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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. Bone spurs both feet here. I have a pair of new balance from Kohls, they're OK. Basically any shoe with a heel will help stretch the tendon and give you relief. Your dr. should have shown you some stretching exercises for your heel cords as well. It helps. Sadly, no flats. It will just remind you the spurs are there.
  2. Hope you have a wonderful cruise. Don't forget to post pics when you return!
  3. Lowrider you and your Mom will be in my thoughts and prayers. {{{HUGS}}}. Try your best to enjoy the time you have together. Taking her the home cooking sounds like a real good idea. Beans and cornbread. I lost my Mom to a chronic illness twenty years ago this July. I miss her everyday. I only wish that we could have brought her home to pass. Grab all the hugs and I love you's you can. Please hug her once for me too! I am so sorry you are going through this. Please know that you are not alone.
  4. Chiro works great for what ails you and for regular maintenance and to get you aligned. But add to that a once a month massage and you'll be good as new! Deep tissue massage is good to loosen up the muscles that are causing the pinch. Drink lots of water before and after. My boss hooked me up with one of his massage therapists and she comes to my home in East Paulding. Brings her table for $80 for an hour and you'll slide off the table like melted butter. PM me!
  5. hoohaa


  6. hoohaa


  7. Blood Sweat and Tears 1969 - I was 4! All I remember is I liked this song cause it played over and over in the juke box poolside at the Elks Club in Marietta. I would dance and make my oldest brother mad! He was the life guard and didn't want me falling in the pool! Good times! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi9sLkyhhlE
  8. Lawdy, DH and I went Friday night. Shrimp po boy, crab bisque, DH had the gumbo and a crawfish pie. They had to roll us out the front door. It was delicious! I can't believe they've been open one year this week and that's the first time we've eaten there. DH got take home gumbo. He's hooked!
  9. What Tabby Cat said! Prayers for your Mom, you and your family.
  10. Where are they located? I feel in love with NO cooking when I went on an eating tour of NO while pregnant with baby Haa.
  11. I block all spam unless it is something that I've signed up for. Even then, sometimes I have to unsubscribe when they go update crazy... Does this help?
  12. My mistake. All those quotes and re-quotes, they've all become a blur.
  13. I would love to but I can't get home from work in time to get there to B-POSITIVE!
  14. But we all love your posts LR!!!
  15. Since you already posted this quoted thread in another thread, there is no guessing. It's the big bopper. Next?
  16. A mature (over 60) lady gets pulled over for speeding... Older Woman : Is there a problem, Officer? Officer: Ma'am, you were speeding. Older Woman: Oh, I see. Officer: Can I see your license please? Older Woman: I'd give it to you but I don't have one. Officer: Don't have one? Older Woman: Lost it, 4 years ago for drunk driving. Officer: I see...Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.. Older Woman : I can't do that. Officer: Why not? Older Woman: I stole this car. Officer: Stole it? Older Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up
  17. They work hard. They deserve it! Unarmed Air Force Eastern National Champions 2010 Distinguished Unit 2007-2008-2009-2010
  18. I'm thinking these are the same "brainiacs" that can't figure out how to use that "turn indicator stick aka TURN SIGNAL" on the left side of the steering wheel!!!
  19. They're loading up the bus to head to National Drill competition in Washington DC NOW! Should make DC before dinner time. WOOT WOOT! Go EPHS ROTC! They'll be there all weekend and get to tour most if not all the sights. And it's Cherry Blossom Festival starting this weekend. Should come back with some nice pics.
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