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Everything posted by tbird

  1. OK--I am not an idiot so you don't have to talk to me like that. But then again, it's your way of doing things. What I am saying is, just like with any company, organization or like, there should be a contract and a term attached to that contract. Yeah, I get it that they "know stuff", but that can be good and bad. I just don't think that one law firm should have the monopoly on the job--forever.
  2. You are probably right on the money!! Seems like there should be some sort of ruling that a single law firm doesn't have the job but "x" number of years. This firm has held the job for quite some time and, if I am not mistaken, the prior firm (or attorney) held the position for quite some time. Just lots of crazy things that go on in and around that Courthouse!!
  3. Although I don't agree with what he did--filing bankruptcy is considered public knowledge. There is actually a magazine that lists all filings with the Federal Court every week. However, it is against the law to discriminate against anybody for filing. You cannot be specifically fired from your job, etc. Of course, they can always find another reason for letting you go.
  4. I have a friend that lives in Panama City beach and she took in a feral cat about 7 years ago. It took her almost 3 years to get him to let her pet him. She kept at it, sitting close by while he was eating, talking to him, etc. He is now the fattest, laziest cat you have ever seen!! Not real friendly to a lot of folks--he is very picky. She did find out last week that he has the feline version of HIV. They are trying a new medicine on him now. Funny thing is, she is 67 yrs old and this is the first cat she has ever had! She has always hated cats before.
  5. I have Uverse and have no problems at all. I only have internet with them, since I dropped all of my cable a while back. I work from home (on computer all day) and have no problems at all. Everytime tech support from one of my jobs tests my computer and internet speed--there are no problems at all and the speed of the internet is more than what is required.
  6. Heck, I worked at Lockheed--on C5B's. At least I know a little about "airplanes". That might make me more qualifed than him!! LOL
  7. Yes, they are supposed to clean up. The add an extra charge for the cleanup. That is why I let my adjuster and the GSP know that they left the doors in the woods. I am sure that there was other "debris" left there because I am still missing several pairs of sunglasses, a keychain that had all my little tags from stores on it, ashtray that was hanging from door and several charger cords. They were NOT in the vehicle when it was cleaned out and no signs of them broken either. But doors??? Why would you leave doors at an accident site? They tried to tell me that GSP told them to leave them becaus
  8. Yes, I get everything except channel 11 for some reason. Lots of oddball channels with the antenna!
  9. I have lived here all my life, as have many of my past generations. Although my Dad was not from here (Carroll County), he was a business owner here in Paulding for many, many years. I don't have (and have never had) any special benefits!! LOL Guess since my last name wasn't one of the chosen few and my family was not one of the wealthiest in the county--I don't qualify!!
  10. It's really not bad, although I did get the 13 yr old grandson to hook everything up!! LOL Once you get everything hooked up, you just use your remote like on cable!
  11. My house sits sort of down in a hole and we get good reception with those. My only problem is the TV in the living room becuase of where it is located is on the wall of the porch. That TV will not pick up channel 11, but gets everything else. Works fine on the other TV's. I have 2 Vizio TV's in the bedrooms and they work fine with the Roku. I get Hulu and Netflix on both. You can get the Roku sticks for under $40 on Amazon. I use the sticks in the bedrooms and have the little box (about 3 inches square) in the living room. I bought a little holder for the box that clips to the back of the
  12. Got them from Amazon. $20 each http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00S88B9OM?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00
  13. Haven't found many from USA. I think Greys Anatomy is on both Hulu and Netflix? I ditched my cable about 6 months ago, got Roku's and HD antennas and haven't regretted for one moment! The initial cost for 3 TV's was about $175, but by paying less than $20 a month for cable now has made it well worth it. I went from paying $160 for cable and internet to paying $55 for internet and less than $20 for TV. Most episodes are available the next day.
  14. I know that they are allowed to charge certain "administrative" fees and clean up fees on wrecks. One of my jobs is working for a roadside assistance company and we are not even allowed to dispatch wreck calls due to the unknown charges. They are never the same as just a break down tow. We have to transfer the customer to their insurance company and they dispatch the tow. From personal experiance, I do know that GSP has some control over the wrecker companies. My son was in a wreck in my vehicle right down from my house. He had to be cut out of the vehicle and the idiots left the doors
  15. And watch the yardsale sites on FB. Although, some of those folks seem to ask some crazy prices for a used dress--you can find some good deals on there at times.
  16. Another stupid question. If all this wrong doing has been going on--why is GBI or some other government agency not investigating all of this?
  17. This may be a crazy question, but, is all of the money gone? If so, did anybody get an accounting of where it went? If there is money left, can it be used as a lump payment on the bond? (I have no clue how they work!) Is there a way or system that can make sure that no more funds from the bond can be spent now?
  18. Whatever--as long as you are happy.
  19. If you read the whole thing--you would have realized that I was responding to her comment wondering if they were at 92 and Brownsville--not the one right off CH James.
  20. Maybe she means a lien?? Could be like a material mans lien. I know landscapers and such that have filed those for work done and never paid for.
  21. Even from 92 and Brownsville--Douglas would be the closer hospital.
  22. Hate to hear this. Becky was such a sweetheart! Knew her through many differnet venues--kids went to school together, the dentist office and then our kids clogged together.
  23. Next question would be where do they get the money to post bail?? Wonder if they had that much drug money stashed?
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