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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. How are you doing this? Do you unplug everything in your home?
  2. I just told my husband last night how beautiful the flock of turkeys was that I saw over on Cheatham Hill Road yesterday. There is a whole herd of them, couple of Tom's and several ladies. They've been hanging out there for a couple weeks now. Now if we can just get the stray lady turkey bird that keeps popping up gobble gobbling all along East Paulding Drive at Auto Zone to return to a flock.....she's gonna get run over. She's there daily! The other morning a woman got out trying to shoo her back up into the woods and she chased that bird in circles all over the road. It was hilarious! V
  3. It's the repaving job on business 6. They pave at night. The dump trucks have to run to the asphalt plant and return to business 6. They get paid by the load.
  4. Too much sampling the Cabo Wabo off the production line! WINNING!!!
  5. This is pretty fun. D..nYouAutoCorrect
  6. Any updates? DD made it home before the wreck, she had no info. But my adult nephew is MIA. ANY UPDATES?
  7. So the trip to SOBE was fun huh?
  8. I know he's in the original post, but hey, I like visual aids to aid emphasis....
  9. May the Irish hills caress you. May her lakes and rivers bless you. May the luck of the Irish enfold you. May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you. HAPPY SAINT PATRICK's DAY!
  10. I can't wait to cast my line!!! I am so over winter!
  11. Curious Surepip. What do you use for marinade on braised chicken hearts?
  12. U2 of course, but I really like the Cranberries. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6Kspj3OO0s
  13. That is awesome! I could be wrong,(If I am I AM ASSURED PCOM WILL CORRECT ME...) but I think that now he is of age, you would simply need to change his name. Attorney Jean O'Halleran comes to mind. She's a commerce member.
  14. Denise it is so good to hear from you. I was thinking about you just the other day wondering when we'd hear from you. ((HUGS)) You and Phillip are in my prayers. Sending you love and light! Winship is awesome. Dear son worked in the pathology lab there for Dr. Brat. He has the utmost respect for Dr. Brat and his entire staff. They do some great work there! You are in good hands! Please, when you have time, keep us updated. Annette
  15. Whatever she does, she needs to act fast. 10 day rule. You only have 10 days from the date of your DUI arrest to request an Administrative hearing or your license is automatically suspended for one year. No if's ands or butts! At least if she does that she can keep her license until her DUI hearing so she has the ability to drive to work legally. Tell her to get to stepping!
  16. It is sad. But you know, you gotta do what you gotta do for you. Filters. Self preservation and all that. The world is rapidly becoming a very different place with all the instant in you face news of the worst tragedies broadcast for all to see. If we take it all in, we'd all be clinically depressed 24/7, or at least those of us with a soul. I can't watch the news anymore. I wish it were like it was back in the 70s, all PG and family friendly. They'd save the gorry details for the 11 pm broadcast when the kids were asleep. Filters can be a good thing. ((hugs))
  17. His voice is like nails on a chalk board! What an ass hat. I bet this ends his voice overs for Disney too. SMH, I will never understand why some folks just don't think before they open their mouth/tweet.
  18. My nephew works for Microsoft in Arizona. Microsoft has dampers/blockers on keeping them off their cell phones while inside the building. It's a productivity thing. . . .
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