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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. That was kinda my point of firing up the E cig with the non smoke Smoke and freaking people out having them ASSume it was a real cigarette. Then pointing finger, giggling.
  2. I bet no one here knows that I secretly think Allison Dubois is just a tad skeery I secretly wanna get myself one of those new fangled lectric cigs to fire it up in a crowd in public sending anti cigarette folks in a tizzy! Even tho I don't smoke and I'm usually the anti cig tizzier...
  3. I'm confused, are we talking humor style, aka Hoohaa is a porkaholic.... or are we back to the bullies again? Wasn't the bullies another topic? jus sayin...
  4. From one of my DF's ex-navy on Facebook: "Kill the pirates already! Bomb their village. KILL them!You can't cuddle with a fire ant!!" I do believe the concensus is growing.
  5. I MUST confess.....I have of late become a PORKAHOLIC. Served with cold beer! Nom Nom Nom. (Arnold beware!)
  6. I believe the Russians have the better way of "dealing with Somali Pirates" DEALING WITH SOMALI PIRATES RUSSIAN STYLE
  7. My sons were polar opposites as kids. One was well mannered,mild and soft hearted. I can't recall ever having to get onto him for anything other than older brother vs. younger brother - don't mess with my stuff issues. Never had any issues with dear daughter. The younger son was a hellion, sweet, but a hellion. He got kicked out of daycare the first time at age 2. They'd say stop and he would go. He was pushing peoples buttons from a young age. He was pleasant enough about it though. Always smiling ear to ear as he tore threw the house, etc. He'll turn 20 next month and he could still use a fe
  8. Lost my Mom to Hepatitis. She got it from a blood transfusion back in 1984. We knew instantly as she swelled up and turned yellow within an hour of receiving the transfusion. All that for an ulcer...Hepatitis attacks the liver. Slow painful fight for her. This was back during the Aids ignorance era, and folks that didn't know her and saw her frailty would cringe and run, thinking she had AIDS. She mercifully passed in 1991. Whomever you are inquiring for needs to get to the Gastroenterologist asap and get the 411 on what ails ya. Luck!
  9. Symptoms By Mayo Clinic staff Signs and symptoms of liver problems include: ■Discolored skin and eyes that appear yellowish ■Abdominal pain and swelling ■Itchy skin that doesn't seem to go away ■Dark urine color ■Pale stool color ■Bloody or tar-colored stool ■Chronic fatigue ■Nausea ■Loss of appetite When to see a doctor Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any persistent signs or symptoms that worry you. Seek immediate medical attention if you have abdominal pain that is so severe that you can't stay still.
  10. Prayers for all involved and their families & loved ones.
  11. Look up at the top of the page, to the right of FORUMS. Or try this SUBSCRIPTIONS
  12. Oh, Zoo Atlanta! Thank Gawd! For a minute I thought you were trying to invite folks over to my house!
  13. I was suffering with a high fever from a bladder infection. I woke up from the most vivid dream of driving along with DH when someone pulled up beside us pointing fingers and cursing. DH followed them home. They talked and the road rager invited us in his home. Creepy. Like maybe he had folks held captive buried in boxes with air holes in the back yard creepy. DH and he got along, swapping stories, telling tall tales. When I noticed DH wasn't acting right. He was sipping on a drink our "host" had offered him. I immediately thought he'd been drugged. I started pulling and pushing at DH we have
  14. hoohaa

    Woot Woot

    Thank you. Not Tech. Georgia State. Still just as proud though!
  15. hoohaa

    Woot Woot

    Dear son Brandon just found out that he gets to present a poster at the 4th International Symposium on Cancer Metastasis and the Lymphovascular System: Basis for Rational Therapy in Manhattan this May! Whew, that's alot to say! Manhattan Symposium Poster presentation explanation He stays so busy it's hard to keep up with him. He currently has 3 jobs whilst he waits for his med school acceptance for next fall. He's got his Master's Degree: Cell/Molecular Biology, Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience. His primary job is as the lab manager at a Surgical Oncology Center at the U of A Ari
  16. YAY!! I won't have to drag myself to the big Orange store in Hiram! YAY!!
  17. That is awesome! Congratulations to her!!
  18. Forgive me for correcting my elders, but JJ I believe you are referring to the ice storm of 1973, cause I was round bout then! No power, and Mom wouldnt let us play in the ice for all the snapping tree limbs! HIGH JACK - steering off topic!Just for curiosity sake, here's some info about the record precip/and goings on in 1973.. January 3, 1973 Andrew Young elected representative of the Fifth District. January 8, 1973 Ice fell in Atlanta and north Georgia, followed by an unusual 96 hour below freezing period. Restoring power took more than a week. January 22, 1973 Using the R
  19. Good to hear it turned out well for you Michael! That's awesome news!
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