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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Didn't hear anything and you know I am just as close as you are!! Do tell us. You know that none of the newspapers and stuff around here will report. I actually picked up a Dallas New Era this week for the first time in well over a year and what a waste of my money!!
  2. There is a new Shoney's in Panama City Beach (at Pier Park). They have a big breakfast bar--and a real BAR inside!!
  3. Really--right??? There is a very nice Pier 1 in Cartersville. Not Dallas, but still doable. Folks--kidding again?? Every location they have is always busy. But hey--we don't know anything --right??
  4. I just don't understand all the fuss about not qualifying for Medicaid??? It has always been my understanding that you couldn't qualify for Medicaid if you owned something, like a house, with equity in it. Since you have been very vocal about buying your house in FL and paying cash for it, I would assume that would keep you from qualifying. Just like in the case of a deadbeat dad and the mother has to draw welfare, food stamps and has the kids on Medicaid--the state will eventually go after the deadbeat dad for that money. They might not get it--but they do go after them. I have seen it nu
  5. I think one of the catches on Medicaid is that you can own NOTHING (which it should be if you are getting government help). I know of some folks that live in FL and only rent so they can qualify for stuff like that. Some folks always know a way to beat the system.
  6. A friend of mine's son (they live in PCB) was given a number for him to call about insurance. He goes to school at Haney and works part time as a cook. He was told that he could get insurance for almost free because of his income. I am waiting to find out how it turns out.
  7. No--not at the new light. You could see all the lights a ways past that.
  8. The wreck was past the high school--at Old Villa Rica. I sat in traffic for both wrecks and never got past the bottom of the hill before the high school. Finally turned around there and went back and hit Scoggins and come in that way. I had sat in traffic for about 40 minutes at that time. What is normally a 40-45 minute ride to work turned into almost 2 hours. As I said in my other post--just from all the lights flashing--it looked really bad. There were numerous rescue and ambulances--along with the blue lights.
  9. Two accidents between the Dollar Store and Grands. The one by the Dollar Store was off to the side, but left a lot of glass and debris in the road. The one right past the high school had the road shut down. I finally got to a place where I could turn around and went back to Scoggins and come around that way. What is normally a 40-45 minute drive, took me almost 2 hours this morning. Hope the folks in the wrecks were OK, but the one past the hospital seemed to be pretty bad. And NO, I do not know what kind of cars it was and even if I did--I wouldn't post on here.
  10. You know, there are a lot of us that would love to have this "no choice" insurance. And don't even talk to me about furlough days. With this economy, I have had to take a job making $1000 less a month, with no benefits--just to get off unemployment. When your gross is now less that what your take home was a few months ago--it hurts, really hurts. But hey, I am working and not living off the government. I could have been one of those that sat around on unemployment for the duration--but that's not me.
  11. Yeah--what they said!!! Since I am less than 2 miles from there and go by there everyday on my way home--why wouldn't I want one there??? And I would much rather see a Subway than another fast food burger joint.
  12. I bet it will do good in that location, with all the folks that live in that area. Not much close by except McDonalds, Merles and pizza. At least it is somewhat healthy food (if you order it that way) at a decent price. Just glad for something different and not having to drive 10-15 miles to get it.
  13. There is a Freds in Cartersville. I have been there several times in the last few weeks!!
  14. Maxwell Farms has Jalapeno Candy listed on their website for $5 a jar. She is right off Macland Road.
  15. Look up Maxwell Farms on the net. She is in Dallas and pretty sure she makes them (or something similar). She sells at the farmers markets and also at several different shops in the area.
  16. tbird


    Spitting snow in Cartersville too!!
  17. I know that I don't have a scanner any longer, so I don't hear lots of stuff. Mine finally dies, but I think the County also changed it where you had to have a more powerful model and the ones everybody had don't work any longer. But yea--I agree. We don't hear as much on here as we used to.
  18. The only way that I want either snow or ice--is if there is no doubt that I can get to work or not!! None of this "I think you can make it"!!
  19. Tell her about the Facebook Paulding County Yardsale page. There are always baby stuff on it and at good prices. That is, unless she is too good for used stuff (which it sound like she might be!!). LOL
  20. That is exactly what I am thinking!! Why isn't the mother telling her that this isn't done. I was always told that you didn't get a shower for the second or third unless there was a big gap in ages. And if she needs a new dresser and all that crap--I guess she better be hitting up the second hand stores!! I raised 3 kids and never had a changing table, stroller, etc. Got a baby bed (my parents bought it) and that was it. Had a very small shower for my first born and we actually had it a few weeks after he was born due to a medical emergency with one of my uncles. Heck, I am s
  21. I tend to agree. My oldest granddaughter wanted the Itty Baby many years ago. I did get it for her for Christmas that year, but that was all she got from me. The baby kit was $100 and that was my limit for her that year. She was given a choice and that's what she wanted. To this day--it is still called "the hundred dollar baby". My two youngest granddaughters have the dolls from Cracker Barrel. They look pretty much just like the American Girl dolls. They get most of their clothes from Target. Silly little girls think they have American Girl Dolls!! Of course, they are only 6 and 8 now
  22. I know of a guy (a former co-worker's brother) that actually lives in Colorado (or somewhere near) and works on a MJ farm!! It is a very suiting job for him!!
  23. Dang, didn't know you had them over there. But I am surprised that the a$$hat guy with the HOA hasn't complained!! But then again, he does stay down on 30A most of the time!!
  24. And this surprises anybody??? This is Douglas County we are talking about. They are probably the most crooked county around. They are definitely the hardest to deal with in any type of legal situation.
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