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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. My neighbor parks his rusty busted A*& old truck in the center of his front yard to save him the walk from his driveway to his front door... Our community is a NICE neighborhood with sodded, landscaped, well kept yards. He and his truck are an eyesore! ( and he knows it and does it for spite! ) I have another neighbor that has swimming pool parties. Their guests park on the street. I don't have a problem with pool parties or parking on the street. I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PARKING ON THE STREET BLOCKING ME FROM BACKING OUT OF MY DRIVEWAY! Some people can be so rude. VENT OVER!
  2. I know what you mean. I have a similar herd of critters stalking me reguarly at my house too!
  3. CONGRATS to your daughter!!! & Here is Kenny Ormwald
  4. I learned small bit of German (AKA Deutschlander) when I lived in the Netherlands. I could ride my bike down the street and be in West Germany( They call it Deutschland). It's not a "pretty" language,(all the icks and ishes..) but I think you will find alot of common everyday words flow from German. For example: Kinder(child) garten (garden) = Child Garden. I was amazed at how much I could pick up on when bargaining at local markets. I appauld your efforts! Enjoy! Once you master it, book your flight for OKTOBERFEST and belly up to the stine babee! P.S. Everyone in western eu
  5. I lost a good friend to suicide just last year. Depression and an abusive relationship. I was sad, and then just damn angry! There are so many options. Unfortunately, unles we walk a mile in their shoes, we will never know what they endured. (((Hugs))) Sending prayers up for you and her family.
  6. HA! I remember Lester Maddox riding his bicycle around the square of Marietta sitting backwards on the bike. My family was having Sunday dinner at the diner and he rolled by, and I looked... looked again, and as little as I was, I said "Daddy, WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT MAN?"!!! Saw him again when he was using his Axe handle justice speech... again on the square of Marietta, asked my Daddy again. . . Then there was JB Stoner with his "boat cart back to Africa" campaign. . . Man, they were both nuts and I'm sorry I ever had to witness either one of them! (edited to add Madd
  7. DS had BOA. BOA is the debil!
  8. Kids say THE DARNDEST thangs! Go girl!
  9. I had someone light up a cigarette and stand in front of my three kids tipping ashes and blowing smoke all over them. H the ELL yeah I said something. She moved away REAL FAST LIKE. (insert image of when enraged momma bear attacks HERE!!)
  10. er, wrong,cause chihua hua's go meeeep meep, they don't go WOOF WOOF!
  11. One call, that's all. Jack Rosenberg, Attorney-Mediator, Employment/Discrimination Law, Unemployment Appeals State Reg.d Mediator Fed'l Ct. Cert'd Arbitrator Mediation trainer EEOC 1-800-669-4000 Ret'd RTC & FDIC Atty/Inv.r Jack Rosenberg Attorney-Mediator Suite W405 1117 Perimeter Center West Atlanta, GA 30338 O:678-736-5746 F:678-736-5199 Email
  12. ...... cleaning up the water I just spit all over my keyboard!!! I KRWILLS! You crack me up!
  13. Click HERE Use your mouse to navigate; hold down the left button and move around. (Don’t get dizzy.) You can use the magnifier in the left lower corner. I doubt that any of us will ever be able to see the Sistine Chapel with this clarity or lack of obstruction. With all the crowds of tourists, you could never in your lifetime get this view, much less be able to zoom in, and see every minor detail so clearly. This is just amazing to me. Enjoy!
  14. My kids went to Northside with Joey and share many fond memories of friendship. He will be missed by many. Prayers for the family. I cannot imagine your grief in losing a child, a brother, a son. Your family will be in my family's thoughts and prayers.
  15. Mothers on Poydras. YUM YUM YUM!!! Everything is delicious there! Mothers menu
  16. I am not bothered by parties and parking on the street, but.... when they block my driveway!!! Then the shoe is on the other foot! My neighboor has a swimming pool and every summer the street fills with cars parked in front of their house. Yay for them. However, their guests constantly block my driveway. We've tried the friendly chat to no avail. I've all but given up, but it really, REALLY irks me that folks could be so inconsiderate of others as to block their driveway. I am currently turning the other cheek for now.
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