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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. 4 years to serve and 9 years probation after that. It's just not right. SMH
  2. There is a pay service that records all media/news reports. If they don't locate the footage it's no charge to you. Here is their info: Track TV P. O. Box 116 Shady Dale, Georgia 31085 (800) 949-6397 Luck!!
  3. I found out about this earlier this week. This site lists the cost of your home, your spouses name, YOUR CHILDRENS NAMES!!! I deleted myself immediately!
  4. *****HIJACK!!****** Where are the jello shots and whip cream?
  5. Sad fact of life...After Monday & Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F !!
  6. It is my understanding that the uncle and cousin happened upon it in the back of a truck riding down the road and his cousin jumped out and ran up on the two guys in truck with stolen 4 wheeler and took matters in to his own hands PC/fists O fury style until the POPO arrived. 15 year old passenger/Perp is known, but got he away. But they know who he is. 4 wheeler recovered. (edited to add Yay "STROKIN!")
  7. Because the DA is running the show now, not the police. Loose lips sink conviction ships.
  8. Actually, I tried this. That online form is for Marshal complaints. They told me to "call 770-443-3010 and speak to Major Morris. You have the option of calling the non emergency number for a Sheriff’s deputy to be dispatched when this is ongoing. The number is 770-445-2117." The fix it form is just for things the Marshal can address such as: Abandoned vehicles Blocked drainage channel Damaged curb Damaged sidewalk Dogs barking or running loose Erosion & Sediment Control Litter Loose / protruding manhole cover Noise nuisance Overhanging trees / shrubs
  9. Try Nelly, Kim or Jackie http://www.nellysbeachcondos.com 800-872-0283 We stayed at the Calypso and were thoroughly impressed.
  10. DH is from Tellico Plains, and has extended family in Lenoir City. I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEE TN! P.S. No pants on the ground ..... jus sayin...
  11. Contact Allan Gurecki, reasonable and honest service. Glass 2 u
  12. Tim the turtle. He had a whistle that came with him. If you blew the whistle it activated his legs and he'd come crawling. I could have him buried in the bottom of my toy box and blow that whistle and locate him immediately. It was like the 1970's version of the car alarm for your turtle toy.. HA!
  13. Looks yummy! Receipes please???!!!!
  14. Prayers for the family. Mr. Woodward was a kind and loving man. May he rest in peace.
  15. Last year we got lunch at the Standard club and time off the week between Christmas and New Years with pay. Bonus is based on how the firm did ranging anywhere from $1000 to $5000. But we get periodic bonuses throughout the year for performance and when larger cases settle. This year we're going to Greenwood's in Roswell for a private luncheon at "the yellow house". To be catered by Chef Bill Greenwood. YUM. I cannot wait until lunch tomorrow! And of course I can't wait for the time off during the holidays!
  16. If you are missing your car reindeer antler (complete with jingle bell and ribbons!! ) it can be located on East Paulding Drive at 120. No sign of the Rudolph nose or matching antler. That is all. Hoohaa out!
  17. Um, there's an app for that. And it's free. It's called Prey Project. You can track when your laptop/iphone, etc. logs on. Take screen shots, web cam pics.. Triangle wifi connections to pin point location and assist the popo in recovering your items and the scumbag that has them. "Prey lets you keep track of your phone or laptop at all times, and will help you find it if it ever gets lost or stolen. It's lightweight, open source software, and free for anyone to use. And it just works." Prey Project
  18. You can go to the criminal conviction records dept. at the courthouse and do a manual computer search. Trouble is you gotta know what county(ies) to look in. There are other options, open records requests, etc. but they cost alot more money than just walking into the courthouse and looking it up for free. They will charge you per page if you want to print it out. Luck!
  19. I blame the lawyer. Can you say UNETHICAL behavior? Sounds like Mom is a sore loser cause her lil darling caused the accident and all the occupants done got their settlement money, now Mom wants her piece of the pie.....so who can we blame, the eyewitness/first responder who stopped and rendered aid to lil darlin? Stuff like this makes my head hurt!
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