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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. (((hugs))) That's rotten. Lesson learned. Prayers sent! Get on up and run! Leave em behind ya! There are bigger and better things ahead of you.
  2. That would be tax money WELL SPENT. I'd pay extra!
  3. To give you another view from my perspective. I was a witness for the State of Georgia in the trial of Fred Tokars. I knew both Sara and Fred AND THEIR CHILDREN. The two ladies on that Walker county jury got it wrong by voting to spare his life. If ever there was a case where there was no doubt and justice needed to be swift, this was it. Instead, we've been paying to feed and house him. KARMA however, came thru in the end and has a message for old Fred. He is now dying in the federal hospital suffering with the final stages of multiple sclerosis. Not to wish ill on anyone. My God is
  4. Can you help a sister out? I need a cipher fer dat code please?
  5. So sorry bout that. I tried to be modest. I left out the part about how she rolls it between her fingers and can't get it off her fingers.... Milk crust on the jug is disgusting. Just wait, one day he'll get a big crusty plug of dried milk falling in his cherrios and the problem should correct itself.
  6. HIJACK - I love me some Aunt Sandy too! Don't get my husband started...... So, just how big do you think the warehouse is that houses all those "tablescapes" and assorted charger plates and what not. She's decoratively INSANE in the membrane! Wonderful, but how big IS that warehouse!!!
  7. Reminds me of Emily Litella (Gilda Radner) on SNL's eye booger routine.
  8. He'll have plenty of time to repent, while his lawyers try to get their mugs on TV for advertisement of their services, appealing over and again. Meanwhile we foot the bill to feed and house him. I have no urge to feed/house/clothe ruthless murderers while they appeal over and again, re-opening the trajic wounds of the victim's family left behind. Not my fav. topic! Just my opinion. Kinda like TP. Everybody uses it.
  9. Great minds think alike! Gittyup!
  10. DH was a SAHD for over three years. Not by choice. It wasn't always easy. But once he got the hang of it, I was in 7th heaven. He put Hazel/Paula Deen to shame! My house was spotless. My laundry was always done. Gourmet meals waiting on me at home every night! My lunch was packed and ready to go (gourmet!). All my errands were run for me. HEAVEN! Glass of chilled white merlot in my hand as soon as I walked in the door. DARN IT! He got THE JOB, and now I miss those days! I like the extra money, but I sure do miss the pampering! Whine....
  11. Anyone else see the IRONY in TP calling chickens pecker faces?
  12. Captin Oblivious is already infamous! I stand in awe of your infamousness! *****SKRONK*****
  13. Mine is I mean WAS. Tastes like chicken!
  14. Oh darn. Didn't have my glasses on. I thought it said BEER! The power of a good mis-read suggestion.. Too late now! Dinner!!!
  15. Anyone else here just seeing your young uns all dressed up in formal gown/or dress blue uniforms and out the door? I just got done with an afternoon of getting DD's nails, hair, makeup done. The dress, the jewelry, the shoes. She looked great, so did her date. But I am so glad they're off for their formal dinner and dancing. WHEW! I can rest!!!!! Hats off to Col N. & Sgt. G That big box of crazy teenage nerves is in their hands for the evening!!! Anybody else get run over by this train of craziness known as high schoolers getting their formal on today?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMNry4PE93Y
  17. THREE WORDS... ONLINE SOBRIETY TEST Help me help you. Kumbaya...
  18. The Baby Ruth candy bar was actually named after Grover Cleveland's baby daughter, Ruth. Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of unwanted people without killing them used to burn their houses down -- hence the expression "to get fired" Nobody knows who built the Taj Mahal. The names of the architects, masons, and designers that have come down to us have all proved to be latter-day inventions, and there is no evidence to indicate who the real creators were. Every human spent about half an hour a
  19. Dear Martha Stewart: I have this brown stain on my nice, white, fluffy butt...
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