all of that come around--knows it. Don't know what your problem with me is--but I am sick of it. Everytime a make a post, you come trolling around. Thank you.
  9. I have known them all of my life--but the truth is the truth.
  10. And I thought it was just a way of the name sake to make more money off of it!!! You know, buy the property many moons ago (when you were in office and you knew this would happen sooner or later), sell it to the state and make a huge profit and then let your company do all the work on it (several different times)!!!
  11. I understand that they probably had money that they had to use for certain projects. What I am not understanding is the fact that they are only widening a portion of it and then you are going to have the very same problem when the second lane disappears (just further down the road for the idiots to wait til the last minute to get over!!). There is not a lot of traffic that turns off the Pkwy on the stretch that is being widened, so I just am not seeing the logic in it. Looks to me that they would have widened both bridges and then made it go all the way to Hiram Sudie. I wonder if the bri
  12. It is some sort of charity foundation they set up in Kaylee's name and they said that they are not paid anything at all from the fund--and they DO NOT get any of the funds at all personally. Dr. Phil made it very clear that he would NEVER pay them for an interview, but that he had no problem donating to a charity/non-profit orginization.
  13. Sorry---but a former coworker's husband got busted a year or so back--and they told them it was an anonomous letter that did it!!!!!
  14. Send the county a letter explaining that you filed BK (include a copy of your filing notice--the first paper you recieved from the Court with your hearing date on it) and surrendered the house. Obviously the mortgage company has not put the property in their name--which they are supposed to do--but rarely do it. The county should back off then.
  15. They will give you a paper to fill out--like giving a statement. You can either go to the sheriffs office or you can call and have them come to your house and make a report.
  16. It was 4 motorcycles in the ride coming from Haralson county. I heard a Haralson County officer radio Paulding about a PC car pickng up the ride for escort--shortly afterwards they were calling for rescue and Clarks. You really have to be an experienced rider to go in these rides. I have been in a few and it can be really scary to have some idiot out there that does not know what he is doing. With them all being so close and bunched together---all it takes is one idiot hitting the brakes at the last minute and you have a huge chain reaction. Haven't been listening the last few minutes,
  17. Haven't been since my kids clogged there many years ago. Grankids now clog for the same team and we will go to the Yellow Daisy Festival--cause they invited the team from Powder Springs (which is made up of a lot of kids from Paulding) to dance every single year.
  18. A little anynomous letter to the unemployment office would put a halt to it all!! On another note, I got laid off back in May and had another job in 3 weeks. It is a lot worse drive--furtherst drive I have ever had (and I am 52 yrs old), but I have a job!!! I love my new job, but hate the drive. Luckily the new boss understands that I have a much worse drive and does not question me being a few minutes late on occasion. He knows that I never take my full lunch and usually stay (perfer to take my lunch most days and just eat at my desk and not battle the CUmberland/Vinings traffic)a little
  19. Might just have to get a couple of those GA hats for Christmas!!!
  20. Has the Keno brothers from Antique Road Show. Pretty interesting!!! Wish I could be so lucky!! A clay bowl worth $100K??? A diamond and sapphire found in a furnace grid worth $80k??? Oops--the stones weren't real after all!! But the coin is worth $12K!!
  21. No--why would you think that??? Unless something changes drastically, I think it will get better by in the morning.
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